Putin Miscalculated is not only a Self-inflicted, it also to kill Ukraine

Russian forces in Ukraine are using a highly mobile and technologically advanced mortar that's designed to cause maximum damage, with minimal risk to its operators. The 120mm 2B23 Nona-M1 is a towed weapon that features a rifled barrel, a semi-automatic mechanism and is breech-loaded.

It can be fired remotely, so the crew do not fall victim to counter-battery fire from Ukrainian forces, a battlefield tactic at which the Ukrainians have proved to be adept.

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It is designed to engage enemy positions located in the open or in field shelters, from command and control points to lightly armoured targets.

The Nona-M1 can fire high explosive projectiles and finned bombs with a high degree of accuracy, with a maximum range of 8.8km and a minimum of 900 metres with high explosive projectiles.

It can fire nine rounds per minute using a high explosive rocket projectile or 11 rounds per minute with an explosive bomb. While the mortar is usually towed behind a truck, requiring a short amount of time to be set up for firing, Russia also produces a self-propelled tracked variant called the 2S9 Nona

(18-02-2024, 10:12 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Breaking news. More fire n more is burning in Russia Federation... Omg
Even Ukraine has expressed interest in buying KAAN. Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey, Vasyl Bodnar, recently said: “We (Ukraine) will not only purchase the KAAN fighter jet, but we will also utilize it, and we know where it will be deployed.” He added that Ukraine is closely monitoring the development of the fifth-generation “KAAN” fighter jet. Bodnar expressed confidence that KAAN has the potential to stand on its own with other 5th-generation fighter jets like the American F-35 and F-22.

Ukrainian teams have also been “actively” participating in the KAAN project, the Ukrainian ambassador has revealed. While it is a significant achievement for the Turkish defense industry, experts feel that the haste with which it is pursuing the project would hinder the aircraft technology from venturing well. The world’s top military powers each have fifth-gen jets, but Russia, China, and the US are all facing problems with their fighters.

The US built the first 5th generation fighter – the F-22 Raptor, which is no longer in production. The US then followed it up with the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter. Russia has the Su-57 Felon, and China has the J-20. While the manufacturing countries claim them to be 5th generation, they don’t meet all the criteria to fit in the category.

To qualify as a fifth-generation fighter, an aircraft must have certain features like stealth capabilities to avoid detection and the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds without engaging its afterburners, among other things. All these 5th-generation development programs have faced problems with stealth technology, engine development, and maintenance.

So, after the inaugural flight, experts will observe how Turkey makes KAAN stealthy enough to meet the 5th-generation fighter criteria.Turkey’s haste will only compound these problems. 

Ankara is powering KAAN with two General Electric F-110 engines, also used on fourth-generation Lockheed Martin F-16 jets. Future developments may include the use of an indigenously developed TEI engine.

U.S. President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin a "crazy SOB" during a fundraiser in San Francisco on Wednesday. Speaking to a small group of donors, Biden said the climate crisis was an existential threat but that geopolitical risks could not be discounted.

"This is the last existential threat. It is climate. We have a crazy SOB like that guy Putin and others and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is climate," Biden said.

The Kremlin reacted Thursday, saying Biden's comments were "boorish" and more a humiliation for himself than for Putin. Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said it was likely there had been an attempt "to look like some cowboy from Hollywood, but frankly I don't think it's possible."

Vladimir Putin remains intent on trying to defeat and dominate Ukraine two years after launching an invasion that has caused more than half a million casualties, western officials said in a fresh assessment of the war. However, Putin is not thought to have any clearcut medium-term strategy, the officials added. 

“We do not believe Russia has a meaningful plan beyond continuing to fight in the expectation that Russian manpower and equipment numbers will eventually tell,” they said. The officials also said they believed that “sanctions are hitting the Russian military complex hard”, causing severe delays and higher costs as Moscow scrambles to deal with shortages of western components.

As aid stalls, US Congress questions arise on how Donald Trump would handle Ukraine, if re-elected, how Europe help financial assistance for Ukraine's to fight against Russia. With 2nd anniversary approaching, Kiel Institute for World Economy shows US, Germany, UK, Denmark, and Norway are top five countries respectively contributing financially to Ukraine. Japan, Netherlands, Canada, Poland, and Sweden round out the top 10 in that order, data from January 2022 to January 2024.

