Singapore will do more if cost of living goes up: Lawrence Wong

Singapore will do more if cost of living goes up: Lawrence Wong

Dola has entered into Blackhole
every raising of RATE from 5.25 to 5.5
Banks' contracted near zero or zero poop
now more mor than 50% POOPed.
no way can QE anymor as below zero Blackhole of the kind dat make Debts heavier called deflationary blackhole.

Please don’t help us anymore. 
$$$ won’t fall from the sky.
The more they help. 
The higher the inflation.

Their lousy policies create today runaway inflation

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Architects of the ONE WORLD chengHU are 1. UK 2.US 3 Isreal
Isreal is in Land Grab mode beginning with GAZA in a greater Isreal

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