Xi: China promotes China-Malaysia friendship and cooperation

(02-04-2023, 03:31 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  That why, USA is Smart in the sense " Make use of them " But NEVER let them climb over their heads.

I beg to differ - I find it hard to associate the word "Smart" with "USA"....esp with the current and last POTUS.

Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(02-04-2023, 06:15 PM)jameslee58@hotmail.com Wrote:  Kuala Lumpur still need a lot of makeover
Outside kl, there's whole lot of opportunities waiting to be invested and improved The risk is the unstable politics, which is stopping big player from coming in to invest
If najib is not corrupt, all his policy in fact is very beneficial to malaysia Is strange that some of their politicians do not want malaysia to advance, that include mahathir and muhidyn
Is like asking his son to run slowly when he can run really fast and win gold medal...That's stupid


I think Jack Neo should make another movie titled "马国不笨".... Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

I see PM lee face like " scare scare " while facing Xi
partly he must be thinking how i going to face Biden USA

SG stuck in Between.

Now is depend How and what Pm lee will say. Both China and USA are watching he can't offend anyone of them since SG majority investment from these two countries.

Or this is why he use India as " backup "? BUT AGAIN India is Nothing much to benefit from.

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