Earlier this month, the US Senate passed with bipartisan support a $95.3 billion foreign aid bill, which includes $60 billion to Ukraine, but it has not yet passed the House.

Feb 10, Trump said to encourage Russia whatever the hell they want any NATO member country that doesn’t meet spending guidelines on defense in a stunning admission, he cannot abide by collective-defense clause at heart of the alliance if reelected.

More US sanctions against Russia are coming. Here are latest developments.
Biden Admin announced a slate of sanctions on more than 500 targets, in  Treasury Depart called largest single tranche since start of President Putin’s further invasion of Ukraine. 

Sanctions, will be imposed Friday in response to Alexey Navalny's death sanctions also come 1day b4 2nd anniversary of Russia's invasion. Prior to announcement, US Joe Biden said on Friday, he will impose sanctions directly on Putin, who was “responsible” for Navalny's death. Biden made comments after meeting with Navalny’s widow and daughter, Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya, in San Francisco, California.

The president expressed his condolences to family, as well as his "admiration" for Navalny’s "extraordinary courage & his legacy of fighting against corruption.

Putin remains trying to defeat & dominate Ukraine 2-yrs after launching invasion & caused half a million casualties, western has fresh assessment of war. However, Putin is very stubborn, he lost 1-more AVACS A-50 Airlpane to Ukrainian missilies again. Bigeyes

(24-02-2024, 01:33 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Putin remains trying to defeat & dominate Ukraine 2-yrs after launching invasion & caused half a million casualties, western has fresh assessment of war. However, Putin is very stubborn, he lost 1-more AVACS A-50 Airlpane to Ukrainian missilies again. Bigeyes
Russian A-50 was downed with S-200 anti-aircraft system. Defence Forces of Ukraine have downed a Russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft from a Soviet anti-aircraft system S-200.

Source: sources of Ukrainska Pravda in Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU). The details: Reportedly, the A-50 aircraft was downed from a long-range anti-aircraft system S-200.


(24-02-2024, 01:33 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Putin remains trying to defeat & dominate Ukraine 2-yrs after launching invasion & caused half a million casualties, western has fresh assessment of war. However, Putin is very stubborn, he lost 1-more AVACS A-50 Airlpane to Ukrainian missilies again. Bigeyes
Patriot air defense systems
Accordingly to recommended several steps, the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment is developing & implement a sustainment strategy for those offices to examine funding sustainment options for those Patriot systems transferred to Kyiv. Both partly agreed with recommendations, & noted FY23 dollars gas provided sustainment a cross-dept working group established to identify requirements future security assist decisions. The Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters today.

Dept welcomes reports on potential improvements the unique circumstances of this war: One that US is funneling billions of dollars towards but not sending its troops into battle.

“We have sent unprecedented security assistance to Ukraine at such rapid rate, right now is Ukraine modernizing its military in the middle of a war.”

Singh said. “On top of that, we don’t have boots on the ground in Ukraine, he says, we don’t have people out on field, they sustainment and maintenance alongside their Ukrainians, so we do offer telesupport.”

“We’re certainly aware, doing more, but we’ve been saying from the beginning, we need to make sure Ukrainians have every tool available to them to maintain these systems,” she later added. Big Grin

(24-02-2024, 01:33 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Putin remains trying to defeat & dominate poor Ukraine 2-yrs after invasion & caused 500,000 casualties, western has fresh assessment of war.

Putin is very stubborn old man, he lost 1-more AVACS A-50 Airplane to Ukrainian missilies again. Bigeyes see below for video.... Clapping

LONDON, Feb 24 — UK PM Rishi Sunak renewed his pledge of support to Ukraine on second anniversary of Russia’s invasion, insisting in a statement Friday that “tyranny will never triumph.

Putin is very stubborn old man, lost 1-more AVACS A-50 Airplane to Ukrainian missilies again see below for video....Using 2-missiles, first 1 miss, but 2nd missiles got to duck.

Russia lost another 1-more AVACS A-50 Airplane to Ukrainian missilies again. Bigeyes see below for video.... Clapping using 2-missiles, first 1 miss, but 2nd missiles got to the duck.

