WOW SO YAYA , Foxconn’s Boss Defiantly Confronts the CCP: “They Fear Me

Taiwan election 2024: Major party positions on death penalty...KMT accuses DPP of dodging issue, govt says penalty to be carried out in line with law.

Democratic Progressive Party

During televised debate on Dec. 30, DPP’s Lai Ching-te (賴清德) said a high degree of public support would be needed to abolish the death penalty. He also said he understood people’s desire to retain capital punishement.

Since then, Lai has faced near daily calls from Hou’s campaign and other members of the KMT to clarify his position. They say he is avoiding the issue. On Monday, a spokesperson for Lai’s campaign said the issue was not being avoided.

The spokesperson said the abolition of the death penalty is not the issue, and added the DPP advocates for more careful handling of the issue, per UDN.

Meanwhile on Friday, Taiwan’s justice ministry responded to the increasing criticisms from KMT candidates and said it was not reluctant to carry out executions, per Storm Media. There are currently 37 inmates on death row in Taiwan, the ministry said, and executing them immediately would require removing the legal remedy processes allowed by law.

The ministry said all of Taiwan’s death row inmates have mounted legal challenges to their sentences. It said that sentences will be carried out in accordance with the law, depending on the outcome of these challenges.

Due to the relatively low number of executions carried out under the current DPP administration, the KMT has also accused the party of de-facto abolition. The ministry said this is a misunderstanding in the media and in society.

Taiwan election 2024: Major party positions on death penalty...KMT accuses DPP of dodging issue, govt says penalty to be carried out in line with law.

KMT legislative candidates in Taichung question the DPP and Lai Ching-te's stance on the death penalty on Monday. (CNA photo)


KMT’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih(侯友宜)has strongly opposed abolishing the death penalty, in line with presenting himself as a “law and order” candidate. During a televised debate aired on Dec. 30, only Hou said directly that he was opposed to abolition, and he has since increased calls on his DPP counterpart to clarify his own stance on the issue.

Hou’s running mate Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) also called on the DPP to clarify its stance. On Friday, Jaw said if the DPP wants to change the law, it should do so quickly, and accused the party of trying to avoid the issue, per FTNN.

In addition to Hou’s clear support for the penalty, legislative candidate for Taipei’s Daan district Wang has become a prominent voice in the death penalty discussion this election. On Sunday Wang launched an attack on her opponent Miao Po-ya (苗博雅), who previously worked as the head of a death penalty abolition alliance.

Wang highlighted the murder of her own sister, for which the killer received the death penalty. Wang continued her attacks on those who support abolishing capital punishment on Sunday (Jan. 7).

The KMT’s Wang Hsin-ih (王欣儀) said it was not death penalty advocates, but the groups advocating for it to be abolished who are inhumane.

Taiwan election 2024: Major party positions on death penalty...KMT accuses DPP of dodging issue, govt says penalty to be carried out in line with law.

Taiwan People’s Party

Compared to the other two parties, the TPP has said relativley little about the death penalty. Thinking During the December policy debate, the party’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said support for the death penalty was culturally ingrained in Taiwan.

Ko suggested life imprisonment without parole could be a substitute for the sentence. In 2022 when Ko was mayor of Taipei City, he said that if elected president, he would carry out executions, per ETtoday.

However, when discussing the issue in May 2023, Ko said that if the death penalty was abolished, supporting measures would need to be put in place by the justice ministry, and outlined a view on the sentence similar to what he described during the policy debate.

(02-11-2023, 08:34 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  As an independent candidate, according to election regulations, and needed to decide his running mate before he could collect signatures.

The Central Election Commission will review the signatures and announce the results by Nov 14.

According to aggregated poll results, Gou’s support has been slipping in recent months, hovering at around 8%-9%..He Party Party is A Good Funny Joker or a Crown... Rotfl
Tsai shares plans after presidency

Tsai looks forward to returning to Pingtung, revisiting childhood memories... Big Grin
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The rock music was booming, the dancers on stage were gyrating, and the crowd was going wild waving thousands of Taiwan flags.

The political rally held on Saturday for the Kuomintang's (KMT) candidate for the 13 January presidential election was in full swing.

