US Fed started QT yesterday - markets always fall during QT..

(02-06-2022, 12:56 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  You know what, " if " USD in trouble = SG will go down too.

I shall say USD and RMB will be stronger no matter what outcome. Remember WHO control behind the world. In fact is USA now they are worry is on China also controlling it.

and A LOT countries also depend on these two countries.

Come on Economy is not complicated, is purposely make so by " financial gurus " so they got a job to tell , talk about economics.

Very true, if US economy is in trouble Spore will also suffer. If you have basic knowledge of economics you will know the total number of USD notes issued by FED should be a constant, garment can’t print too much money, the more they print the higher the inflation and lower the purchasing power. In the end everything becomes so expensive that nobody can afford and nobody is willing to spend, which will impact the economy.

(02-06-2022, 11:45 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Keep printing has devalued the USD, now $100 is only worth $1

[Image: 3-BFF315-B-902-C-4513-94-E9-E3747-BE6696-A.jpg]

There is a lot of learning for you to understand why they print the money and why countries are still maintaining the same exchange rates with USD even if USD depreciated from $500 to $1/=.

[Image: 2020-07-30-15h57-19.gif]

how to show a picture in html

aiptasia is now in my ignored list.
Omi.. Thank you for bumping up the message.

(02-06-2022, 01:07 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Very true, if US economy is in trouble Spore will also suffer. If you have basic knowledge of economics you will know the total number of USD notes issued by FED should be a constant, garment can’t print too much money, the more they print the higher the inflation and lower the purchasing power. In the end everything becomes so expensive that nobody can afford and nobody is willing to spend, which will impact the economy.

End of the day? Life still go on isn't? USA print and print money out of nothing already DAM LONG time ago, Your comments is nothing just like those usual what " financial gurus been talking too "

now 2022 anything big happen on USA? is their country go deep into trouble? The Americans still alive. Yes they have lots of poor people in fact same for SG , as years go by , people find it life is tough. But you can't say that, yet on the other hand?

daily complain this expensive that expensive YET CAN GO TRAVEL?? despite air ticket expensive blah blah

So you see sometimes I complain is for " fun " because i know " some people is really...." This is why I like that quote
Don't have a BIG head don't try to wear a BIG hat. I noticed a lot Singaporean like this and Crises hit , they than panic but is too late.

(02-06-2022, 01:24 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:

In fact SG economy not say good current. MAS , Govt just try to " put up a good image "

Well as I have mention who care, I see some still happy travel, willing to pay here and there, buy condo despite Govt so call " cooling measure " and this is 2nd time

I can say Provided these people are " real " rich ones can afford to lose than is ok
for those " not say real rich " yet do like this , you better think know your limit.

(02-06-2022, 01:18 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  End of the day? Life still go on isn't? USA print and print money out of nothing already DAM LONG time ago, Your comments is nothing just like those usual what " financial gurus been talking too "

now 2022 anything big happen on USA? is their country go deep into trouble? The Americans still alive. Yes they have lots of poor people in fact same for SG , as years go by , people find it life is tough. But you can't say that, yet on the other hand?

daily complain this expensive that expensive YET CAN GO TRAVEL??  despite air ticket expensive blah blah

So you see sometimes I complain is for " fun " because i know " some people is really...."  This is why I like that quote
Don't have a BIG head don't try to wear a BIG hat.  I noticed a lot Singaporean like this and Crises hit , they than panic but is too late.

I am not going to argue with you just for the sake of arguing, the US economy has a lot of big problems due to mismanagement in the past, however the country is big and still strong, it won’t collapse easily. Having said that, no empire will last forever, Roman Empire was so powerful, where is it now? Great Britain had so many colonies around the world, now ends up like a small island nation. The same thing will happen to the mighty USA eventually, as a lot of countries including Spore are depending on the US, when its economy collapses the whole world will be serious affected, Spore’s economy may also collapse provided the country still exists 100-200 years later.

(02-06-2022, 01:27 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  In fact SG economy not say good current. MAS , Govt just try to " put up a good image "

Well as I have mention who care, I see some still happy travel, willing to pay here and there, buy condo despite Govt so call " cooling measure " and this is 2nd time

I can say Provided these people are " real " rich ones can afford to lose than is ok
for those " not say real rich " yet do like this , you better think know your limit.

My uncle lives in New York, my aunties are in California and Hawaii, and my cousin married an American girl now lives in Florida. I used to think the U.S. is the best country in the world until I visited it both west coast and East Coast…very disappointing, not only the infrastructure is 100+ years old never upgraded but also very dirty, I saw blacks standing along the street setting fire in oil barrel to keep warm in winter, steam come out of subway station underground. A lot of homeless people sleep in the street. Chinatown NYC is very dirty, people spit in the street. It is like a 3rd world country despite it is the world’s No 1 superpower.

