‘It’s hard to find another place like this’: Peace Centre to close after Jan 28

‘It’s hard to find another place like this’: Peace Centre to close after Jan 28 

[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

Peace center was opened and named because the year it opened there were no major wars in the world

Sad to day all that has changed.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Especially the kachang puteh man outside peace ventre

War coming, hence they need to remove Peace for the onslaught...
[+] 1 user Likes Sticw's post

I remember the place for the sleazy ATB meow meows and ktvs.  It had a very seedy reputation for the past 2 decades or so.

Dunno why peepur are waxing lyrical over its overdue demise Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
[+] 2 users Like p1acebo's post

I usually popped by to say hello and then proceed to tekka market jiak indian rojak.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes p1acebo's post

Those meimeis will pretend to be pte students at those dubious skools and moonlight as ktv hostesses. Msian, Thai, China and lastly the vietbus Laughing

Those younger vietbus who have been bought for marriage purposes usually will end up there despite their legit occupations like waitress or cooks or pte students Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(28-01-2024, 08:40 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Those meimeis will pretend to be pte students at those dubious skools and moonlight as ktv hostesses.  Msian, Thai, China and lastly the vietbus  Laughing

Those younger vietbus who have been bought for marriage purposes usually will end up there despite their legit occupations like waitress or cooks or pte students Laughing

Very seasoned player spotted. Lol
[+] 1 user Likes Sticw's post

(28-01-2024, 08:45 AM)Sticw Wrote:  Very seasoned player spotted. Lol

I am only a placebo Smile

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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