United States: Rates will have to be raised until the beginning of 2023

Christopher Waller, one of the governors of the American Central Bank (Fed), recalled this Friday the will of the institution to “bring inflation significantly and persistently towards our 2% objective” which will require “ interest rate hikes until at least the beginning of next year”. 

As for fears of a recession, they "have faded", he assured, giving the Fed "the flexibility to be aggressive in (its) fight against inflation"

While US inflation slowed in July, after reaching its highest level in more than 40 years in June, it remains very high at 8.5% over one year. “  It is still too early to say that inflation is slowing in a significant and lasting way ,” warned Christopher Waller.

Like the Fed, the ECB intends to fight against inflation which reached 9.1% over one year in August in the euro zone and which will remain  "far too strong"  over a  "prolonged period" , according to the president of the institution, Christine Lagarde. The objective is to bring the rise in prices as quickly as possible to a neutral rate, around 2%.


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