Russian Scientists Create Universal Cure for Cancer

13:38 GMT 03.09.2021 (Updated: 14:19 GMT 03.09.2021)

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) along with other researchers from Russia have managed to make cancer treatment with radioactive actinium-225 40% more effective.


actinium emits alpha particles: the linear energy transfer of this type is smaller than that of beta rays, so it "hits" cancer cells more accurately without affecting healthy ones. However, actinium-225 produces toxic daughter isotopes, such as francium-221 and bismuth-213, which accumulate in liver, kidney and spleen. The researchers explain that this is what prevents actinium from being widely used in clinical practice.

The solution to this problem was found by TPU researchers, who proposed a unique method of isotope packaging into a polymer-protein capsule. According to them, it helps neutralise toxic isotopes and increase the therapeutic effect of actinium-225 by 40%.


Animal testing has shown the accumulation of no more than 5% of the total amount in the kidneys, while the existing systems lead to the accumulation rate ranging from 30-35% to 50%.


The TPU researchers explain that nowadays the physical method is commonly used for actinium packaging: the isotope is simply mixed with porous polymer nanospheres, "locking" most of it inside. However, the structure has proven itself unreliable, they noted.

When creating new capsules, the authors used chemical methods, first binding actinium to albumin, a protein molecule, and then placing it in a polymer solution. Albumin creates a strong covalent bond with the polymer, literally surrounding the isotope with a protective sphere. The TPU scientists used a commercially available polymer based on polypeptides and polysaccharides.

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