(24-02-2024, 04:09 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  LONDON, Feb 24 — UK PM Rishi Sunak renewed his pledge of support to Ukraine on second anniversary of Russia’s invasion, insisting in a statement Friday that “tyranny will never triumph.
Russia-Ukraine war: key events on day 731.(LIVE) n on 2nd anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

2-yrs ago, Putin invasion Ukraine, triggering a brutal war with no end in sigh, invasion killed thousands & hundred  who everyday is died & millions displaced since Russia began its "special military operation".

Russia's so-called military ops is entering its 2rd yr with no sign of resolution. (And will go on yr to yr...till 2027. Think so.) crying

Why?: Putin sent thousands (killed) of soldiers into Ukraine in February 2022, starting a full-scale war
and after 8-yrs of conflict in Ukraine between Ukraine forces & pro-Russia proxies war..

What Russia want in Ukraine? Putin continued to say & aim of war is the "denazification, demilitarisation and a neutral status" of Ukraine, saying choice was to agree or no agree to resolve issue "by force".

What does Ukraine say? Ukraine, on other hand, is looking for victory & the restoration of Russian federation -occupied Ukrainian land — including Crimea, they want it back the annexed land to return the Russia took in 2014 —back to Ukraine again.

(24-02-2024, 09:57 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Russia-Ukraine war: key events on day 731.(LIVE) n on 2nd anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

2-yrs ago, Putin invasion Ukraine, triggering a brutal war with no end in sigh, invasion killed thousands & hundred  who everyday is died & millions displaced since Russia began its "special military operation".

Russia's so-called military ops is entering its 2rd yr with no sign of resolution. (And will go on yr to yr...till 2027. Think so.) crying

Why?: Putin sent thousands (killed) of soldiers into Ukraine in February 2022, starting a full-scale war
and after 8-yrs of conflict in Ukraine between Ukraine forces & pro-Russia proxies war..

What Russia want in Ukraine? Putin continued to say & aim of war is the "denazification, demilitarisation and a neutral status" of Ukraine, saying choice was to agree or no agree to resolve issue "by force".

What does Ukraine say? Ukraine, on other hand, is looking for victory & the restoration of Russian federation -occupied Ukrainian land — including Crimea, they want it back the annexed land to return the Russia took in 2014 —back to Ukraine again.
Putin Miscalculated is only to self-inflicted on half a million of his soldiers...after 2 years of terror. crying

(24-02-2024, 09:57 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Russia-Ukraine war: key events on day 731.(LIVE) n on 2nd anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

2-yrs ago, Putin invasion Ukraine, triggering a brutal war with no end in sigh, invasion killed thousands & hundred  who everyday is died & millions displaced since Russia began its "special military operation".

Russia's so-called military ops is entering its 2rd yr with no sign of resolution. (And will go on yr to yr...till 2027. Think so.) crying

Why?: Putin sent thousands (killed) of soldiers into Ukraine in February 2022, starting a full-scale war
and after 8-yrs of conflict in Ukraine between Ukraine forces & pro-Russia proxies war..

What Russia want in Ukraine? Putin continued to say & aim of war is the "denazification, demilitarisation and a neutral status" of Ukraine, saying choice was to agree or no agree to resolve issue "by force".

What does Ukraine say? Ukraine, on other hand, is looking for victory & the restoration of Russian federation -occupied Ukrainian land — including Crimea, they want it back the annexed land to return the Russia took in 2014 —back to Ukraine again.
if west and like U.S. and Euro stop supplying armed. There will ne peace in Earth and Ukraine can towcow to Russia Putin and it federation.  Tongue still war-3 is waiting in 2029 ☆ 2032 and with now toys.
[Image: Screenshot-20240117-154557-Chrome.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231228-120551-Chrome.jpg]

Hard Lessons Make for Hard Choices 2 Years Into the War in Ukraine. Western sanctions haven’t worked. Weapons from allies are running low. Pressure may build on Kyiv to seek a settlement, even from a weakened position.