(02-06-2022, 01:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  My uncle lives in New York, my aunties are in California and Hawaii, and my cousin married an American girl now lives in Florida. I used to think the U.S. is the best country in the world until I visited it both west coast and East Coast…very disappointing, not only the infrastructure is 100+ years old never upgraded but also very dirty, I saw blacks standing along the street setting fire in oil barrel to keep warm in winter, steam come out of subway station underground. A lot of homeless people sleep in the street. Chinatown NYC is very dirty, people spit in the street. It is like a 3rd world country despite it is the world’s No 1 superpower.

If you dunt believe, just buy a ticket fly there and see with your own eyes, unlike in Hollywood movies Americans are not very friendly like Canadians and Australians.

[Image: 2-CCADA4-F-158-F-454-F-875-F-0-E06423-EE3-DC.png]

(02-06-2022, 01:31 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  I am not going to argue with you just for the sake of arguing, the US economy has a lot of big problems due to mismanagement in the past, however the country is big and still strong, it won’t collapse easily. Having said that, no empire will last forever, Roman Empire was so powerful, where is it now? Great Britain had so many colonies around the world, now ends up like a small island nation. The same thing will happen to the mighty USA eventually, as a lot of countries including Spore are depending on the US, when its economy collapses the whole world will be serious affected, Spore’s economy may also collapse provided the country still exists 100-200 years later.

Yes USA alot troubles THIS IS NOTHING NEW ever since After so call 9-11 terrorist attack Whole world change the way it works
BUT end of the day? I always say Life STILL go on what to do?

This what economics crises etc is a thing , A System. Remember this world run like a System.
Come on put it simple, IF Market always go Bullish like that how to keep going. Simple as that.

(02-06-2022, 01:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  My uncle lives in New York, my aunties are in California and Hawaii, and my cousin married an American girl now lives in Florida. I used to think the U.S. is the best country in the world until I visited it both west coast and East Coast…very disappointing, not only the infrastructure is 100+ years old never upgraded but also very dirty, I saw blacks standing along the street setting fire in oil barrel to keep warm in winter, steam come out of subway station underground. A lot of homeless people sleep in the street. Chinatown NYC is very dirty, people spit in the street. It is like a 3rd world country despite it is the world’s No 1 superpower.

that is so call " social problem " SG also got what , claim " first world " but look around you isn't the same like USA?
I shall say what happen current in USA will be SG future is always been shown just that you never see in depth.

Side note USA and China. Their people can " retreat " to other states in their country whereby the high cost in their city areas is really squeezing the people.

Whereas for us Singapore ? Where to retreat ? go JB? This is why " some Singaporean rent out their HDB flat in SG and stay in JB " yes they same like Malaysian daily travel come in SG work than go back JB.

but this of course not everyone will do. One thing this is why our Gov need to know what system they used , copy , follow cannot follow blindly because that system work for big countries.

(02-06-2022, 01:53 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  that is so call " social problem " SG also got what , claim " first world " but look around you isn't the same like USA?
I shall say what happen current in USA will be SG future is always been shown just that you never see in depth.

You’d better go for a vacation in the U.S. to experience yourself, the social problems is 100 times worse than you thought, it is so bad that Civil War could break out in the near future to break America into multiple small countries.

(02-06-2022, 11:44 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Did not QE but US down all down. Don’t know why u enter Hst Tech now plus x2. Wrong timing

Look qt this charr below it is KLCI vs S&P500
S&P500 had double digit falls and KLCI has positive returns in same period. 

The markets are not as closely coupled as people think..
Of course when US market as sharp fall there us a kneejerk but long term j don't expect them to be so strongly couple especially when China is doing opposite and easing money supply.

[Image: RGMWmhK.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(02-06-2022, 02:05 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Look qt this charr below it is KLCI vs S&P500
S&P500 had double digit falls and KLCI has positive returns in same period. 

The markets are not as closely coupled as people think..
Of course when US market as sharp fall there us a kneejerk but long term j don't expect them to be so strongly couple especially when China is doing opposite and easing money supply.

[Image: RGMWmhK.jpg]

Where is the bottom? Will it keep falling further in coming months?

(02-06-2022, 02:01 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Tell you the truth 911 is an inside job for GWB to find an excuse to invade Iraq to control its oil. 

