(27-08-2024, 11:18 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: I welcome.anyone to challenge the points I raised and correct me
1. A couple getting married can only afford smaller home than 15yrs ago.
2. Fewer people who need a car can own one.
3. Queues.at govt hospital, polyclinic dental have longer eait times than 15yrs ago and cost of medical has hone up much faster than income
4. Job security has gone down and job stress has gone up.
5. .Decline in job opportunities esp for older Singaoireans.
6. Cost of eating out is less affordable today than before as price increase outstrips income for most Singaporeans.
7. More scams today than before due tto moves to digitalised without enough safeguards against scams.
8. Singapore become overcrowded. These days getting a seat at hawker cebter also harder. Trains packed like sardines.
If all major aspects of life like jobs, healthcare snd housing did not improve. how is it possible to claim that life has improved?
Let me try...
1. A couple getting married can only afford smaller home than 15yrs ago.
Not that they can only afford smaller home, but govt built smaller home which they have no choice.. Last time HDB got build 5 room flat at 120-140sqm or even mansionettes, now no longer building that. Thus, it is not that a couple getting married can't afford, but HDB don't build such sizes anymore. In fact, not just a couple getting married, even a married couple who already have a HDB won't be able to afford coz the next option for such size will be resale or private.
2. Fewer people who need a car can own one.
Well, define need. Last time family of 6 with parents and 4 children also no car coz cannot afford and survive with public transport. So what is the definition of need a car?
3. Queues.at govt hospital, polyclinic dental have longer eait times than 15yrs ago and cost of medical has hone up much faster than income
True, too more ppl but healthcare did not grow as fast. In a nutshell, all prices have gone up
4. Job security has gone down and job stress has gone up.
True that job security has gone down, but same as loyalty to company. But stress wise, I don't think so. Last time, the stress is about single income breadwinner trying to feed the family. So the stress is to keep the job. Now, job stress is a lot more complex then trying to feed family
5. .Decline in job opportunities esp for older Singaoireans.
Maybe it happen 15 years ago. But last time, foreigners not as much so there are more opportunities for older folks.. Now with competition from foreigners, who want to employ older folks for the same pay? Ask yourself if you are the hiring manager, will you employ a older folk over a younger one for same pay?
6. Cost of eating out is less affordable today than before as price increase outstrips income for most Singaporeans.
True, prices for everything has gone up but our pay increase cannot catch.
7. More scams today than before due tto moves to digitalised without enough safeguards against scams.
True, this is call productivity. Last time scammers have to scam a people face to face, so time spent to get a successful scam. Now, scam can be from offshore, and probably people are more greedy and fearful, so higher chance of getting scam. In a nutshell, if a person is not greedy or fearful, less likely to get scammed.
8. Singapore become overcrowded. These days getting a seat at hawker cebter also harder. Trains packed like sardines.
True, comes with population increase and infra cannot catch up. Same as point 4 and 5
If all major aspects of life like jobs, healthcare snd housing did not improve. how is it possible to claim that life has improved?
That's why, the question is who did you vote for in the last election?