Overpaying politicians does not make them honest

Honest people are Never Greedy people

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.
[+] 4 users Like Rainforest's post

(19-07-2024, 06:30 AM)Rainforest Wrote:  Honest people are Never Greedy people

Singapore ex transport.minister Iswaran, a long time seasoned politician being voted by the people looks honest.

Until being proven by CPIB to be extremely greedy

While Keppel KOM 6 CEOs doing carwash in Brazil were  proven guilty by US COJ and paid heavy fine..

But Singapore authority has not enough evidence proofs of corruption and shows US COJ  verdict was totally rubbish and internationally unacceptable.

Good gesture, Singapore leaders do not want to embarrass US Govt and falling short of taking legal action against US COJ @ The Hague.

(18-07-2024, 01:24 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Money cannot change one’s habit lah

They were all trained at very young age by their parents.

Cheat, steal and corrupted

(18-07-2024, 03:50 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  There is no turning back now after the SG Govt decided to go down the road of "money politics" attracting all the wrong kind of greedy people into the Govt. 

Some smuggling luxury watches

(18-07-2024, 03:57 PM)whylah Wrote:  need honest parents to instill honesty.

Parents themselves were greedy and corrupted

(18-07-2024, 04:09 PM)moonrab Wrote:  Under paid sure leads to mass corruption. We seen it in Mudkies. No?

No wonder

Dr M says look @ our neighbour

(19-07-2024, 06:30 AM)Rainforest Wrote:  Honest people are Never Greedy people

Humble ppl are resourceful.
If you are not resourceful, never be a humble person. 
Ppl will say you are a hypocrite.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Do you know God dislike rich ppl?
Most Rich ppl tend to be very proud and disrespectful to the God when they “talk” to God.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(18-07-2024, 04:09 PM)moonrab Wrote:  Under paid sure leads to mass corruption. We seen it in Mudkies. No?

Underpaid will lead to mass corruption but we are over paying. We should benchmark their salaries to salaries of politicians around the world instead of benchmarking them to lawyers, doctors, bankers, etc. wrong benchmark.

(19-07-2024, 06:50 AM)Scythian Wrote:  No wonder

Dr M says look @ our neighbour

He is the richest man in Asia..
What is Singapore? Peanut la...🤣

(19-07-2024, 06:58 AM)winbig Wrote:  Underpaid will lead to mass corruption but we are over paying. We should benchmark their salaries to salaries of politicians around the world instead of benchmarking them to lawyers, doctors, bankers, etc. wrong benchmark.

Our ministers are lawyer, doc, etc.. 
Benchmark to CEO is appropriate...
Eventhough, many CEO is drawing higher wages than our ministers.

(19-07-2024, 06:17 AM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  If overpaying ministers is to prevent corruption, that in itself is already a dishonest intention.

We pay them to serve the country and the people. Not pay them to stop their corrupted practice.

The worst part of this idea is paying them so much but none have looked back to take any targeted action to clean- up the past mistakes as a responsible Minister.
[+] 2 users Like Wy:Nox's post

The influence of private companies on US political leaders is a complex issue with multiple factors contributing to it.
Here are some reasons why US political leaders may be seen as being in the pocket of private companies:

1. *Campaign finance*: Private companies and wealthy individuals contribute significantly to political campaigns, which can lead to a sense of obligation or loyalty to their interests.

2. *Lobbying*: Companies hire lobbyists to influence policy decisions, often with significant resources and access to lawmakers.

3. *Revolving door*: Politicians and government officials often transition to lucrative private sector jobs, creating a conflict of interest and blurring the lines between public service and private gain.

4. *Regulatory capture*: Industries may exert significant influence over regulatory agencies, shaping policies to their advantage.

5. *Political ideology*: Some politicians believe in limited government intervention and free market principles, leading them to support business interests.

6. *Personal relationships*: Politicians may have close ties to business leaders or share common interests, leading to cozy relationships.
7. *PACs and Super PACs*: Political Action Committees and Super PACs allow companies and individuals to pool funds and amplify their influence.

8. *Influence peddling*: Some individuals or companies may use their wealth and influence to shape policy decisions for personal gain.

It's important to note that not all politicians are beholden to private companies, and many work to serve the public interest. However, the influence of money in politics and the revolving door between government and industry can create the appearance of undue influence.

Efforts to increase transparency, strengthen campaign finance regulations, and promote ethical governance can help mitigate these issues.