"Give me a president!" shouted the host. "Hou You-ih!" the crowd roared.

As Mr Hou looked on, his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong took the microphone and launched a broadside against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

"What road are they taking? The road to war!" he said, wagging his finger. "The road that leads Taiwan into danger, the road that leads to uncertainty!"

As Taiwan edges closer to the election this weekend, the KMT is banking on convincing voters they face a choice between war and peace with China.

Beijing claims the self-ruled island as its own, and while it promotes "peaceful reunification" it has also not ruled out the use of force in taking Taiwan.

In the last eight years of pro-sovereignty DPP rule, China has relentlessly ramped up its military presence around Taiwan, conducting what is known as greyzone warfare.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Kuomintang (KMT) has accused Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of using the country’s air raid warning system to intimidate people, after a message was sent incorrectly labeling a Chinese satellite launch as a missile flyover just after 3 p.m. on Tuesday (Jan. 9).

Shortly after it was sent to all cellphones in Taiwan, Taiwan’s defense ministry apologized for the discrepancy between the Chinese and English information. After the apology, KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) called for an investigation into the mislabeling of the launch within 24 hours, per Storm Media.

Hou asked the DPP to consider how such mistakes could affect Taiwan’s national security. Hou then questioned if the DPP would attribute the mistake to Chinese interference in the upcoming election, as it had with other issues.

A spokesperson for Hou’s campaign that Chinese satellite launches had not triggered such warnings in the past. The spokesperson questioned why the alert had been issued this time, and inferred the DPP may be using China as a means to intimidate people.

Opposition slams Taiwan government for satellite launch alert mishap. A screenshot of the alert was sent on Tuesday afternoon. (Taiwan News image)

DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) said he was not worried about the alert message affecting the election, and said the content of the message was “very clear,” per SETN. Lai said the alert was sent based on people’s right to know about the satellite launch.

Meanwhile, Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said he did not want to think badly of others when asked if the timing of the alert message was related to the election, per CNA. Ko suggested that a China-Taiwan communication line could be established to deal with such situations, similar to the Moscow-Washington hotline used during the Cold War

(09-01-2024, 10:19 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan election 2024: Major party positions on death penalty...KMT accuses DPP of dodging issue, govt says penalty to be carried out in line with law.

Taiwan People’s Party

Compared to the other two parties, the TPP has said relativley little about the death penalty. Thinking During the December policy debate, the party’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said support for the death penalty was culturally ingrained in Taiwan.

Ko suggested life imprisonment without parole could be a substitute for the sentence. In 2022 when Ko was mayor of Taipei City, he said that if elected president, he would carry out executions, per ETtoday.

However, when discussing the issue in May 2023, Ko said that if the death penalty was abolished, supporting measures would need to be put in place by the justice ministry, and outlined a view on the sentence similar to what he described during the policy debate.
Taiwan People's Party leader to sell illegally used land. Ko Wen-je owned farmland that was used for bus parking. Taiwan People’s Party leader Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) will sell a plot of farmland in Hsinchu that caused controversy after it was found to have been illegally paved over for use as a commercial car park.

Presidential candidate Ko owns part of the land and said on Tuesday (Jan. 9) that he will sell his shares, per CNA. However, Ko did not say he would sell the land because of the controversy surrounding it.

Ko, who was a doctor before he entered politics, said he was unlikely to return to Hsinchu to practice medicine. For this reason, he said, the land could be disposed of.

Ko’s decision to divest from the land follows a similar move from his opponent, the Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜). On Dec. 27 Hou’s family said dormitories they own would be converted into social housing, after opponents accused the KMT candidate of unfairly profiting from tenants who lived in the building.

Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) distanced himself from former President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) Wed Jan. 10) after the latter said that on cross-strait issues, one should believe Chinese leader Xi Jinping (習近平).

The comment, made during an interview with Germany’s Deutsche Welle, provoked condemnation from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and expressions of disagreement from the former KMT president’s allies. China’s attempts at interfering with Taiwan’s elections through fake news, sending fighter jets into the airspace close to Taiwan, imposing import bans on Taiwanese products, and inviting local politicians over for propaganda sessions have been met with widespread disapproval.