The U.S. economy has fundamental problems nobody can resolve, nobody wants to do anything about it. Mistakes made for previous FED chief, she just said she was wrong then case closed. The new chief simply does the opposite, firefighting only, no long term strategy and planning.

that one till now still got debates, coinspiracy talks

partly is too coincidence Bush short lots of stocks deal with oil before he stage war.

than the plane cash into the buildings also got some " unexplainable issues etc "

(02-06-2022, 02:08 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Very dark one, JFK was assassinated by VP Johnson with  a lot of coverups and fake investigation report. Johnson swore in right after JFK’s assassination. JFK’s brother was also assassinated a few years later with more coverups….the U.S. is a cowboy state.

JFK , a lot Americans really love him , respect him than later president.
To them JFK is their REAL President.

(02-06-2022, 02:10 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  that one till now still got debates, coinspiracy talks

partly is too coincidence Bush short lots of stocks deal with oil before he stage war.

than the plane cash into the buildings also got some " unexplainable issues etc "

There are thousands of questions left unanswered, GWB quickly wrapped up the investigation, which doesn’t make sense at all for such a serious so called terrorist attack. 

There was no footage of Arab terrorists boarded the planes, the passenger lists had no Arab names at all. The only so called evidence is Atta’s passport in the street of Manhattan, are you sure his passport could survive the crash and fuel burning intact?

(02-06-2022, 02:12 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  There are thousands of questions left unanswered, GWB quickly wrapped up the investigation, which doesn’t make sense at all for such a serious so called terrorist attack.

As usual Govt is like this. This is why they don't like two person who leak out data, hack etc
You should know which two. This is why they always go after them wanna fix them.

(02-06-2022, 02:10 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Where is the bottom? Will it keep falling further in coming months?

My thinking is it will keep zigzagging but be patient in 2001 post dot com bubble and 2008 ...each has 10 bear market rallies. Some of these bear market rallies where as big as 20+%.

For me I am using integrated equity model to project long term 10yr returns. Once the market fall low enough the model will predict good positive annual returns. After that then can consider buying.

The lower it falls the higher the future returns. How long it takes to go to bottom or where is bottom is wrong questions. Once it falls low enough to have good future returns I will buy need to guess exact bottom

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(02-06-2022, 02:05 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Look qt this charr below it is KLCI vs S&P500
S&P500 had double digit falls and KLCI has positive returns in same period. 

The markets are not as closely coupled as people think..
Of course when US market as sharp fall there us a kneejerk but long term j don't expect them to be so strongly couple especially when China is doing opposite and easing money supply.

[Image: RGMWmhK.jpg]

Tongue that two lines haven't touch , cross over one another yet

(02-06-2022, 02:15 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  As usual Govt is like this. This is why they don't like two person who leak out data, hack etc
You should know which two. This is why they always go after them wanna fix them.

Dunt forget the U.S. is the superpower, for whatever terrorists attack, it will investigate in details leaving no stone unturned. However it did very little investigation and closed case. Explosives were found in the rubbles at WTC. While only two towers were attacked, tower 7 collapsed on its own. Is that weird?

(02-06-2022, 02:20 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Dunt forget the U.S. is the superpower, for whatever terrorists attack, it will investigate in details left no stone unturned. However it did very little investigation and closed case. Explosives were found in the rubbles at WTC. While only two towers were attacked, tower 7 collapsed on its own. Is that weird?

[Image: 60-DD8-F0-C-AA50-4-AD4-8-F61-E98-C64-F43-BC1.gif]

(02-06-2022, 02:20 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Dunt forget the U.S. is the superpower, for whatever terrorists attack, it will investigate in details left no stone unturned. However it did very little investigation and closed case. Explosives were found in the rubbles at WTC. While only two towers were attacked, tower 7 collapsed on its own. Is that weird?

end of the day , Govt declare " case close " also like that.

for me, is 9-11 this thing happen , later you see how other things follow.
is kinda " wanna reset something Globally "

years and years now come War finally, Next don't be happy yet ever Russia war end, Surely a lot aftermath negative impact. How Russia going to face the world and how the world handle russia

Ironic you see on the other hand no more news on

(02-06-2022, 02:24 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  end of the day , Govt declare " case close " also like that.

for me, is 9-11 this thing happen , later you see how other things follow.
is kinda " wanna reset something Globally "

years and years now come War finally, Next don't be happy yet ever Russia war end, Surely a lot aftermath negative impact. How Russia going to face the world and how the world handle russia

Ironic you see on the other hand no more news on

Russia is winning in the battlefield as well as economically due to its oil & gas, wheat and rare earths resource. The sanctions are fake, Britain is still buying Russian oil, Austria, Hungary and India are buying. Japan is also buying.

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