US Fed started QT yesterday - markets always fall during QT..

[Image: vF0pDqm.jpg]
QT is reverse of QE aka printing money.
QE caused highly overvalued stocks like Tesla and crypto go even higher.
Now the opposite is taking place.
It is not complicated to tell what is going to happen next in US market.

Take care.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-02-05-30-25.png]
actual cut +47B total debts $26.70 trillion

US markets

(02-06-2022, 08:24 AM)limkopi Wrote:  US markets

Did MAS, China Central Bank do QE? No.

Only US and some Euro countries.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

EU only scale back purchases to 20B euros

(02-06-2022, 08:28 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Did MAS, China Central Bank do QE? No.

Only US and some Euro countries.
Only the US announced that they carried out QEs and QTs. For the rest of the countries,  they will be forced to adjust their currencies to tie-in to maintain the exchange rate by crook or hook automatically.  Each country will do this differently. They do not want to lose the “peg” with USD for a good reason

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

(02-06-2022, 08:28 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Did MAS, China Central Bank do QE? No.

Only US and some Euro countries.

USA, Japan, UK, Switzerland and Sweden. Mainly the first two as they are the only ones that "print" trillions in terms of USD. And then there is the EU (which is not a nation) which also printed trillions in terms of USD though not as much as USA and Japan.

let do the maths
+47B USD -20Beuros
niania only 20+B USD removed
we left behind the fractional reserve nature of the system

Uncle can ownself cancell
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-02-10-29-48.png]

As u ponder on QT QE to infinity
this should b a wake up call
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-02-10-41-33.png]

Russian hardened troops are still resting at their barracks
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-02-10-46-12.png]

(02-06-2022, 08:28 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Did MAS, China Central Bank do QE? No.

Only US and some Euro countries.

Did not QE but US down all down. Don’t know why u enter Hst Tech now plus x2. Wrong timing

Keep printing has devalued the USD, now $100 is only worth $1

[Image: 3-BFF315-B-902-C-4513-94-E9-E3747-BE6696-A.jpg]

actually good.

TOO many rich people in the world,
this will cause a BIG dividend between rich and poor.

[Image: B1-C8-D568-A87-C-4-F8-A-A28-D-1-D6-F566-B1-CFD.png]

(02-06-2022, 11:45 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Keep printing has devalued the USD, now $100 is only worth $2

[Image: 3-BFF315-B-902-C-4513-94-E9-E3747-BE6696-A.jpg]

Don't be fool Smile the longer the Russia war go , the More benefit for USA.
You think USA so good keep sponsor arms to Ukraine?

[Image: 060-C4445-D7-D6-4735-8-C8-A-EC33328-CEE60.jpg]

[Image: F6530171-DCC1-4658-A4-EA-3-FFF8-F3-D606-E.jpg]

(02-06-2022, 11:48 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Don't be fool Smile the longer the Russia war go , the More benefit for USA.
You think USA so good keep sponsor arms to Ukraine?

The war may benefit the US garment and arms dealers but high inflation will make ordinary Americans suffer and Biden will lose the election.

(02-06-2022, 11:53 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  [Image: 060-C4445-D7-D6-4735-8-C8-A-EC33328-CEE60.jpg]

[Image: F6530171-DCC1-4658-A4-EA-3-FFF8-F3-D606-E.jpg]

You never see USA supermarket, FULL OF foods supply well stock. I saw one of my American friend show himself shopping , the supermarket full of stocks never shortage.

(02-06-2022, 11:53 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  [Image: 060-C4445-D7-D6-4735-8-C8-A-EC33328-CEE60.jpg]

[Image: F6530171-DCC1-4658-A4-EA-3-FFF8-F3-D606-E.jpg]

Keep printing, eventually the USD will be like toilet paper, a trillion dollar note can only buy a bottle of coke like what happened in Zimbabwe

(02-06-2022, 11:56 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Keep printing, eventually the USD will be like toilet paper, a trillion dollar note can only buy a bottle of coke like what happened in Zimbabwe

FYI USD is Strong VS Sin dollar. the exchange rate.

(02-06-2022, 11:56 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  You never see USA supermarket, FULL OF foods supply well stock. I saw one of my American friend show himself shopping , the supermarket full of stocks never shortage.

Food supply and inflation are two different things, they may have plenty of food but people’s purchasing power may drop 20% when inflation gets worse, already happening in Spore, prices of everything go up 15-25% within a month.

(02-06-2022, 11:57 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  FYI USD is Strong VS Sin dollar. the exchange rate.

The USD is only worth 1% of its original value, if the world stops using it, the U.S. economy will collapse knowing the US has the highest national debt in the world, Americans are keep spending future money and have no savings in the bank.

(02-06-2022, 12:03 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  The USD is only worth 1% of its original value, if the world stops using it, the U.S. economy will collapse knowing the US has the highest national debt in the world, Americans are keep spending future money and have no savings in the bank.

You know why USA not worry ? because MOST deal in USD
even come Vietnam , if you are tourist shop there, some ONLY deal in USD
even come " illegal crime organisation all along deal in USD "

Summary USD power is always there, even towards the future.

(02-06-2022, 12:08 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  You know why USA not worry ? because MOST deal in USD
even come Vietnam , if you are tourist shop there, some ONLY deal in USD
even come " illegal crime organisation all along deal in USD "

Summary USD power is always there, even towards the future.

The U.S. is a big bully, when a country wants to trade using other currencies, it destroys the country and removes the leader, Libya is a typical example, it used to be richer than Spore due to oil, after its leader wanted to use other currency instead of USD to trade oil, the country was invaded, economy was destroyed and he was killed.

In recent years Saudi, China and Russia started using Chinese RMB for trading, the U.S. dares not attack them as these countries are big with nuclear bombs.

(02-06-2022, 12:12 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  The U.S. is a big bully when a country wants to trade using other currencies, it destroy the country and remove the leader, Libya is a typical example, it used to be richer than Spore due to oil, after its leader wanted to use other currency instead of USD to trade oil, the country was invaded and he was killed.

In recent years Saudi, China and Russia started using Chinese RMB for trading, the U.S. dares not attack them as these countries are big with nuclear bombs.

NO matters what, now even to the future even you and me go RIP

USD is always there , USA and China are the two super nation

UNLESS there is a big war aka WW3 break out than " different outcome will happen "

(02-06-2022, 12:14 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  NO matters what, now even to the future even you and me go RIP

USD is always there ,  USA and China are the two super nation

UNLESS there is a big war aka WW3 break out than " different outcome will happen "

It seems like you know nothing about economy, USD won’t be the only currency for trading in the future, the U.S. economy will be in big trouble, many countries may challenge it, new world order may emerge in the next 100 years.

I have been to the U.S. before, the 5 star hotel is worse than our 3 star hotel with rotten carpet and broken in room aircon (noisy old type). I thought the U.S. is the best due to east hong too many Hollywood movies.

[Image: IMG-20181116-100120.jpg]

I was sad when i don't have a pair of new shoes, until i saw someone with no feet...

(02-06-2022, 12:16 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  It seems like you know nothing about economy, USD won’t be the only currency for trading in the future, the U.S. economy will be in big trouble, many countries may challenge it, new world order may emerge in the next 100 years.

You know what, " if " USD in trouble = SG will go down too.

I shall say USD and RMB will be stronger no matter what outcome. Remember WHO control behind the world. In fact is USA now they are worry is on China also controlling it.

and A LOT countries also depend on these two countries.

Come on Economy is not complicated, is purposely make so by " financial gurus " so they got a job to tell , talk about economics.

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