Russia vs Ukraine

(17-01-2023, 09:25 PM)Instinct Wrote:  A strong msg for Putin and other bullies that invading a small country can be a high price.  Clapping

This war is a long long war be Putin on Ukraine.... Sick

(18-02-2023, 07:04 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  They are all dead and the wounded are left with no one to take care for them.🤣 The 16yr can help. Thank 

Mass burial of convicts recruited by Wagner Group found outside occupied Luhansk
Mass burial of convicts recruited by Wagner Group. In the cemetery near Luhansk, local residents discovered 42 fresh graves in which the Wagner Group mercenaries, recruited in penal colonies before being killed in action in Ukraine may be buried.
This was reported by the Russian BBC service, Ukrinform saw.

Journalists managed to find in open sources information on 37 men whose personal data coincide with the inscriptions on the tombstones – a total of 20 court verdicts against people who are the full namesakes of those buried near Luhansk. Thirty-five them were Russians, one was a citizen of Belarus, and another was Officially...  Sick

Kremlin does not comment on the participation of convicts in hostilities in Ukraine. But at least one prisoner who fought as part of Wagner Group was personally awarded by the Russian president.

Read also: Wagner mercenaries helping Serbia to recreate Crimea scenario in the Balkans – President of Kosovo

Journalists also found cases investigated, were told similar stories: their loved ones were imprisoned, volunteered to go and fight as part of Wagner Group, were released from penitentiary facilities at the end of August, and in October they contact with them was lost. Neither representatives of the Wagner Group nor other organizations reached out to the families of those killed.

The burial site near Luhansk is already the third site where dozens of graves of convicts who fought in Ukraine as part of Wagner Group have been discovered.

In December, 47 graves were discovered in the village of Bakunsk, Krasnodar Area. In just two months, the number of burials increased sixfold, and by late January there were already 270 graves there. All of them are decorated with wreaths with a red, black, and yellow emblem, similar to that seen on Wagner’s patches and banners.

Read also: US designates Wagner Group as transnational criminal organization, other cemetery - or rather a cemetery alley - was discovered by the residents of the village of Fryanovo outside Moscow neighboring village: 22 graves with the same red, black and yellow wreaths. Court verdicts regarding 12 persons whose initials completely match the data on the plates can be found online.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Wagner Group, confirmed that the cemetery in the Krasnodar Area belongs to his “private military company,” (to help those be kill.)

Wagner mercenaries helping Serbia to recreate Crimea scenario in the Balkans – President of Kosovo

(18-02-2023, 07:04 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  They are all dead and the wounded are left with no one to take care for them.🤣
Wagner open new office... Tongue

Betting on Ukraine victory was ‘suicidal’ – Seymour Hersh
The West didn’t even want Kiev in NATO because of corruption concerns, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist says

[Image: 63f087c685f54063985c849f.jpg]

The US and its allies should have attempted to reach an agreement with Moscow as their belief that Ukraine can win a conflict against Russia is “suicidal,” iconic American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has argued.
Speaking in a YouTube interview with the Consortium News outlet on Friday, Hersh accused the Biden administration of making “so many bad mistakes,” adding that “it’s impossible to believe just how dumb this leadership was.” 
“It was suicidal to think you can win that war, that Ukraine can win the war [against Russia]. There’s just too much corruption. That was a very, very bad decision. We should have been pushing for peace, we should have made an agreement,” the former Pulitzer Prize winner insisted.
US President Joe Biden basically “blew off NATO in Europe” by telling allies that he is backing Ukraine with its “totally corrupt government,” Hersh added. The journalist also pointed out how Kiev glorifies Stepan Bandera, “the great pro-Nazi who killed Jews like crazy during World War II.” 
“It’s just silly not to right away assure the Russian government that we weren’t interested in making Ukraine a member of NATO,” Hersh stated, referring to long-standing concerns in Moscow. “NATO didn’t want Ukraine anyway because of the corruption.”

remove zalensky from president may be faster track to end war.

(18-02-2023, 08:50 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  This war is a long long war by Putin on Ukraine.... Sick

This is a good job be China to put peace plan on the Euro table. As western leaders reacted nervously to a China peace plan for Ukraine due to be revealed this week. Rotfl

But they cautiously welcomed the move as a first sign that China recognises war cannot be regarded solely as a Euro affair.