(24-02-2024, 11:49 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  if west and like U.S. and Euro stop supplying armed. There will ne peace in Earth and Ukraine can towcow to Russia Putin and it federation.  Tongue still war-3 is waiting in 2029 ☆ 2032 and with now toys.
[Image: Screenshot-20240117-154557-Chrome.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231228-120551-Chrome.jpg]

Hard Lessons Make for Hard Choices 2 Years Into the War in Ukraine. Western sanctions haven’t worked. Weapons from allies are running low. Pressure may build on Kyiv to seek a settlement, even from a weakened position.
Commentary: Two years on, where is Russia’s war on Ukraine going?. Russian defences have proven more sophisticated than expected, while the West has been unable to normalise assistance to Ukraine, says Pusan National University’s Robert Kelly.

Feb 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his army into Ukraine in violation of repeated Russian assurances against invasion.

The war was to last a week or two. Mr Putin anticipated a “blitzkrieg” - a rapid victory which would present the West with a fait accompli. Before the West had time to react, the war would be over, and the West would have to adjust to new facts on the ground.

Russian army bogged down in the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital and had to withdraw. In the east it penetrated along a broad front, but not deeply. It only took about 20% of Ukrainian territory. Importantly, it did not reach the Dnipro River, which bisects Ukraine, and therefore could not approach North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) territory.

Later in 2022, Ukraine counterattacked, rolling Russia out of about half of its conquests. In 2023, Ukraine tried a much larger offensive. This failed badly, resulting in a stalemate by the onset of winter. Russian defences were far more sophisticated than analysts had expected after its poor defensive showing in 2022. In the last six months, the frontlines have hardly moved.

Anyway, the war is hurting it economically, but not as much as expected. But it hurt world GDP growth is sluggish, and earlier predictions of contraction have also borne out into many nations. But not China, India and a few other players in the Global South have continued to trade with Russia going and keep attack Ukrainian folks and Putin like to do his killing.

(18-02-2024, 11:24 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Ukraine is left without 155mm shell to fire on Russian trooper's and felt to full back to fight on another day to push the Russian Invaders. After all they, the russian lost over 10,000+ and thousand more of their troops been killed... Omg


A "Demon" is a young 19-year-old Ukrainian Mortorwoman seeking revenge. She volunteered for the Ukrainian Army for her right to fight against Russia. A term she hotly fight is near to Makhmut and more... Clapping brave gal.


Belarusians fighters for Ukraine fighting to rerel a Russian attack on video...on Ivanivka town.

(25-02-2024, 09:02 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  https://youtu.be/E6Ll1lxcs3U?si=e9nSWz29SpubLVBC

February 24 this year marks the second anniversary of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war and past century, experiencing 2-WW-wars boasting significant advancements in civilization, human society once again witnessed a large-scale war persisting for 2-years beginning of this 21st century. 

Base on war reports on Russia / Ukraine, casualties on both sides may exceed 800,000 to date. While, in Middle East, conflict between Hamas / Israel has been ongoing for nearly five mths, with death toll on both sides exceeding 30,000 people, with nearly 29,000 deaths in the Gaza Strip. The simultaneous occurrence of these 2-wars has torn world apart, compounded by anti-globalization and geopolitical competition, which greatly alter global political and economic landscape.

On Feb 17, Singapore’s Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen warned at 60th Munich Security Conference (MSC) wars have broken out successively in Europe & the Middle East. This world cannot afford to have three (3) unstable war zones simultaneously, & every effort must be made to prevent conflicts in Asia. He also cautioned, “if indeed there's conflict for whatever reason between US / China, I think we'll have blighted our futures for the next, (well!), 10, 20, 30 years.”

Observers at the recently concluded MSC noted a prevailing sense of pessimism across Europe. Last year, Western nations held high expectations for Ukraine’s resistance against Russia. Providing military aid posed little challenge for the U.S. and Europe, with most Western countries staunchly opposing Russia.

However, this year has seen a significant shift in the situation. Ukraine encountered in the conflict, transitioning to a comprehensive defensive posture following counterattacks.

During the MSC session, Ukraine military fall back from the strategic town of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine. The faced by U.S. and Western nations in supporting Ukraine have become apparent; fail by U.S. Congress has to postponed a bill allocating billions of dollars in military aid, and Europe struggles to meet the ammunition demands for Ukrainian military.

