Employers and employees both have part to play in workers’ career

Employers and employees both have part to play in workers’ career health amid industry disruptions: Panellists 
“Instead of acting only when things go wrong, we should be constantly actively, engagingly be developing our own career plans to pursue jobs and training opportunities in a focused and intentional manner,” said Manpower Minister Tan See Leng at the launch of the Career Forward event on Saturday where he also took part in a panel discussion on workers' career health. 
🔗 https://tdy.sg/4a2Rw31 

Dead Dragon talk cock again

Who does he represent except PAP, Stat Boards and GLCs.

This event organizer invited him by mistake lah

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Employers and employees both have part to play in workers’ career health = wet dreams. 

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

It's something I've come to realize lately. I was doing some reading and stumbled upon this insightful piece about how to Improve Employee Wellbeing. It really got me thinking about the whole dynamic between employers and employees when it comes to career development. So, instead of just waiting around for things to happen, both sides need to be actively involved in shaping our career paths. I mean, sure, employers can provide opportunities, but we've gotta meet them halfway, right? That's why I'm all about taking charge of my own growth, seeking out training, and keeping an eye out for ways to progress.

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