Not true that CECA has led to reduced number of Indian Nationals working in S'pore

It is misleading to say CECA reduces the number of foreign Nationals from India working in Singapore by increasing restrictions. This misinformation has to be prevented from spreading as it is just not true.

Such misinformation can undermine the interests of Singaporeans and lead to support for policies that are incorrect. I want to warn Singaporeans to be wary 

It is also not true that increased foreign influx has no impact on rising cost of living and competition for jobs. Those spreading such malicious misinformation can cause us to let our guard down and things can only get worse.

It is it also not true that signing FTA blindly without scrutinizing the actually clauses is good for a country. Those who claim that FTA is good regardless of the content of the FTA are misleading the public. The benefits of an FTA comes only when they are properly negotiated. That is why it is possible to have a FTA that is bad for us.  I love durians doesn't mean I love rotten durians also.

The biggest causalty of the 10hr debate on jobs in Parliament is the proper use of Logic ...putting words in people's mouth ...mangling what is said seems to be the approach our leadership has chosen. Is this the standard we want from our leaders?

Yes, they also say there is misinformation regarding CECA allowing "unconditional" entry of Indian nationals to come to Singapore to work..i.e. they can buy a ticket land here and work.....

But the real misinformation here is nobody ever said that!.....The actual misinformation is nobody from the opposition spread that misinformation about "unconditional" jobs. Hazel Pia ask for proof of this allegation and did not get any .....

[Image: 0eDFOIH.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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Does anyone know to get PRC work permit into Sg need how many Singaporean ?

You dont see much PRC in construction nowadays.... they have been targeted.

Now CECA complaining ?? Wow...


(17-09-2021, 07:56 AM)5354 Wrote:  Learn to shake off your xenophobic racist stench

The only truth that matters - majority of the jobs created had gone to Singaporeans born and bred here

Without CECA the majority of jobs does not go to S'poreans?

Majority of jobs is not a measure of benefits as Singaporeans already has a majority of jobs before CECA did not improve anything if you go by that.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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For years, some companies have been practising hiring on their kind only. this has been a natural course, due to business nature and language barrier. The whole debate should anchor on CECA policy and the percentage of certain nationality should have a cap.

Without them the construction will be shortage as they are Low pay.

(17-09-2021, 08:32 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Without CECA the majority of jobs does not go to S'poreans?

Majority of jobs is not a measure of benefits as Singaporeans already has a majority of jobs before CECA did not improve anything if you go by that.

enough of debate.
the affected PMETs can wait years without any help.
i know PMETs registered with govt help and still jobless or under-employed for 1 year.

the govt does not give enough help to PMETs affected by CECA.

oppositions should find out the actual PMETs affected and give the list to the govt to help them directly.

what is the point of debate when PMETs receive no direct or immediate help ?
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Imported talents to this tiny island added to the largely malay bugis pirate fishing settlement in the early days of Temasek Singa Pura without which it is likely to be what you still see something resembling Johore now even with modernisation?

Without which the fathers of LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Tharman might not even be here?

What needs adjustment is the speed at which such imports are set and the type and ratio mix of these imports?

(17-09-2021, 09:35 AM)5354 Wrote:  lj talk

PAP has given jobless PMETs a lot of help 

To help them get reemployed

You don't know because you not PMET

since you are jobless PMET, you can prove us wrong that you can get a job (which requires a degree) 
with help from the govt agency.

you have 1 year to prove us wrong that govt hep is useful to PMETs

(17-09-2021, 09:35 AM)NoActionTalkOnly Wrote:  Imported talents to this tiny island added to the largely malay bugis pirate fishing settlement in the early days of Temasek Singa Pura without which it is likely to be what you still see something resembling Johore now even with modernisation?

Without which the fathers of LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Tharman might not even be here?

What needs adjustment is the speed at which such imports are set and the type and ratio mix of these imports?

Immigration issue is always about knowing how to set the right numbers and maximise the benefits for your citizens.

This was not proven in the debate. 

What they did was try to corner PSP to say they support  CECA. They also tried to smear those against ceca as racist and xenophobes. They also mock opposition members.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(17-09-2021, 09:41 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Immigration issue is always about knowing how to set the right numbers and maximise the benefits for your citizens.

This was not proven in the debate. 

What they did was try to corner PSP to say they support  CECA. They also tried to smear those against ceca as racist and xenophobes. They also mock opposition members.

oppositions must know 1 fact that they cannot never win debate if they need to depend on requesting govt data.

(17-09-2021, 08:32 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Without CECA the majority of jobs does not go to S'poreans?

Majority of jobs is not a measure of benefits as Singaporeans already has a majority of jobs before CECA did not improve anything if you go by that.

They have lost the direction.
Welcome to Indiapore.

They only want young and cheap foreign workers.
You still dont get it?

Dont be naive to expect the one who creates the problem will solve the problem.