China’s senior diplomat Wang Yi
Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, one of the few external politicians able to influence Russia. 

He announced that China would launch its peace initiative on the anniversary of the war, and already been consulting Germany, Italy and France on its proposals. The US is not invlted... Big Grin Tongue

He said the peace plan would underscore the need to uphold principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and the UN Charter. And at the same time he said the legitimate security interests of Russia needed to be respected.... Tongue

Tee tiong huat Wrote: Fight, Fight and Fight, for what?....War war and war?. For what?.

China challenge. This words is....?.That was NATO (No-Action Talk+O)  Clapping Clapping

This is Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg's message on Saturday for the global security elite gathered at the Munich Security Conference, to talk all about China.

(19-02-2023, 08:42 AM)sclim Wrote:  remove zalensky from president may be faster track to end war.
US put him there. He is a puppet.

Clearly US is the one who wants the war to carry on. 
Cutting the gas pipeline. Shame on them. 
Biden's son involved in Ukraine has
not been cleared, the public will be hearing Hunter Biden’s name much more in coming months.

(18-01-2023, 03:33 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Russia’s military keeps running short of trucks, and truck drivers. Many were killed in huge numbers during Russia’s offensive deep inside Ukraine. According to the open source project Oryx documenting Russian war losses, the Russian military has lost at least 1,254 supply trucks and fuel tankers.

Even if they are eventually relocated farther away from the front line, Russian soldiers would still be threatened by Ukrainian new
German Leopard 2 tanks and Bradleys 100 armored vehicles, while Tochka-U missiles, which have already swept off some of Russia’s most giant ammo dumps in Donbas, such as the one in the city of Khrustalniy (formerly Krasniy Luch) in Luhansk Oblast on June 2022.

Should Ukraine be finally provided with 300-kilometer ATACMS missiles??.

The situation will become even more complicated for Russia. Russian air defense little time to notice them and react.

This means Ukrainian-operated HIMARSs continue delivering strikes anywhere they can reach. +180km ATACMS missiles

Especially when the Ukrainian military overcharges Russian air defenses with barrages of Tochka-U, Uragan, or Smerch rounds — and then shoots a full salvo of HIMARS to get a guaranteed hit

First Batch US M2A2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Bound For Ukraine, Arrives In Germany last week.

Bradleys are armored vehicles that move infantry through hostile environments and provide supportive fire. 

The vehicle can effectively take on tanks thanks to its TOW missiles and powerful 25mm chain gun. which also included more fighting vehicles, ammunition, missiles, and Stryker armored personnel carriers.

(19-02-2023, 08:31 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  First Batch US M2A2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Bound For Ukraine, Arrives In Germany last week.

Bradleys are armored vehicles that move infantry through hostile environments and provide supportive fire. 

The vehicle can effectively take on tanks thanks to its TOW missiles and powerful 25mm chain gun. which also included more fighting vehicles, ammunition, missiles, and Stryker armored personnel carriers.

“The Russians are really digging in. They’re digging in. They’re digging trenches, they’re putting in these dragon’s teeth, laying mines. They’re really trying to fortify their forward line for their troops.

Kahl said. “To enable the Ukrainians to break through given Russian defenses, emphasis has been shifted to enabling them combine fire and maneuver in a way that will prove to be more effective.”

At World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland,. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy told political leaders that Western weapons must outpace Russia’s attacks, urging the world to move fast as “tragedies outpacing life; tyranny is outpacing democracy.”

Noted: Stryker can transport a full squad of nine infantry and a crew of two. It equipped with a 30 mm gun, a machine gun and/or a grenade launcher, and can travel up to 60 miles/hour (100 km/hour). It runs on eight wheels, which makes it more nimble, speedy and fuel efficient than Bradley.

The first 60 Bradleys was announced last week. Known as a “tank-killer” because of anti-tank missile it can fire, Bradley runs on tracks, making it more useful in muddy terrain than the Stryker.

This two vehicles serve different purposes. Bradley brings more firepower but carries fewer troops. The more lightly armored Stryker is wheeled, can move a lot faster on paved roads, meaning it can get infantry squadrons into the fight better.

