Religion are man make

(08-07-2024, 01:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  As long as ppl dun try to hard sell their religions I dun care what they believe in. The problem is when ppl start war in the name of religion so as to vanquish other ppl and forcefully convert them.

Most of the wars in history weren't started because of religion. Don't be mistaken when people use religion to rally the people, like how the Zionists, which is a non-religious entity, uses religion to rally the support of the people.

God is God. Religion is man made. God is spirit and He created everything out of nothingness.

You don't need to be religious. You do need to call on God and have a relationship with your maker.

I more curious interested when we RIP, is already The End or we go " another place " aka is our Soul roaming to another place where all the deads are there that included our late family members, relatives, friends. Will we get to meet ? or ?

(08-07-2024, 04:58 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I more curious interested when we RIP, is already The End or we go " another place " aka is our Soul roaming to another place where all the deads are there that included our late family members, relatives, friends. Will we get to meet ? or ?

late family members, relatives, friends are all earthly things
and earth is gone we will not be focusing on all these earthly things

we will be focusing on heavenly things like the purpose of our creation

(08-07-2024, 03:24 PM)Sticw Wrote:  God is God. Religion is man made. God is spirit and He created everything out of nothingness.

You don't need to be religious. You do need to call on God and have a relationship with your maker.

Who is your teacher?

[[ForeverAlone]] dateline='[url=tel:1720429120' Wrote:  1720429120[/url]']
I more curious interested when we RIP, is already The End or we go " another place " aka is our Soul roaming to another place where all the deads are there that included our late family members, relatives, friends. Will we get to meet ? or ?

You will meet all of them on the day of Judgement. Every one will come out of graves , urn.

However it will not be a happy moment.

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