The lie that sunk Boris Johnson after numerous lies

Opinion by Rosa Prince

Updated 1320 GMT (2120 HKT) July 7, 2022


Why would a prime minister risk his leadership by appointing an alleged predator to a minor role in his government? Why lie about it when, inevitably, his folly was found out?
The answer is not that the miscreant Christopher Pincher was particularly close or important to Johnson; he wasn't. Instead, both the inability to abide by the norms which bind everyone else and the casual and foolish falsehood which followed speak to flaws in Johnson's makeup. Since childhood Johnson seems to have found it easier to reach for a preposterous lie than tell an obvious truth -- and has yet to meet a rule he didn't seek to break.


he was likeable; charming. People wanted him to succeed, and were disposed to look the other way when what he said didn't quite add up. That in turn fed his habit; if people seemed prepared to go along with the pretense, what motivation did he have for sticking to the awkward truth?

By the time he landed at Oxford University as a dilettante undergraduate, he had become a master of the brazen falsehood.


As a young journalist, Johnson was fired by The Times for inventing a quote from his godfather, the historian Sir Colin Lucas.

Having landed a role with the rival Telegraph despite this, he made his name by filing absurd, because largely untrue, reports from Brussels about the apparent iniquities of the European Union.

He entered politics on a lie -- having promised when he took on the editorship of the Spectator magazine that he had no ambitions to become an MP, he did just that.
He lied to his many wives, girlfriends and mistresses. He lied about his children (until recently it was unclear even how many he had).


Lying is a habit as natural to him as telling the truth comes easily to most people


No one in his party was unaware of Johnson's habit of playing fast and loose with the truth when he became Prime Minister three years ago; for them, his ability to win elections and "Get Brexit Done," as his 2019 election rallying call went, was more important than installing a leader who could be trusted to tell the truth.

Better to read the full article at:
[+] 2 users Like Levin's post

Good riddance. Never liked him. Even a monkey would be more suitable.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(08-07-2022, 08:10 AM)Levin Wrote:  Opinion by Rosa Prince

Updated 1320 GMT (2120 HKT) July 7, 2022


Why would a prime minister risk his leadership by appointing an alleged predator to a minor role in his government? Why lie about it when, inevitably, his folly was found out?
The answer is not that the miscreant Christopher Pincher was particularly close or important to Johnson; he wasn't. Instead, both the inability to abide by the norms which bind everyone else and the casual and foolish falsehood which followed speak to flaws in Johnson's makeup. Since childhood Johnson seems to have found it easier to reach for a preposterous lie than tell an obvious truth -- and has yet to meet a rule he didn't seek to break.


he was likeable; charming. People wanted him to succeed, and were disposed to look the other way when what he said didn't quite add up. That in turn fed his habit; if people seemed prepared to go along with the pretense, what motivation did he have for sticking to the awkward truth?

By the time he landed at Oxford University as a dilettante undergraduate, he had become a master of the brazen falsehood.


As a young journalist, Johnson was fired by The Times for inventing a quote from his godfather, the historian Sir Colin Lucas.

Having landed a role with the rival Telegraph despite this, he made his name by filing absurd, because largely untrue, reports from Brussels about the apparent iniquities of the European Union.

He entered politics on a lie -- having promised when he took on the editorship of the Spectator magazine that he had no ambitions to become an MP, he did just that.
He lied to his many wives, girlfriends and mistresses. He lied about his children (until recently it was unclear even how many he had).


Lying is a habit as natural to him as telling the truth comes easily to most people


No one in his party was unaware of Johnson's habit of playing fast and loose with the truth when he became Prime Minister three years ago; for them, his ability to win elections and "Get Brexit Done," as his 2019 election rallying call went, was more important than installing a leader who could be trusted to tell the truth.

Better to read the full article at:

1 lie needs more lies to cover up mah!

The likely real reason is the very bleak UK economic outlook having made multiple wrong moves regarding Ukraine of which many backfired

Whoever takes over Boris but continues to do the same will finish hammering nails into their coffin tight

He is very good at talking.
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

(08-07-2022, 08:29 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Good riddance.  Never liked him.  Even a monkey would be more suitable.

He can take off his shirt and ride a horse to challenge Putin hor!

Dun pray pray hor!  Rotfl

aiya 三流政棍,到处都是

(08-07-2022, 09:39 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  aiya 三流政棍,到处都是

口才一流呢 ! Rotfl

It is very convenient for everyone including the western MSM to blame all the bad stuff that has happened to UK on one single person like Boris Johnson, especially if he's someone that is controversial and has a messy personal life.

However if assessed objectively, the UK has been in a rut since the late Tony Blair days. Gordon Brown was a directionless leader, David Cameron gambled with Brexit and crashed badly, Theresa May spent her entire tenure squabbling with EU on Brexit terms, then came Bojo and his nonsense.

UK has been drifting for the past 15 years with no clear direction for the past 15 years. Looking at the deflated Labour Party and the fractious infighting Conservative Party, it looks like UK will continue its path to shipwreck for the foreseeable future.

(08-07-2022, 09:23 AM)theold Wrote:  He is very good at talking.

NATO No Action Talk Only mah!

(08-07-2022, 08:29 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Good riddance.  Never liked him.  Even a monkey would be more suitable.

Was Boris Johnson the worst prime minister of recent times?

Analysis: after Johnson’s resignation, how does he compare with his four predecessors as PM?

Can some1 summarise the final lie that sunk him?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(08-07-2022, 11:33 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Can some1 summarise the final  lie that sunk him?

It is in the article. Second paragraph. Name in the 5th paragraph.

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