Taiwan Covid jin jialat!

(06-05-2022, 12:39 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  You are wrong! HK has conducted more tests than Spore just that many elderly refused to get vaccination.

Hong Kong - 5.9 million tests were conducted per million population 
Singapore - 4 million tests per million population 
Taiwan - 638k tests per million population

People say HK got no freedom under CCP.. Just look at the part about elderly refused to get vaccination.

If HK did what Sinkie land do to unvaccinated, sure all the elderly queue to get vaccination.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
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(06-05-2022, 10:12 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  I think bringing in 100 pieces which is just 4 boxes should be okay and it’s not like 4 cartons. And it’s true that they don’t allow their people to buy from overseas. 

My Taiwan manager told me yesterday that their government will be making changes with the policy soon.

This DPP administration is evil and greedy. They are making those companies whom they are associate with to gain most profits with this pandemic. It is reported that the company who imported the ART is the same company who made their local vaccines. 

The health minister is now trying to give excuses that it’s not true, but when the media show evidence he changed his statement. Very sad, how Taiwan has been managed.
Taiwan authorities now allow ART to be mail in from oversea, but the ART result from those testkit cannot be used for any public purpose..

ie, you use those ART, cannot use the result to go to school, go to work etc. So only test yourself for fun..

Remind me of mask policy in Sinkie land.. You can don't wear mask outside, but in door you have to wear, go inside lift have to wear, go take public transport have to wear.. Then can proudly say in interview, "We already relaxed the policy, but Sinkie still want to wear their mask when outside"..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(12-05-2022, 09:42 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  People say HK got no freedom under CCP.. Just look at the part about elderly refused to get vaccination.

If HK did what Sinkie land do to unvaccinated, sure all the elderly queue to get vaccination.

Spore is like another China, HKies dunt trust & listen to their garment like we do.

(12-05-2022, 09:46 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Taiwan authorities now allow ART to be mail in from oversea, but the ART result from those testkit cannot be used for any public purpose..

ie, you use those ART, cannot use the result to go to school, go to work etc. So only test yourself for fun..

Remind me of mask policy in Sinkie land.. You can don't wear mask outside, but in door you have to wear, go inside lift have to wear, go take public transport have to wear.. Then can proudly say in interview, "We already relaxed the policy, but Sinkie still want to wear their mask when outside"..

Taiwan garment is not only unprepared for mass testing but also wants people to use the ART test kits produced by their own company called Medigen that made high end 高端 not fully tested vaccines.

(12-05-2022, 09:39 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Unlike in Spore they use saliva to test, the supplier is under Medigen 高端。

Well they have both method, one that you mentioned and the other one is similar to what we used locally. I didn’t like the spitting the saliva into a cup and have a sort of litmus paper dipped into the cup that filled with saliva. Though it’s quicker than what we are using. 

Medigen has a sub-company set up by the same boss, they are authorised in supplying Abbott Panbio. The news found that the company was never previously involved in medical supply. When questioned by reporters the boss of Medigen try to evade in answering. 

And due to this news get surfaced. The Taiwanese health ministry has since released and the crazy pricing in the market, the ban in allowing individuals from getting their own antigen from overseas has since been lifted yesterday. 

Anyway DPP administration is a bloody joke. They have no qualms to do things out of the ordinary, because the party believed they have the backing of the Americans and Japanese. Somehow this drawn supports from the younger generations in Taiwan, the way I see it.
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(12-05-2022, 09:46 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Taiwan authorities now allow ART to be mail in from oversea, but the ART result from those testkit cannot be used for any public purpose..

ie, you use those ART, cannot use the result to go to school, go to work etc. So only test yourself for fun..

Remind me of mask policy in Sinkie land.. You can don't wear mask outside, but in door you have to wear, go inside lift have to wear, go take public transport have to wear.. Then can proudly say in interview, "We already relaxed the policy, but Sinkie still want to wear their mask when outside"..

It is true that the Taiwan authorities does not allow those ART send via overseas being recognised, even though they are of the same brand as they get locally.

The reason is simple, they are protecting the local “market” which is selling at a much higher price than we we get from overseas. The DPP government need to protect their fund supporters. 