Adding to Western govts’ concerns is growing traction on Donald Rolleyes Trump, who harbors skepticism towards NATO who opposes financial support for Ukraine. The prospect of Trump returning to White House raises risk of a halt in military assistance to Ukraine...in a back step on Ukrainians folks.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said at least 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in the war with Russia, in a rare admission of his country's losses. CNN cannot independently verify that figure, but US officials estimate the toll could be closer to 70,000.

Zelensky said former US President Donald Trump will be “against Americans” if he chooses to support Russia over Ukraine. Speaking to CNN, Zelensky added, "I don't think he understands that (Russian President Vladimir) Putin will never stop."

Over 95% of drones out of million targeted for 2024 to be manufactured in Ukraine

Deregulation, drone market has emerged in Ukraine, where hundreds of private companies have entered. It is private businesses that will produce more than 95% of the planned one million drones this year.
This was emphasized by the Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies, Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo. The plan to manufacture one million drones in 2024, announced by President, will be implemented. That’s first of all thanks to Ukrainian entrepreneurs-manufacturers of drones. It’s they who will assemble almost 95% of these UAVs.

Last year, we streamlined the procedure for drone manufacturers, and this year we will do the same for manufacturers of ground robotic platforms, as well as for manufacturers of EW systems," Fedorov noted

Reports keep coming in of another shootdown of  o Russian (duck) Su-34 fighter bomber. However, the war machine keeps marching on in Ukraine despite massive losses (multiple Su-34s & few A-50 AWACS). Russia can afford to let its guard down, especially now that Kyiv has less than 100 planes. It is also b'cos Russian aerial battlefield interdiction strikes have contributed immensely to its creeping incursion into the separatist Donbas, & capture of Avdiivka is a part of their Russia pattern.

Russia has lost several Su-34s and two A-50U Airborne Warning Control System (AWACS) since January. Moscow needs localized air superiority to push border as far to West & create a buffer zone that ensures NATO & West-friendly Ukraine remains further away from internationally recognized Russian territory.

Half of Russian artillery shells from North Korea proven inoperable...ahh???. Cry

(28-02-2024, 01:11 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Half of Russian artillery shells from North Korea proven inoperable...ahh???. Cry
British has reserve 245m pounds ($310m) to supply artillery ammunition for Ukraine in 2nd anniversary of defense against Russia’s invasion. Funding will be used “to procure urgently needed shells to replenish Kyiv’s stockpile, further supporting artillery and “proved” operability to secure it's country’s sovereignty, improve Ukrainian armed forces’ among tactics strategies honed during conflict used tactics aerial drones & missiles plus radar to rapidly identify locations of Russian weapons to neutralize since.

“During past 2-years, Armed Forces of Ukraine have become one of the largest, most capable & respected fighting forces in the world,” UK Chief of Defence Staff Admr. Tony Radakin stated. 

“Today Russian/Putin's Army has lost 1/2 of territory their seized, with over 350,000 men killed or wounded, thousands of tanks, artillery pieces & armoured vehicles, Russian navy fleet has also been driven from Crimea by Ukraine’s".

‘Fight Towards Victory’. UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps emphasized need to deliver additional military aid to Ukrainian warfighters as they enter into 3rd year of resistance against Russian / Putin's forces.

Putin is very arrogant. He thought he could take Ukraine in a matter of days. The mistakes he made cost him dearly. Fortunately, he is a country where he can change and has changed the constitution to be elected again as President.


(29-02-2024, 10:45 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  Putin is very arrogant.  He thought he could take Ukraine in a matter of days.  The mistakes he made cost him dearly.  Fortunately,  he is a country where he can change and has changed the constitution to be elected again as President.
Karma is following him for another 6 years till year 2029, if he is a live and clicking... Tongue

(29-02-2024, 10:45 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  Putin is very arrogant.  He thought he could take Ukraine in a matter of days.  The mistakes he made cost him dearly.  Fortunately,  he is a country where he can change and has changed the constitution to be elected again as President.
Russian/Putin's Army has lost 1/2 or about 20% of the territory their seized and they want more land, with over 350,000 men killed or wounded over 2 years. Putin is a very stubborn man who refusal to learn from his experience.