Ukraine has for months sought such supplie with heavier tanks, including the U.S. Abrams and German Leopard 2 tanks, but Western leaders have been careful. The UK announced last month will send Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine.

Kahl said the M1 Abrams tank is a very complicated piece of equipment. Tt’s hard to train on. It has a jet engine Tongue , I think it’s about three gallons to the mile of jet fuel. It is not the easiest system to maintain. It may or may not be the right system, Kahl.

“One of the things that Secretary (Lloyd) Austin has been very focused on is that we should not be providing Ukrainians systems they can’t repair, they can’t sustain, and they and that they over the long term can’t afford, because it’s not helpful.”

Poland has expressed readiness to provide a company of Leopard tanks. While German officials have +Poland and Czech Republic have provided Soviet-era T-72 tanks to Ukrainian forces, and France has said it would send AMX-10 RC armored combat vehicles to Ukraine, designated “light tanks” in French.

Influx of new tanks and armored carriers comes as Ukraine faces intense combat in eastern Ukraine around city of Bakhmut and nearby salt mining town of Soledar. Battles are expected to intensify in the spring.

With addition 100 Bradleys, the U.S. aid package included 100 M113 armored personnel carriers and 55 mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles, or MRAPS. Those types of armored carriers, along with the Strykers, will better protect Ukrainian troops who are fighting a brutal campaign against Wagner forces, made up in large part of convicts from Russian prisons.

U.S. has large number of Strykers available the Army announced plans to convert its to a more mobile, infantry unit.

(18-02-2023, 09:27 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Mass burial of convicts recruited by Wagner Group found outside occupied Luhansk
Mass burial of convicts recruited by Wagner Group. In the cemetery near Luhansk, local residents discovered 42 fresh graves in which Wagner mercenaries, recruited in penal colonies before being killed in action.
This was reported by the Russian BBC service, Ukrinform news.

Journalists managed to find in open sources on 37men whose personal data coincide with the inscriptions on tombstones a total of 20 court verdicts against people, full namesakes of those buried near Luhansk. Thirty-five them were Russians, one was a citizen of Belarus, and another Officially...  Sick crying

Read also: Wagner mercenaries helping Serbia to recreate Crimea scenario in the Balkans – President of Kosovo

Journalists also found cases investigated, were told similar stories of their loved ones were imprisoned, or go fight for Wagner, between end August in October they contact with them was lost. Neither Wagner Group nor other organizations cannot reached out to the families of those killed.

Burial site near Luhansk is already 3rd site where dozens of graves of convicts fought in Ukraine for Wagner Group have been discovered. In Dec 2022, 47 graves were discovered in village of Bakunsk, Krasnodar. In just two months, number of burials increased 6-fold, and by late Jan-23 there were already 270 graves there. All of them are decorated with wreaths with red, black, and yellow emblem, similar to that seen on Wagner’s patches and banners.

US designates Wagner as transnational criminal organization, other cemetery or cemetery alley was discovered outside Mos-cow neighboring village can be found online.Yevgeny Prigozhin of Wagner Group, confirmed that the cemetery in the area belongs to his “private military company, (to help those be kill.)

Wagner mercenaries helping Serbia to recreate Crimea scenario in the Balkans – President of Kosovo

Parents of prisoners have approached Olga Romanova for help. Initially, the parents were willing to go to court so that their children wouldn't end up in Ukraine, Penal Colony Number Six is notorious for its ill-treatment and frequent beatings of convicts. Olga described it as "a torture prison.

The colony's admin has not replied to BBC's request to respond to allegations that they forced prisoners to sign military contracts.
Recruitment in prisons appears to have been very successful, but things are changing as Wagner group is suffering heavy losses.

BBC Uzbek hspoken to Farukh (not his real name), a citizen of Uzbekistan who in prison in Russia's Rostov region with Several of his fellow inmates joined Wagner. First it was voluntary, Farukh said, but now he's worried that prisoners may be killed to Ukraine. In the beginning, I also ilke everyone thought Russia, Putin is winning - maybe in month, 3-months or in one year. Now they see many people are dying and also are short of soldiers - it's not good.

Central Asian citizens are recruited to fight for Russia in many ways. Overall about 10.5 million migrants from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan working in Russia, the latest statistics from Russian Interior Ministry. And that's a massive resource for military headhunters to tap.