As for your comments on Singapore, well to wear the masks out in the open is merely an extra protections because you never know whether the person next to you has any hidden symptom or not. And not forgetting many people’s has purchased many masks previously. Having them left at home is kind of waste, why not have them used. 

And when I am in Taiwan, wearing mask out in the open is such a common thing. Especially when I have a running nose or cough. So in Singapore we should have that habit, to protect others at the same time protecting ourselves too. Just my opinion.

【每日必看】陳時中被人民狂嗆! 名嘴:總統躲起來.否則嗆更慘|快篩陽=確診! 視訊看診爆亂象 上線就當機@中天電視 20220513

2022/05/11 黃智賢夜問 742集 疫情當下的台灣 人人自求多福!排隊都買不到的快篩 民進黨轉手「大方」相贈洪都拉斯


(13-05-2022, 10:55 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

2022/05/11 黃智賢夜問 742集 疫情當下的台灣 人人自求多福!排隊都買不到的快篩 民進黨轉手「大方」相贈洪都拉斯


(13-05-2022, 10:55 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

2022/05/11 黃智賢夜問 742集 疫情當下的台灣 人人自求多福!排隊都買不到的快篩 民進黨轉手「大方」相贈洪都拉斯


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(13-05-2022, 02:03 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  今天,65,385確定染疫,當中17人離世。


(13-05-2022, 02:10 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  越来越多了啦!



(13-05-2022, 02:23 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  是的,因為有一個只是意態形式的政府。只為糊弄,再賺取人民的錢。並不管人民的真正的需求,就算快篩,或疫苗的不足。先把大選的經費給賺到後再說。人民只好自求多福。



(13-05-2022, 02:30 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  你去臺灣的時候也要小心谨慎啊!

[+] 1 user Likes kangtangman's post

(13-05-2022, 02:30 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  你去臺灣的時候也要小心谨慎啊!

[+] 1 user Likes lvlrsSTI's post

(13-05-2022, 03:12 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  你也应该去台湾看看。













[Image: WvQ54_RoSeCiOzybazD0JPt1383mHFVSNlWamluS...1093-nd-v1]



WHA倒數 陳時中投書美媒籲納台實現防疫零缺口


第75屆WHA將於5月22日至5月28日在日內瓦登場,陳時中今天以「台灣如何成功抑制疫情」(HowTaiwan successfully contained COVID) Rotfl  為題,投書「華盛頓觀察家報」(The Washington Examiner),細數台灣公衛與防疫成就。



陳時中表示,全球資料庫網站Numbeo去年發布的全球健康照護指標(Health Care Index),台灣在95個國家中排名第一;台灣的健康照護系統也被國際商業雜誌CEOWORLD評為2021年全球次優。

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Zero loophole 零缺口in fighting covid until so jialat? still say Taiwan Number one and wants to join WHA?

(14-05-2022, 03:57 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  【脸比屁股大】陈时中以“台湾如何成功抑制疫情”为题投书美国媒体。台湾成功抑制疫情?每天新增6万例确诊叫成功抑制疫情?陈时中公然欺骗世界。

[Image: WvQ54_RoSeCiOzybazD0JPt1383mHFVSNlWamluS...1093-nd-v1]



WHA倒數 陳時中投書美媒籲納台實現防疫零缺口


第75屆WHA將於5月22日至5月28日在日內瓦登場,陳時中今天以「台灣如何成功抑制疫情」(HowTaiwan successfully contained COVID) Rotfl  為題,投書「華盛頓觀察家報」(The Washington Examiner),細數台灣公衛與防疫成就。



陳時中表示,全球資料庫網站Numbeo去年發布的全球健康照護指標(Health Care Index),台灣在95個國家中排名第一;台灣的健康照護系統也被國際商業雜誌CEOWORLD評為2021年全球次優。


100,000 要到了啦!


Today the news reported that the current DPP administration in Taiwan has mismanaged the pandemic. First it was short of face masks, and many people were panic to get them.

Then they were short of vaccines, again people were panic at some point. Then the DPP government pushed out a self made vaccine that was not proven and was not even approved by FDA or WHO. Forcing many people to take the uncertified or unverified vaccines. And the price is the highest among all the well known brand.