(01-03-2024, 11:31 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Karma is following him for another 6 years till year 2029, if he is a live and clicking... Tongue
Fire is very where in, is burning burning everywhere, and everyday in Putin's home in Russia Federation.

News : Feb 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his army into Ukraine in violation again and again, on violation repeated for Russian folks assurances against Karma on Russia, and may come for years into generations. crying

Somethings will lost and wash away for generations.

A Look @Fleet Of Ukraine Air Force. Thanks to a tip-off from NATO, new advanced weapons, Ukrainian Air Force has survived two years of war with Russia. 2-yss ago, on Feb 24th, 2022, Putin ordered troops to invade Ukraine in Kyiv and supposedly de-nazify the nation. At invasion time, Ukrainian Air Force was vastly outnumbered and old with experts saying it probably only last few days b4 being defeated.

Weeks of the so-called "Russian Special Operation," the Ukrainian Air Force had around 128 former old Soviet Union aircraft help to defend Ukraine's territory included following planes:

50 x Mikoyan MiG-29 NATO reporting name: Fulcrum, a twin-engine fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union developed the plane during the 1970s to be an air superiority fighter capable of matching the American McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle and the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The MiG 29 entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983.😄😆😅🤣🙃😃

A indicated by Ukrainian Defense Minister, Ukrainian forces need about 1,000 artillery shells per day just for the Bakhmut region, highlighting the huge demand for ammunition.

The Czech Republic has managed to find artillery ammunition in countries such as South Korea and Turkey, enabling short-term delivery of nearly half a million artillery munitions. indicated by the Ukrainian forces need about 1,000 artillery shells per day just for the Bakhmut region, highlighting the huge demand for ammunition. The Czech Republic has managed to sources artillery ammunition  enabling the short-term delivery. While France, has long advocated for an increase in European arms production to revitalize continent's defense industry, has indicated through President Macron its willingness to participate in this initiative.

Rutte mentioned Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategy for a prolonged war in Ukraine, underlining the importance of a firm response to show that time is not on Russia's side. He also referred to a recent security , which has long advocated for an increase in Euro arms production to revitalize continent's defense industry

Netherlands is contributing over 100 million euros to Czech initiative to quickly deliver hundreds of thousands of artillery." This contribution represents new funds agreed upon last week, according to a spokesperson for the Prime Minister. 

Ukraine urgent need for ammunition for its heavy artillery, must conserve its stockpile while enduring intensive bombardment by Russian forces. 

UK with a quarter of a billion pounds to procure invigorate supply chains to produce urgently needed artillery ammunition to boost Ukraine’s reserves. Today’s £245 mill announcement comes exactly 2-years to the day since Putin illegal full-scale invasion of Ukraine – having proved critical to Ukraine’s battlefield successes, continuously degrading Russia’s forces & preventing them from making breakthroughs.

(12-03-2023, 10:45 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Hear Russian Personer's Chilling final message to wife after fighting in Ukraine.

A indicates they maybe empty or there may be no urgent need to deliver ammo to their destinations in North Korea. As all these vessels are subject to sanctions by US Dept of Treasury for their alleged involvement in transporting military equipment and ammunition from North Korea to Russia.

Satellite images from 12 February show no large cargo ships near the two docks in Rason, where weapons are usually loaded.

Satellite images also indicate that containers from North Korea's internal regions have not been transported to the Rason port by rail.

Perhaps operation was suspended due to ammo production issues in North Korea or other logistical difficulties also possible weapons are being transferred to Russia by air or rail across the border.

NK Pro noted that ships involved in joint operation between North Korea and Russia did not activate their automatic identification system during all departures to avoid detection.

NK Pro said four vessels namely.
Angara, Maia-1, Maria and Lady R, had transported ammunition to Russia, making at least 32 trips. 

The last time Maia-1 entered North Korea's Rason Port was on 12 February, and Lady R on 4 February. 

During this time, no containers is recorded as being delivered to the export pier.

NK Pro noted containers delivered by Maia-1 and Lady R in early February have remained in the port for the past few weeks. 

This indicates that they may be empty or that there may be no urgent need to deliver them to their destinations in North Korea.

All of these vessels are subject to sanctions by the US Department of the Treasury for their alleged involvement in transporting military equipment and ammunition from North Korea to Russia.

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