S$7.5k earning Singaporean advised against going for lower paying job

“Hold on to your job” – S$7.5k earning Singaporean advised against going for lower paying job to help care for dementia-ridden dad


If one cannot handle the job scope, until feeling ill.
Better talk to your boss honestly, and prepare to lookup for another new job that you can handle well.

If the boss is reasonable, company can adjust job scope. If not, the job is not worthwhile to get yourself sick for it

While $ is important, the ability to handle the task well with confidence is the main essence for a person carreer. 

Looking after father 's sickness is another issue all together. Seeking help from siblings, other family members and government agency like AIC should be a better way to go.
Desperately holding on to a stressful job may aggravate the problem further, if both father and daughter fallen ill together.

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