A Wagner centre is set up in St Petersburg
Wagner has reportedly recruited tens of thousands of prisoners to fight in Ukraine
Russian authorities openly sign up people to join the armed forces at the migration centre in Moscow too. There are even ads in Uzbek, Kyrgyz and Tajik languages offering to these countries a fast track to obtain a Russian passport if join Putin armed army.

(24-01-2023, 06:24 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  14 Challenger 2 tanks on their own are not going to win a war, but it’s the shift in direction that’s important. Earlier this month, France, Germany and the United States respectively promised so-called “+ French heavy tanks” – unspecified number 

+40 German Marder, and 50 Bradley fighting vehicles. Just for a start. Tongue

Latest reports indicate that Washington is considering arming Kyiv with the most advanced system, the PAC-3 Patriot.
The Patriot PAC-3 is one of the options that US govt is now considering sending to Ukraine so that Kyiv can intercept ballistic missiles that hit its territory, Politico reported. 

US’ Most Advanced PAC-3 Missile Could Change The Trend. Other alternative for US defense officials is hiring Raytheon Technologies, a major player in the country’s defense sector, to develop new equipment.
Munich Security Conference: First Leopard tanks to be deployed to Kyiv 'very soon'. Tongue

Earlier, Ukrainian President Zelensky, who spoke to assembled leaders via video link, urged allies to speed up supply of weapons

(16-01-2023, 08:41 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Fourteen tanks doesn’t sound like a lot?
It isn’t and 14 Challenger 2 tanks on their own are not going to win a war, but it’s the shift in direction that’s important.

Earlier this month, France, Germany and the United States respectively promised so-called “light tanks” – an unspecified number of French AMX-10 RC, 40 German Marder, and 50 Bradley fighting vehicles.

Just for a start... Big Grin

Germany in particular had been reluctant to send fighting vehicles, but every time one of the NATO allies pledges a step up in the sort of weapons it...but the timing of the comments is important. 

They come ahead of a meeting this week of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group, which coordinates arms supplies to Kyiv, at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

So there could be announcements of more weapons. Rotfl

He warned “brutal and unjust war” is here will be “very difficult days, weeks and years ahead”, the US president said the Russian leader, Putin counted, “he’s just been plain wrong”.

One year later, the evidence is right here in this room. We stand here together. Biden pledged long-term support for Ukraine, saying that “freedom is priceless. It’s worth fighting for for as long as it takes. And that’s how we’re going to be with you.”

Zelenskiy: Talks with Biden ‘very fruitful’
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said his negotiations with his US counterpart, Joe Biden, were “very fruitful” during a joint press conference in Kyiv.

The Ukrainian leader described Biden’s visit to Ukraine as “the most important visit of the whole history of US-Ukraine relations” which underlines “the results we have already achieved” and the “historic achievements we might gain together with the whole world”.

He thanked the US president personally as well as Congress and the American people, ahead of the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The result of this visit will “surely have a reflection on the battlefield”, Zelenskiy said, adding that he and Biden discussed long-range weapons and the weapons “that may still be supplied to Ukraine”.

“Ukraine is grateful to you, Mr President,” Zelenskiy said.

(20-02-2023, 09:16 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  He warned “brutal and unjust war” is here will be “very difficult days, weeks and years ahead”, the US president said the Russian leader, Putin counted, “he’s just been plain wrong”.

One year later, the evidence is right here in this room. We stand here together. Biden pledged long-term support for Ukraine, saying that “freedom is priceless. It’s worth fighting for for as long as it takes. And that’s how we’re going to be with you.”

Zelenskiy: Talks with Biden ‘very fruitful’
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said his negotiations with his US counterpart, Joe Biden, were “very fruitful” during a joint press conference in Kyiv.

The Ukrainian leader described Biden’s visit to Ukraine as “the most important visit of the whole history of US-Ukraine relations” which underlines “the results we have already achieved” and the “historic achievements we might gain together with the whole world”.

He thanked the US president personally as well as Congress and the American people, ahead of the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The result of this visit will “surely have a reflection on the battlefield”, Zelenskiy said, adding that he and Biden discussed long-range weapons and the weapons “that may still be supplied to Ukraine”.