Unfortunately, corruption in Malaysia has indeed enriched some civil servants, who have abused their power and positions for personal gain. This has led to:

1. _Luxurious lifestyles_: Some civil servants have been found to be living beyond their means, with lavish properties, cars, and other assets.

2. _Unexplained wealth_: Many have accumulated wealth that cannot be justified by their salaries, raising suspicions of corruption.

3. _Conflict of interest_: Some have used their positions to award contracts or favors to family members or cronies.

4. _Embezzlement_: Funds meant for public projects or services have been misappropriated for personal gain.

5. _Nepotism and cronyism_: Favoritism and nepotism have led to unfair appointments and promotions, perpetuating a culture of corruption.

Examples include:

1. _High-profile corruption cases_: Cases like the 1MDB scandal and the corruption charges against former Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

2. _MACC arrests_: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has arrested numerous civil servants, including high-ranking officials, for corruption-related offenses.

3. _Auditor-General's reports_: Annual audits have revealed financial mismanagement and possible corruption in various government agencies and departments.

To address this, Malaysia needs to:

1. _Strengthen institutions_: Enhance the independence and effectiveness of anti-corruption agencies like the MACC.

2. _Enforce accountability_: Hold corrupt officials accountable and ensure swift punishment.

3. _Increase transparency_: Implement open tender processes and make government contracts and financial information publicly accessible.

4. _Promote whistleblower protection_: Encourage reporting of corruption and protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

5. _Foster a culture of integrity_: Inculcate values of honesty and transparency within the civil service and society at large.

(19-07-2024, 08:58 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  The worst part of this idea is paying them so much but none have looked back to take any targeted action to clean- up the past mistakes as a responsible Minister.
It is their normal traits of not admitting, neither felt sorry, that they made tons of mistakes and flaws. Worst than that, they thought they are immortals.

Just looking around you, you know there are so many dishonest

(19-07-2024, 10:28 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  It is their normal traits of not admitting, neither felt sorry, that they made tons of mistakes and flaws. Worst than that, they thought they are immortals.

There is a lack of accountability and transparency, which is worrying indeed for a Govt that claims to be "honest".
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

There's no research papers or data evidence to show that paying people super high pay will prevent them from corruption.

It's just some hypothetical assumption made by Pinky to justify paying himself astronomically.

No different from Najib claiming that receiving RM2.6 billion donation in his bank account is perfectly justified because he's the PM.

If PM LW is really his own man

Then he should set different KPIs for different portfolios

and at least 15 KPIs for his Ministers

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(19-07-2024, 02:56 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  There's no research papers or data evidence to show that paying people super high pay will prevent them from corruption. It's just some hypothetical assumption made by Pinky to justify paying himself astronomically. No different from Najib claiming that receiving RM2.6 billion donation in his bank account is perfectly justified because he's the PM.

[Image: Minister-Pay.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like EvertonDiehard's post

Cut ministerial pay and the government will end up recruiting “very, very mediocre people” as office-holders, said Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong in a dialogue with South East District residents (2 August 2018). 

“To any one of us here, $1 million is a lot of money. So where do you want to get your ministers from? From people who earn only $500,000 a year, whose capacity is $500,000 a year? So (when) I look for ministers, anybody who wants to be paid more than half a million, I won’t take him. You are going to end up with very very mediocre people, who can’t even earn a million dollars outside to be our minister. Think about that. Is it good for you, or is it worse for us in the end?” - Goh Chok Tong (2 August 2018).

Greedy politicians

[Image: Cash.jpg]

[Image: LHL-Money.jpg]

Another wild assumption not supported by any data.

[Image: dKbAXIY.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like Alice Alicia's post

(19-07-2024, 08:58 AM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  The worst part of this idea is paying them so much but none have looked back to take any targeted action to clean- up the past mistakes as a responsible Minister.
Having overpaying themselves so much does not necessary mean that they are productive,

(20-07-2024, 11:26 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  Having overpaying themselves so much does not necessary mean that they are productive,

Instead of stealing public funds and taking bribes, it is much easier and safer to say: "Here, take this obscene amount of money every month, so you won't be tempted to steal". That does not make our politicians "honest". 
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

Money, Sex, and Power - which one you find most tempting?

(19-07-2024, 08:19 AM)moonrab Wrote:  Our ministers are lawyer, doc, etc.. 
Benchmark to CEO is appropriate...
Eventhough, many CEO is drawing higher wages than our ministers.


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