Park your wealth in Western countries and get robbed by them "legally"??

revealerWho wants to deposit or withdraw money in China?

Singapore banks also. Once I tried to deposit few thousand dollars into the account, the staff asked me where my money came from. ...??... don't know what to say. Another time, withdraw few thousand cash from the corporate account  and they asked me for what use ....???... blur...


Revealer posted  so much negative "news" about Chinese yuan, yet Chinese Yuan is so strong!

How come ah?  Thinking

[Image: Screenshot-20220317-150348-com-google-an...108701.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20220317-150049-com-google-an...170186.jpg]

I really lost all my privacy putting money in local bank now. Ask so much questions. I carried $10,000 cash to BOC to deposit, no question asked.
[+] 1 user Likes Clyde's post

Why does the UK owe Iran £400m? The debt explained and what it means for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

1979 until now!

How much interest is Bojo going to pay?

A short list of Russian yacht seizures

The United States is stealing Afghanistan’s money

(07-03-2022, 11:33 AM)kokee Wrote:  this thread by comiedogs is the greatest joke.
why all these comie dogs dont want to go back to china with their whole family? this dog lick ccp china 7/24 here yet refuse to go back to their beloved mother land, all these are pure liars.
same to all their wealth & asset, they will never want to convert all their money to RMB or ruble, probably not even 1 cts of their asset is in RMB & ruble, all these liars brainwash other but they themselves keep all their money in western system.
Russia or china,almost all the top leaders & rich keep their asset & wealth in western system? simple, commnist is totally unreliable, they themselves dont trust & keep their money outside. But their people money cannot remit money out to support their rotten system & for war.
only morons here kena con by all these commie liars here.

comie dogs spam till like crazy dogs here to lick ccp china & anti-US yet almost all of them dont have 1 cts in china asset but all of them has US, all these dogs are real liars, dont talk about go back to china, they will never send their children back to get brainwashed by their moronic master.
that is why all their news & videos here from communist sources are all lies & BS, if not, why none of them go back to china or convert their asset to RMB or RUble?
Ruble interest rate is 20% now yet exchange rate near historical low, so good chance these dogs here also balless to support their master? same to china, all comie dogs here are total liars yet got morons here believe all these liars video & news, real morons.

china stock & property dive straight down, 60-90%of china stock down 60-90% from top, most property crash till negative asset, ton of uncompleted property will never complete now, ton in debt  & will never able to pay back their debt till the day they die. almost 1 bil china peoplein debt, almost 300 mil chinapeople joblessnow, only will get worse from here, why all these dogs here never want to go back to china?
as for RMB said many time, this is the last to collapse as strong RMB will cause almost all foreign fcatory move out of china & kill china manufacturing, once china kena sanction like Russia now, RMB wil be worthless like ruble, be patient for the day.

(22-03-2022, 04:40 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie 

Kokee, you got properties in Assmerica?

Better sell and bring the money back to your home and put under your pillow hor!  Rotfl

This is a stupid thread Putin and his oligarchs stole billions from the citizens . To hide it they stashed it in foreign countries...

Eventually the money will be returned to right owners just like in 1MDB case.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(22-03-2022, 07:18 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is a stupid thread Putin and his oligarchs stole billions from the citizens .  To hide it they stashed it in foreign countries...

Eventually the money will be returned to right owners just like in 1MDB case.

Pls show proof!

Don't just make baseless claims! 

BTW, in case you don't know, Afghanistan's money is gone already!

And, how about this :

[Image: gold.jpg]

[Image: main-qimg-1cad5a27265d124dc96462626c16d469]
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Actually they at Dubai




Foreign Billionaires already moving assets & investments out of London after russians sanctioned

(附字幕) 李彤「外交短評」美西方未搞死普京,自己搞出大頭佛。秦剛再警告美國:中方是絕不接受威脅、施壓。 22年3月28日


all these moronic comie dogs spam all these thread title lies, they really think forumers here are morons to believe their BS thread title, LOL LOL.
real robber is communist, norm, everything ion china all belong to ccp & govt, any personal wealth also belong to communism whether when they want to take it all & back, LOL LOL.
all these bloody communist sources of videos & news are fake & lies.



(16-04-2022, 10:29 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs spam all these thread title lies, they really think forumers here are morons to believe their BS thread title, LOL LOL.
real robber is communist, norm, everything ion china all belong to ccp & govt, any personal wealth also belong to communism whether when they want to take it all & back, LOL LOL.
all these bloody communist sources of videos & news are fake & lies.


U farking angmo cok sucker also suck robbers now. Laughing


天天硬事1888期——01 美国沙利文表示俄国富豪被扣的钱就不打算还了,美国拜登团队只顾眼前放弃了美国百年来建立的信誉 02 美媒表示美国希望乌克兰和俄国死磕到底到最后,关键是东欧国家为何还期待美国


(16-04-2022, 11:38 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  天天硬事1888期——


If you are a criminal, your wealth deserve to be confiscated.. Thumbs_up

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(16-04-2022, 11:48 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  If you are a criminal, your wealth deserve to be confiscated.. Thumbs_up

You mean ALL Russians are criminals?  Thinking


I think yuan is going up is a matter is a time

(06-03-2022, 09:58 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Please explain where are he better alternatives? China N.Korea Iran Japan ??

Country that havent rob like USA UK and EU. No precedence....



Robbed already still can warn others? 





all these communist sources of fake & rubbish post by comie dogs here almost 100% BS when truth & fact out eventually, lies & twisted nonsense.
all these dogs here are liars, they all park their wealth in west, USD or S$ asset, never park 1 cts in china asset or RMB, why? because is totally not trustable, like alibaba, ccp can just take over anytime by force & lawless, same to all china company & asset, so park your money in china & china company? LOL LOL.
china today almost all asset crash like no tomorrow, whether is stock, property, bond, trade, import/export, RMB & almost all economy activities due to covid, lockdown & Ukraine war.
so park your money in china asset? sanction china can come anytime, how?
yet USD so strong now, if you invest right stock in US stock market, profit is great plus USD gain.
all these comie liars here & their fake news & videos from communist sources.

(25-04-2022, 12:12 PM)kokee Wrote:  today HSI down to around 20000 & SSE plunges to around 3000 now.
SSE plunges >60% from their peak, HSI compared to Dow, down like crazy in last few yrs.
china property dive straight down across whole china today, more story if follow this thread.
RMB just  started to meltdown from 6.3+ to 6.5+ last few days, more to come.
chna foreign reserved already in negative, debt burst everywhere in china today.



Will Biden Steal Russians' Money?


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