“Ukraine is grateful to you, Mr President,” Zelenskiy said.

Here's Monday's news... Rotfl

Biden make surprise trip to Ukraine
President Joe Biden walked next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv Monday morning in an unexpected appearance. The meeting in Ukraine's capital city is Biden's first visit to the war-torn country since Russia's invasion nearly one year ago. The president was scheduled to visit Poland on Monday to mark the one-year anniversary and to assure the Ukrainian people that the U.S. will stand with them for as long as it takes. Read more... Tongue

(20-02-2023, 09:22 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Here's Monday's news... Rotfl

Biden make surprise trip to Ukraine
President Joe Biden walked next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv Monday morning in an unexpected appearance. The meeting in Ukraine's capital city is Biden's first visit to the war-torn country since Russia's invasion nearly one year ago. The president was scheduled to visit Poland on Monday to mark the one-year anniversary and to assure the Ukrainian people that the U.S. will stand with them for as long as it takes. Read more... Tongue

Pre. Biden assurance to Ukraine is comforting..................... Big Grin

(18-02-2023, 09:39 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Wagner open new office... Tongue

Elite Azov fighters make o major breakthrogh toward east be 3km... Rotfl

(18-02-2023, 09:27 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Mass burial of convicts recruited by Wagner Group found outside occupied Luhansk
Mass burial of convicts recruited by Wagner Group. In the cemetery near Luhansk, local residents discovered 42 fresh graves in which the Wagner Group mercenaries, recruited in penal colonies before being killed in action in Ukraine may be buried.
This was reported by the Russian BBC service, Ukrinform saw.

Journalists managed to find in open sources information on 37 men whose personal data coincide with the inscriptions on the tombstones – a total of 20 court verdicts against people who are the full namesakes of those buried near Luhansk. Thirty-five them were Russians, one was a citizen of Belarus, and another was Officially...  Sick

Kremlin does not comment on the participation of convicts in hostilities in Ukraine. But at least one prisoner who fought as part of Wagner Group was personally awarded by the Russian president.

Read also: Wagner mercenaries helping Serbia to recreate Crimea scenario in the Balkans – President of Kosovo

Journalists also found cases investigated, were told similar stories: their loved ones were imprisoned, volunteered to go and fight as part of Wagner Group, were released from penitentiary facilities at the end of August, and in October they contact with them was lost. Neither representatives of the Wagner Group nor other organizations reached out to the families of those killed.

The burial site near Luhansk is already the third site where dozens of graves of convicts who fought in Ukraine as part of Wagner Group have been discovered.

In December, 47 graves were discovered in the village of Bakunsk, Krasnodar Area. In just two months, the number of burials increased sixfold, and by late January there were already 270 graves there. All of them are decorated with wreaths with a red, black, and yellow emblem, similar to that seen on Wagner’s patches and banners.

Read also: US designates Wagner Group as transnational criminal organization, other cemetery - or rather a cemetery alley - was discovered by the residents of the village of Fryanovo outside Moscow neighboring village: 22 graves with the same red, black and yellow wreaths. Court verdicts regarding 12 persons whose initials completely match the data on the plates can be found online.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Wagner Group, confirmed that the cemetery in the Krasnodar Area belongs to his “private military company,” (to help those be kill.)

Wagner mercenaries helping Serbia to recreate Crimea scenario in the Balkans – President of Kosovo

Update on Putin attack on Moldova

(16-01-2023, 12:32 PM)Dan Wrote:  [Image: image-30823.jpg]

A missile that hit an apartment building in Ukraine's eastern city of Dnipro on Saturday has thus far killed 30 people, with some 40 others still unaccounted for, Dnipropetrovsk Governor Valentyn Reznichenko said on Sunday, reported DW, quoting news agencies AFP, dpa and Reuters.

Reznichenko said on his Telegram account that a search operation, ongoing for over 24 hours, has involved 550 people. They included rescuers, police officers, doctors and volunteers.

On Sunday, a 27-year-old woman was pulled out from under the rubble. She suffered from severe hypothermia and was taken to a hospital's intensive care unit for treatment, Reznichenko said.

The governor added that 39 residents of the struck building were rescued. Of the 73 people injured during the strike, 30 were hospitalized, including 12 with serious injuries.

