'This is poor planning': Covid-19 home recovery patients voice confusion, frustration


Frustration and confusion are mounting on the ground as Singapore's healthcare system struggles to cope with the latest surge in Covid-19 cases.

While some people have said they are unable to contact the Ministry of Health (MOH) for official advice on their specific situations, others have complained about the long lag times between testing positive and being taken to a recovery facility.

A chat group - SG Quarantine Order Support Group - has surfaced on messaging app Telegram for people to share their experiences and pool information.

Shortly after Mr Chow tested positive on Sept 13, he received a call telling him to pack seven days' worth of clothes as he would be taken to a community care facility.

But there was no follow-up.

The 37-year-old has been at home since then. He has been taking regular antigen rapid tests (ARTs), which have come up negative over the past few days. But he is not sure if he is allowed to resume normal life, as phone operators on the MOH hotline have told him to wait for further instructions.

His TraceTogether status also shows he is "not cleared", meaning that he will not be able to dine at restaurants unless he receives a written exemption.

People on MOH's home recovery scheme are supposed to be assessed by a doctor via telemedicine and be matched with a buddy who will provide necessary support. But Mr Chow has not been contacted by anyone.

"I'm aware that there are a lot of cases now, and I don't want to waste resources by calling MOH all the time," he said. "But if you want people to recover at home, at least give them some clear guidance or some kind of support."

Mr Liau's 82-year-old father tested positive on Sept 15 and was taken to hospital three days later.

This left his 79-year-old mother - who was symptomatic and had also tested positive using an ART - alone at home for the next four days.

"My mother is the one we are very worried about," said Mr Liau, 42. "She was recently discharged from the hospital for having fainting spells, and she has been alone by herself since Saturday."

He tried to contact the Health Ministry, but succeeded only recently. On Wednesday (Sept 22), an official was sent to his parents' house to administer a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test - one week after she had tested positive with an ART kit.

The family is now awaiting the PCR test result to find out what happens next.

"Without that test result, it's like she's in no man's land," said Mr Liau, who works in the aerospace maintenance industry. "She can't leave the house, she can't be admitted to hospital, she can't go anywhere."

It has been seven days since Mr Bruce Lee's son tested positive for Covid-19.

But apart from an initial visit to a general practitioner to get him tested, the six-year-old has not received any formal medical care.

Mr Lee, 54, has been attempting to contact MOH for help, especially since the GP suggested that a child his son's age should recover in a medical facility. But he has not heard back yet.

He said: "We are talking about my child, who has a history of seizures. His fever has gone up and down, and you don't know when it will just shoot up."

Apart from a fever, his son has also been coughing, sneezing and complaining of a sore throat. Although his son's condition has improved, Mr Lee remains worried as the boy's ART result remains positive.

He is also frustrated at the lack of coordination on the ground, as his calls have been bounced around to various agencies.

"If you planned for a steep increase in the number of Covid-19 cases, you should plan your resources in advance," the IT manager said. "This is poor planning."

Although Mr Lim's whole family - his parents, aunt and grandmother - was fully vaccinated against Covid-19, all but one of them contracted the virus.

His parents tested positive last week, and received text messages the same day saying that they would be taken to a hospital or community recovery facility for further care. But they were picked up only two days later, Mr Lim said.

Meanwhile, his aunt - who tested positive at the same time as his parents - has not received any instructions to date. His grandmother, who is in her 80s, is currently in hospital with Covid-19.

As their home has only two toilets, Mr Lim used the same toilet as his parents while waiting for them to be transferred elsewhere, wiping it down with soap after use.

"But honestly, there was not much sanitisation done. My parents are in their 60s and my aunt is a few years younger - their generation doesn't really understand," said Mr Lim, who is in his 30s. "The only thing I could do was isolate myself in my room." He is the only one in his household not to have contracted the disease so far.

He added that his main gripes were the slow response time and difficulty of getting in touch with the authorities.

"When I called the hotline, out of 10 tries, only two went through, and they reached the automated response," he said. "Both calls ended up just making me wait and wait with nobody picking up."

(22-09-2021, 08:08 PM)5354 Wrote:  you stupid fcuk!

Use your fcuking brain and take care of yourself

Do not depend on PAP

Get it you fcuking retard?

Ya lor!

Ask papee to fxxk off lor!

I cannot understand why our government still hasn’t realised quarantine order strategy doesnt work at all with living with endemic.

They can never open up to the world if they cannot let go. Let the people take responsibility. Go out get Covid, stay home recover.

They have to stop wasting resources.
[+] 1 user Likes toothpick's post

Sounds like shxt fly liao. ....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Today got how many cases?

The lack of guidelines is causing confusion. MOH should clearly say for example, if you got Covid positive from ART with no symptoms, self declare on app or website and stay home for 10 days. If mild symptoms, eat panadol, and stay home 10 days. Worst thing people can do is still to go A&E or doctor and spread covid around.

Ultimately the health minister is not up to the job.

OKY keeps asking us to prepare for endemic for months.

why MOH has not prepared properly for endemic ?

How to be in endemic when MOH is not ready to support us ?

as long as its a home recovery and not quarantine...means can go out la...No Penalise act for it. basically the Govt Do Not have enough man-power now. ha.

Sounds like a huge mess.

Singtel is also like that. Leaders not equipped to organise, to optimise and to effectively run.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

(22-09-2021, 08:23 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Sounds like shxt fly liao. ....... Rolleyes

Waiting for one or both famous liners.

Genuine mistake, move on.

I'm the PM, do I have the final say or you? Case closed.

(25-09-2021, 06:31 PM)Symmetry Wrote:  Sounds like a huge mess.

Singtel is also like that. Leaders not equipped to organise, to optimise and to effectively run.

We need good leaders, those that can curb the rise in  covid-19 infections.
[+] 1 user Likes debono's post

Want to follow AMTK to live with covid but still so scare. See UK already mask off!!!

Sg gov contradicting themselves, no fucks given.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

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