Once most of the jobs stolen by Ftrashes from CECA.... Obeegood.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(17-09-2021, 09:45 AM)5354 Wrote:  And I have been receiving emails every week offering me help to get a job

Like all PMETs, they also receive email monthly but still cannot get jobs.
you can receive emails for 1 year and still jobless

(17-09-2021, 07:56 AM)5354 Wrote:  Learn to shake off your xenophobic racist stench

The only truth that matters - majority of the jobs created had gone to Singaporeans born and bred here

Please grow up and stop using your Malaysian ego against locals here. Why such extreme xenophobic against locals?

Let me tell you the 8th time,  majority of the jobs are lousy and good jobs gone to FTs.

Tell me how many FTs work as delivery riders?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(17-09-2021, 09:35 AM)5354 Wrote:  lj talk

PAP has given jobless PMETs a lot of help 

To help them get reemployed

You don't know because you not PMET

Your illogical, senseless and Prim 1 response again.

They make 400,000 locals jobless and must come up with 8 Sister Agencies to create 200,000 jobs.

You shaming them very hard. Even HK do not need to Bollywood round to make themselves such unproductive fools in the world like PAP.


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Precisely why in many forum it is easy to find stories about war and rumours of war and even in debates the single most important element is to win the debate perhaps it is in the survival gene of humankind because humans were first hunters before evolving to hunter gatherers?

Take this forum as an example so far any threads on love songs?

To me to settle the debate for CECA you don't need 10hr debate that settle NOTHING. What we need is facts and data to prove S'poreans benefit from CECA.

To do this we need to compare BEFORE and AFTER CECA numbers:

1. Is the cost of living more affordable after CECA is implemented compared with BEFORE CECA?

2. If govt claim CECA creates jobs, is it easier for S'pore graduates/non graduates to get jobs after  CECA compared with BEFORE?

3. Has unemployment rate gone down after CECA?

4. Has the number of Singaporeans displaced to lower end jobs decreased since CECA compared with before?

5. Has relative poverty among Singaporeans declined as after CECA compared with BEFORE?

6. Has the % of Singaporeans in information sector increased after CECA?

Actually Hazel.Poa of PSP ask for all this the debate can be constructive.

Once we look at the data we will know the impact of CECA.

[Image: 4DRgKhn.jpg]

They are wasting our time by claiming they can prove something is true without the relevant data.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Our late dearly departed President Ong asked for some numbers but was told it might take 5 years?

So how many years to work on the number you asked for even if willing will be quite long don't you think so?

Believe and making a balance is a must for the future. The need to always adjust those needs can be difficult and right direction for all.

(17-09-2021, 10:06 AM)5354 Wrote:  Thanks to FTAs and FTs and PAP

Jobless PMETs can earn $5K to $6K a month immediately with Grab

While they compete against other talents for available PMETs jobs

PMETs with relevant skills will always be in demand

Only those with outdated knowledge will have difficulty getting a job

Other countries do not have so many FTAs but can earn much more. 

Foreign PMETs with irrelevant skills, no relevant work experience, unrecognized degree, fake interviews . . .all can get a job in SG.  I have seen it in my company, my friend who went for interview in Raffles Place . . .and hundreds in LinkedIn, too.

No point lying everyday when you know nothing. You are resorting to lies which is the Worst Human Characteristics.

[Image: Wavecell-CFO-Deepraj-B.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(17-09-2021, 09:45 AM)5354 Wrote:  I already told everyone here including you I nailed a job interview with my one page resume thanks to PAP

And I have been receiving emails every week offering me help to get a job

I am a PMET who choose to be workfree now

I can get a job whenever I want

Thank you PAP

You THINK you can get a job whenever you want. Or maybe it's true, because these jobs are food delivery or SDA?

I challenge you to find a PMET job.
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

Is about BALANCE.

LKY Days also Same, mass influx of Malaysian, than later Hk folks due to 97 etc

But At least there is a Balance.

Unlike LHL now Un Balance, what I don't like his way of speech really protect CECA ? what claim local Indians get mistook as CECA , how about Chinese, Malays ? even eurasians?

You surely got mistook before when locals ask u from China or local or From Malaysia or local.

the purpose of oppositions in parliament is to make the govt do real work after the debate.

many times, after debate, the govt did nothing because the oppositions could not win the debate and their motion got rejected.

the oppositions have to collect real data like 1000 PMETs who receive little help from the govt and ask the govt in parliament to help them.
after the debate, the govt has to help them immediately.
this kind of debate is beneficial because PMETs receive immediate help.

After PSP debate on CECA, who is helping PMETs and who are the PMETs to receive help immediately ?

None. It is a useless debate which help no PMET.
[+] 1 user Likes forum456's post

(17-09-2021, 11:30 AM)forum456 Wrote:  the purpose of oppositions in parliament is to make the govt do real work after the debate.

many times, after debate, the govt did nothing because the oppositions could not win the debate and their motion got rejected.

the oppositions have to collect real data like 1000 PMETs who receive little help from the govt and ask the govt in parliament to help them.
after the debate, the govt has to help them immediately.
this kind of debate is beneficial because PMETs receive immediate help.