Over 70 apartments were destroyed by the strike, which was carried out using a Russian Kh-22 missile, the Ukrainian armed force said. The missile is known to be inaccurate and Ukrainian forces lack the necessary air defense to shoot it down.

Zelensky Calls on Countries to Provide More Weapons to Ukraine After Deadly Dnipro Strike

Can more weapons stop the war?

US President Joe Biden met with leaders of NATO's eastern flank in Poland, wrapping up a visit to Europe that included a surprise trip to Kyiv. He praised the leaders of the nine countries, saying they are "the front lines of our collective defense."
In Moscow President Putin met China’s top diplomat Wang Yi on Wednesday. While
Former Russian president and Deputy Chair the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said Russia will "disappear" if it loses the war in Ukraine.

War How?. Russia's Putin war in Ukraine unfoldeing... Sick Devil

The first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is coming up on Friday and we’ve seen geopolitical tensions ramp up this week in the lead-up to the event.

Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden have made high-profile speeches this week in which they criticized each other’s countries and traded barbs over the conflict.

WW2 is peanuts.

(18-02-2023, 09:39 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Wagner open new office... Tongue

Most experts believed the strategic balance of forces suggested Russia should have won through the meat grinder approach, but rather than by tactical brilliance. But the Russian forces faced fierce resistance from Ukrainian military with new weapon and the local population.

Russian forces are visually confirmed to have lost thousands of main battle tanks and flying vehicles since its all-out invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. Bigeyes .

(20-02-2023, 04:48 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Munich Security Conference: First Leopard tanks to be deployed to Kyiv 'very soon'. Tongue

Earlier, Ukrainian President Zelensky, who spoke to assembled leaders via video link, urged allies to speed up supply of weapons

Can Ukraine start a big counter soon, or wait for Putin to battle fast. Putin crying war fronts along using meat grinder approach. Laughing

(24-02-2023, 05:02 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Most experts believed the strategic balance of forces suggested Russia should have won through the meat grinder approach, but rather than by tactical brilliance. But the Russian forces faced fierce resistance from Ukrainian military with new weapon and the local population.

Russian forces are visually confirmed to have lost thousands of main battle tanks and flying vehicles since its all-out invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. Bigeyes .
Many EU countries had pledged  more tanks for Ukraine.............................. Big Grin

More weapons can only prolong the war, more sufferings and more killed

(25-02-2023, 02:57 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  More weapons can only prolong the war, more sufferings and more killed
Ukraine must emerge victorious........................... Big Grin

(19-02-2023, 09:22 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  “Russians are really digging in. They’re digging in. They’re digging trenches, they’re putting in these dragon’s teeth, laying mines. They’re really trying to fortify their forward line for their troops.

For the Ukrainians to break through given Russian defenses, emphasis has been shifted to enabling them combine fire and maneuver in a good way.

At World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland,. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy told political leaders that Western weapons must outpace Russia’s attacks, urging the world to move fast as “tragedies outpacing life; tyranny is outpacing democracy.”

Noted: Stryker can transport a full squad of nine infantry and a crew of two. It equipped with a 30 mm gun, a machine gun and/or a grenade launcher, and can travel up to 60 miles/hour (100 km/hour). It runs on eight wheels, which makes it more speedy and fuel efficient than Bradley.

The 60 Bradleys was Known as “tank-killer” of anti-tank missile, while Bradley runs on tracks, making it more useful in muddy terrain than the Stryker.

This two vehicles serve different purposes. Bradley brings more firepower but carries fewer troops. The lightly armored Stryker is wheeled, can move faster, meaning it can get infantry squadrons into the fight better.

For months such supplie with heavier tanks, including U.S. Abrams and German Leopard 2 tanks, the Western have been careful. As UK announced will send Challenger 2 tanks.

The M1 Abrams tank is a very complicated piece of equipment. Tt’s hard to train on. It has a jet engine Tongue , I think it’s about three gallons to the mile of jet fuel. It may or may not be the right system, Kahl said.

“One of the things that Secretary (Lloyd) Austin has been very focused on is that we should not be providing Ukrainians systems they can’t repair, they can’t sustain, and they and that they over the long term can’t afford, because it’s not helpful.”

