The difference in handling covid between MOH & China

China takes a total approach instead of just focusing and relying only on vaccines. They do preventing and controlling, isolating and they trace the spread links from one to another and they also use herb medicine. They don't blindly believing only in double blind test. Singapore banana 'experts' are poked and blinded by double blind tests.  



[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

Singapore is handling covid very well. Unlike China, scared of its own useless vaccine.

(13-01-2022, 08:46 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Singapore is handling covid very well. Unlike China, scared of its own useless vaccine.

Don't keep talking about vaccine. Vaccine is not the solution. It is the total approach including prevention, isolation, medicines, identifications of chains of spread and cut off the spread.  

If you are talking of vaccines, then, you are naive and totally ignorance. Vaccination of Israel is 90+%. Did it stop the virus? Singapore vaccination is more than 85%, why cases and death keep increasing and worse than in 2020 when there was no vaccine, why?   

Vaccines  NOT EQUAL virus free.   
[+] 2 users Like webinarian's post

See the results, lah, stupid. 

[Image: Vaccine07.png]

[Image: Stats08-3.png]

A country with 1.4 billion population with only 166 cases per day.

US is above 1 million cases in a day.

Even Singapore with population of 6 million, can have nearly 1 thousand per day (peak was 5,300 in a day).

communist & democratic ways are definitely different, china go for zero cases & we live with virus.
lockdown is definitely totally different in china & the rest of the world, china one is worse than in jail, the people are tortured, no humanity, freedom & human right. china has lot of fake vaccine, even swab test kit. everyone swab test like crazy, once city kena almost every 1 or 2 days to test once, some places kena> 1 yr, swab test 200-300 times is norm. govt & company money making machine.
but the more they want zero, the faster it spreads all over in china.
what vaccine or flu we jab for all kind of disease, they are still around us, real moronic to call for zero case, same BS, fake & lies commies here bark together with their communist sources of video, news & media, all the twisted, self claimed lies & censored to self praised shamelessly.



China’s Zero Covid Policy Is Falling Apart

China’s Zero Covid Policy Is Falling Apart

疫情中两大政策对比,亲身感受新加坡与病毒共存和中国式清零有啥区别。为什么新加坡防疫政策民众与政府合作配合very nice,中国人却是在受虐

疫情中两大政策对比,亲身感受新加坡与病毒共存和中国式清零有啥区别。为什么新加坡防疫政策民众与政府合作配合very nice,中国人却是在受虐
[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

(13-01-2022, 11:11 AM)kokee Wrote:  communist & democratic ways are definitely different, china go for zero cases & we live with virus.
lockdown is definitely totally different in china & the rest of the world, china one is worse than in jail, the people are tortured, no humanity, freedom & human right. china has lot of fake vaccine, even swab test kit. everyone swab test like crazy, once city kena almost every 1 or 2 days to test once, some places kena> 1 yr, swab test 200-300 times is norm. govt & company money making machine.
but the more they want zero, the faster it spreads all over in china.
what vaccine or flu we jab for all kind of disease, they are still around us, real moronic to call for zero case, same BS, fake & lies commies here bark together with their communist sources of video, news & media, all the twisted, self claimed lies & censored to self praised shamelessly.



China’s Zero Covid Policy Is Falling Apart

China’s Zero Covid Policy Is Falling Apart

疫情中两大政策对比,亲身感受新加坡与病毒共存和中国式清零有啥区别。为什么新加坡防疫政策民众与政府合作配合very nice,中国人却是在受虐

疫情中两大政策对比,亲身感受新加坡与病毒共存和中国式清零有啥区别。为什么新加坡防疫政策民众与政府合作配合very nice,中国人却是在受虐

Exactly correct. TS must be blind.

(13-01-2022, 10:59 AM)webinarian Wrote:  See the results, lah, stupid. 

[Image: Vaccine07.png]

[Image: Stats08-3.png]

already so obvious, how to explain to stupigs? wasting time only
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(13-01-2022, 11:29 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  already so obvious, how to explain to stupigs? wasting time only

People like Kokee aka Century aka Alam are paid handsomely by CIA lah! 

They only see and post what make CIA happy!  Laughing

Tiongkok too draconian but their holistic approach to containing de spread is no wrong. You go our polyclinics dis days they dun even measure your temp. and no need to TT even.

What on earth is going on, poly is where the sick go to see dr for all types of illness but now they boh chup liao.

[Image: IMG-20220113-113330-681.jpg]
[+] 3 users Like Bigiron's post

Can't compare the two as the situation in both is very different. But definitely our MOH's messaging these days is a disaster.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

Vaccination of Israel is 90+%. Did it stop the virus?. Singapore vaccination is more than 85%, why cases and death keep increasing and worse than in 2020.

Clapping Vaccines  NOT EQUAL virus free.
[+] 1 user Likes Teeth53's post

(13-01-2022, 11:35 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  [Image: IMG-20220113-113330-681.jpg]
Rotfl Clapping


(13-01-2022, 11:34 AM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Tiongkok too draconian but their holistic approach to containing de spread is no wrong. You go our polyclinics dis days they dun even measure your temp. and no need to TT even.

What on earth is going on, poly is where the sick go to see dr for all types of illness but now they boh chup liao.

We love to follow AMTK!  Thumbsup

(13-01-2022, 11:35 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  [Image: IMG-20220113-113330-681.jpg]

Laughing Clapping Thumbsup nudie
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(13-01-2022, 11:35 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  [Image: IMG-20220113-113330-681.jpg]

Don't think you can survive a dozen.
So far this we know:
Ist 25% compromised as far as white and red blood  are concerned
2nd will bring cumulative total to 75% compromised meaning u still belong to God.
3rd most likely will tilt the cumulative towards you being patentabled meaning Big Pharma owns you.
Transhumans meaning you will be tagged like cattles.
[+] 2 users Like singlon's post

Local people are now all so happy can go out do business, enjoy.

The utility our people has due to our pap covid policy is high.

Poor people in China, all lockdown, business crumpled, freedom gone.

I will choose pap policy definitely.

(13-01-2022, 11:06 AM)webinarian Wrote:  A country with 1.4 billion population with only 166 cases per day. 

US is above 1 million cases in a day. 

Even Singapore with population of 6 million, can have nearly 1 thousand per day (peak was 5,300 in a day).
China takes a very serious and stern stance if any infectious disease erupts in their country. Their Govt cares for the whole community and they wil not take it easy and so lapse in their preventive measures. This shd be the way, and not just relying solely on vaccines only. It is always prevention is better than cure.
[+] 1 user Likes Gemstar's post

and we are paying millions for these ministers....


I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.
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