After PSP debate on CECA, who is helping PMETs and who are the PMETs to receive help immediately ?

None. It is a useless debate which help no PMET.

Due to votes again, So many PAP in the Parliament, every single policy , which need to vote as usual PAP majority no doubt will vote Yes. vs just few vote from opposition.
Of course every single time so call debate in Parliament is the name of what help the people voice out etc.

I think our current lifetime hard to see One day PAP will not be ruling party which even LKY used to say before he not surprise on this if PAP getting crappy candidates, etc.

(17-09-2021, 07:50 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It is misleading to say CECA i  reduces the number of foreign Nationals from India working in Singapore by increasing restrictions. This misinformation has to be prevented from spreading as it is just not true.

Such misinformation can undermine the interests of Singaporeans and lead to support for policies that are incorrect. I want to warn Singaporeans to be wary 

It is also not true that increased foreign influx has no impact on rising cost of living and competition for jobs. Those spreading such malicious misinformation can cause us to let our guard down and things can only get worse.

It is it also not true that signing FTA blindly without scrutinizing the actually clauses is good for a country. Those who claim that FTA is good regardless of the content of the FTA are misleading the public. The benefits of an FTA comes only when they are properly negotiated. That is why it is possible to have a FTA that is bad for us.  I love durians doesn't mean I love rotten durians also.

The biggest causalty of the 10hr debate on jobs in Parliament is the proper use of Logic ...putting words in people's mouth ...mangling what is said seems to be the approach our leadership has chosen. Is this the standard we want from our leaders?

Yes, they also say there is misinformation regarding CECA allowing "unconditional" entry of Indian nationals to come to Singapore to work..i.e. they can buy a ticket land here and work.....

But the real misinformation here is nobody ever said that!.....The actual misinformation is nobody from the opposition spread that misinformation about "unconditional" jobs. Hazel Pia ask for proof of this allegation and did not get any .....

[Image: 0eDFOIH.jpg]

Which minister said that? Has he or she ever work one day in the pte sector?

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(17-09-2021, 10:33 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You THINK you can get a job whenever you want. Or maybe it's true, because these jobs are food delivery or SDA?

I challenge you to find a PMET job.

It was a temp job in healthcare paying $6 per hour ( $7.20 with CPF). This kind of job do not even need any resume nor interview. He must be really bad so the company want to see his resume and call him for interview. 

Last year, my cousin got a temp job in some bubble tea kiosk paying $9/ hr. She just walk in without resume and gave her bank account. 15 mins only. 

But anyway,  I read that Jac Lau aka 5354 got sacked shortly after quarrelling with CECA.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(17-09-2021, 10:33 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You THINK you can get a job whenever you want. Or maybe it's true, because these jobs are food delivery or SDA?

I challenge you to find a PMET job.

Stop wasting time with this useless jobless leeching traitor from Muddysia .... jobless for the longest time not contributing a single cents to SG since he was retrenched 10-20 years ago. His only "job" is garung guni chow tee collector

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(17-09-2021, 11:37 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Due to votes again, So many PAP in the Parliament, every single policy , which need to vote as usual PAP majority no doubt will vote Yes. vs just few vote from opposition.
Of course every single time so call debate in Parliament is the name of what help the people voice out etc.

I think our current lifetime hard to see One day PAP will not be ruling party which even LKY used to say before he not surprise on this if PAP getting crappy candidates, etc.

i am very confident that PAP will not change policy unless one GRC is lost in every election.

the presence of oppositions in parliament cannot change any policy even if they are more competent than PAP.

the purpose of opposition in parliament is to expose the weakness of PAP system so that oppositions can get 
more votes in next election.
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I dun understand? If the white country selling thieves deny it and yet releasing numbers to show they are lying? Are they using digital economy as an excuse but yet India variant CECA InfoComm skill ranking is so lowly

Indian EP holders nearly doubled to 25%, driven by digital economy growth

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

I am very 100% sure Jac Lau will agree to such twisted statement.

If CECA reduce India Indian, then all FTAs will reduce FTs. True??

Sorry. I am smarter not to be easily confused.

[Image: FTAs.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(17-09-2021, 09:40 AM)5354 Wrote:  You fcuking racist, why must you single out CECA

Without FTAs majority of Singaporeans will be fighting among themselves for less jobs

FTAs creates more jobs and better paying jobs for Singaporeans born and bred here

Singapore unemployment rate has been low and stable thanks to jobs created by FTAs including CECA

And ;the majority of new jobs created goes to Singaporeans born and bred here

Get it you stupid racist fcuk!

CECA is not a race. So how can be racist. Are you mad??

Why are you so confused and so blur. FTA is good but CECA has free flow of India people.

You have been in this website for 5 years but still try to lie to make yourself a Fool?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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