Poland has providef Leopard tanks. German have and Czech Republic have provided Soviet-era T-72 tanks to Ukrainian and France has send AMX-10 RC armored vehicles designated “light tanks”.

Influx of new tanks and armored carriers comes as Ukraine faces intense combat in eastern Ukraine around Bakhmut and battles are expected to intensify in the spring.

With 100 Bradleys, the U.S. aid package included 100 M113 armored personnel carriers and 55 mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles, or MRAPS. Those types of armored carriers, along with the Strykers, will better protect Ukrainian troops who are fighting a brutal campaign against Wagner forces, made up in large part of convicts from Russian prisons.

U.S. has large number of Strykers available the Army announced plans to convert its to a more mobile, infantry unit.

Ukraine war push on 1 year and more.. Tongue

EU approves 10th package of sanctions on Russia over Ukraine war

EU sanctions were designed to make financing the war more difficult for Russia, as well as starve it of tech equipment and spare parts.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki speak to Polish soldiers next to the first Leopard 2 tanks delivered from Poland to Ukraine on February 24, 2023

All this will intensity the innovation of weaponry and the death ray by Nikola Tesla will finally be invented by China

(17-02-2023, 05:19 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Two infantry formations based in Russia’s far eastern provinces, 40th and 155th Naval Infantry Brigades, kicked off assaults against the Donbas industrial town on Feb. 4, using armored personnel carriers loaded with infantry, and supported by late-model T-80 and T-90 tanks from Russia’s high-profile 90th Tank Regiment.

The Vuhledar sector has, perhaps because of that open terrain, seen by far the biggest concentration of professional Russian ground units and armored vehicles committed to combat by the Kremlin in 2023

According to those reports, Russian area commander Lieutenant General Rustam Muradov ordered attack units led by the Marine Infantry brigades to advance as rapidly as possible towards Ukrainian defenses, with the short-term objective of establishing forward infantry fighting positions to act as a base for future attacks.

Ukrainian artillery and fire direction networks had been long-established in the sector, and day after day, Russian armored columns were halted and then crushed by accurate shell strikes adjusted by Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) drones, or Ukrainian artillery observers perched atop the highest terrain in the vicinity:

24 Feb-2023, Ukrainian-HlMARS TIME!, On Logistical Hubs in one night.

(25-02-2023, 09:52 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  24 Feb-2023, Ukrainian-HlMARS TIME!, On Logistical Hubs in one night.

In a week of fighting, the 155th Marines had been effectively wiped out, losing 36 tanks, 130 other armored vehicles, and at least half its soldiers, said Oleksy Dmitrashovsky, spokesman for Joint Forces Tavriia, in a Feb. 12 statement. At full strength, the 155th Naval Infantry would number about 2,000 men.

Russians are really try digging in. They’re try, try to digging in. But they’re digging away trenches, they’re putting in these dragon’s teeth and they are losing their tanks and soldiers.  crying

They are Putin best soldiers.... Laughing

(18-01-2023, 03:33 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Russia’s military keeps running short of trucks, and truck drivers. Many were killed in huge numbers during Russia’s early offensive deep inside Ukraine. According to the open source project Oryx documenting Russian war losses, the Russian military has lost at least 1,254 supply trucks and fuel tankers.

Even if they are eventually relocated farther away from the front line, Russian depots would still be threatened by Ukrainian Tochka-U missiles, which have already swept off some of Russia’s most giant ammo dumps in Donbas, such as the one in the city of Khrustalniy (formerly Krasniy Luch) in Luhansk Oblast on June 18.

Should Ukraine be finally provided with 300-kilometer ATACMS missiles??.

The situation will become even more complicated for Russi. Russian air defense little time to notice them and react.

This means Ukrainian-operated HIMARSs continue delivering strikes anywhere they can reach.

Especially when the Ukrainian military overcharges Russian air defenses with barrages of Tochka-U, Uragan, or Smerch rounds — and then shoots a full salvo of HIMARS to get a guaranteed hit

Media: Delivery of 14 Mi-8 helicopters to Ukraine from Croatia underway. 

The delivery of 12 Mi-8 MTV-1 and two Mi-8 T helicopters from Croatia to Ukraine is underway, Croatian newspaper Jutarnji said it had learned Clapping

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