Then the DPP government try to delay or stopped Foxconn and a few religious organisations to bring in PFIZER and Moderna. After some times the government relented.

Subsequently they fall short of medical supply again and now the ART where the same government refused to allow citizen to get from overseas with threat in fining those who insist to bring in the ART. Despite falling short of supply and the price of the ART that was sold to the public were almost two times the price we get here in Singapore.

Then the news media found out that the current DPP health ministry had approved Medigen (company that manufactured their Taiwanese uncertified vaccines) in bringing in the ART. And the price were 2-3 times the price of other countries, Singapore included.

Today has reached another 60 thousands level. The sentiment in Taiwan now are in great stressed.

Why ST or CNA report TW Province latest situation ?

Taiwan reports over 65,000 new COVID-19 cases


(14-05-2022, 07:04 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  Today the news reported that the current DPP administration in Taiwan has mismanaged the pandemic. First it was short of face masks, and many people were panic to get them.

Then they were short of vaccines, again people were panic at some point. Then the DPP government pushed out a self made vaccine that was not proven and was not even approved by FDA or WHO. Forcing many people to take the uncertified or unverified vaccines. And the price is the highest among all the well known brand.

Then the DPP government try to delay or stopped Foxconn and a few religious organisations to bring in PFIZER and Moderna. After some times the government relented.

Subsequently they fall short of medical supply again and now the ART where the same government refused to allow citizen to get from overseas with threat in fining those who insist to bring in the ART. Despite falling short of supply and the price of the ART that was sold to the public were almost two times the price we get here in Singapore.

Then the news media found out that the current DPP health ministry had approved Medigen (company that manufactured their Taiwanese uncertified vaccines) in bringing in the ART. And the price were 2-3 times the price of other countries, Singapore included.

Today has reached another 60 thousands level. The sentiment in Taiwan now are in great stressed.

Why still no lockdown?

(15-05-2022, 06:15 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Why still no lockdown?

You can't keep locking down
 Just look at the disaster in Shanghai.

Taiwanese will bite the bullet
 Life will return to normal after that.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(15-05-2022, 06:15 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Why still no lockdown?

The DPP administration wanted to risk it out, despite many in Taiwan has yet to vaccinated as well as the lack of medical supply (lacking of vaccines or late in supply vaccines even till today. And they are short of antigen).

More importantly many countries have already begin to take the route in “living with the covid”, and also in November the election is near. They have to let the strategy to let Taiwanese living with Covid to take its course. So that many will go to the poll stations by then. 

Many independent polls show that DPP will win again but needed to managed this pandemic soon. Because people will forget after 6 months.

(15-05-2022, 08:44 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  The DPP administration wanted to risk it out, despite many in Taiwan has yet to vaccinated as well as the lack of medical supply (lacking of vaccines or late in supply vaccines even till today. And they are short of antigen).

More importantly many countries have already begin to take the route in “living with the covid”, and also in November the election is near. They have to let the strategy to let Taiwanese living with Covid to take its course. So that many will go to the poll stations by then. 

Many independent polls show that DPP will win again but needed to managed this pandemic soon. Because people will forget after 6 months.

they deserved to suffer and die, because they still want to vote for DPP

(15-05-2022, 06:15 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Why still no lockdown?

It could be as high 100K as they are limited by PCR and test kits.
Need to prevent people rushing to hospitals to do testing
accumulation of virus load can make it very deadly
This type of scene is repeat throughout the world, resulting many un necessary deaths.
Having enough test kits is important
According to the youtube, quite many infected people report still roaming in the streets. 

If no lock down, must ensure no mass gathering and educate to eat what to prevent inflammation.
So far Tw govt like rest of the world is not doing well in that.

(15-05-2022, 09:42 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  It could be as high 100K as they are limited by PCR and test kits.
Need to prevent people rushing to hospitals to do testing
accumulation of virus load can make it very deadly
This type of scene is repeat throughout the world, resulting many un necessary deaths.
Having enough test kits is important
According to the youtube, quite many infected people report still roaming in the streets. 

If no lock down, must ensure no mass gathering and educate to eat what to prevent inflammation.
So far Tw govt like rest of the world is not doing well in that.

just look at the death rate.  If it is higher than other countries, it means that either wrong treatment or many undetected cases.

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