In a reaction to Ma’s comments, Hou said his ideas diverged from the former president’s, per Radio Taiwan International (RTI). He favored the “3 D strategy” of deterrence through self-defense capability, dialogue, and de-escalation, the KMT candidate said.

Hou added he had never held any unrealistic ideas about China. He opposed Beijing’s “One Country, Two Systems” and would protect Taiwan’s system of freedom and democracy, he said.

Hou’s running mate Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) said that one should not disbelieve everything Xi said, but one should not believe everything either, per UDN. Taiwan had to be careful in dealing with China, and first contemplate how to protect itself, the KMT vice presidential candidate said.

Ma’s office later responded to the comments by saying DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) also believed Xi when he said China would not attack Taiwan in 2027, RTI reported.

Taiwan election: Beijing gives details on Fujian cross-strait ‘model zone’, 3 days before island votes in new president. Joint policy paper comes four months after mainland Chinese authorities outlined ‘interconnected living’ plan. While releasing plan to ‘better leverage’ Fujian’s closeness to Taiwan, Beijing also hits out at island’s ruling DPP over lack of ‘effective’ steps on trade barriers

Beijing has announced further details of its plan to make the coastal province of Fujian a “model zone” for integrated development with Taiwan, three days before the island elects a new president.

It is the latest in several cross-strait economic policies announced by Beijing lead-up to Saturday’s vote and criticised by Taiwan as coercive.
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(11-01-2024, 09:41 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan election: Beijing gives details on Fujian cross-strait ‘model zone’, 3 days before island votes in new president. Joint policy paper comes four months after mainland Chinese authorities outlined ‘interconnected living’ plan. While releasing plan to ‘better leverage’ Fujian’s closeness to Taiwan, Beijing also hits out at island’s ruling DPP over lack of ‘effective’ steps on trade barriers

Beijing has announced further details of its plan to make the coastal province of Fujian a “model zone” for integrated development with Taiwan, three days before the island elects a new president.

It is the latest in several cross-strait economic policies announced by Beijing lead-up to Saturday’s vote and criticised by Taiwan as coercive.

Support Taiwan Independence lah! Big Grin Vote for DPP lah!

(11-01-2024, 12:28 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Support Taiwan Independence lah! Big Grin Vote for DPP lah!
Opposition slams Taiwan govt for satellite launch alert mishap. KMT's Hou Yu-ih asks if Chinese interference will be blamed,

DPP's Lai is saying (alert) his message  is'very clear'. Lai is serving his DPP's master and also to served the U.S. or for the western master...understand.

Pls understand the message and read the fine words...Fooled by the Western.

Miss, FION HO YIK KING...You are not alone if you did not know, Miss Ho Yik King because, me (I) didn't know her either and neither did any of my friends. 

However her suicide in United Kingdom on November 2022 suddenly pushed her to the headline, many were compelled to read about her and to determine what it was that drove her to end her life in the manner it did.

Miss Ho was an intelligent 27 year old HongKong girl  who achieved a degree from a HongKong university in 2017 and a master degree from Switzerland in 2019. A bright future was before her had she stayed on as a normal citizen of HongKong.

But youth and wisdom are at times  not  packaged together and she fatally follows her rebellious nature to confront the Authorities in HongKong on human rights and the Extradition laws etc. Most of her university mates were doing it and so why not her.

Swept along by the reckless HongKong student movement and a constant stream of propaganda from the West on human rights, democracy and freedom she "marched" with the rebels and determinedly wrecked HongKong whilst demanding for independence. For months and years  the Western media portrayed them as freedom fighters and as heroes whilst denouncing the Authorities and China as evil.

They destroyed malls, train stations, shops and  banks. By engaging hit and run tactics they successfully  disrupted airport activities and  brought the city centre to a stand still.

With funds and supplies from the West they relentlessly pursued their destructive activities. They used knives, paved stones , arrows, Molotov bombs as weapons . They even killed an innocent citizen through their projectiles, stabbed one on the neck and engulfed another in flame.

The United Kingdom fueled  the mind boggling chaos by offering  British national overseas visas to the activists which encouraged them to march with extra vigor . But this was only a visa and  one that is  tailored for HongKong citizens who were bent on leaving HongKong albeit with lots of money in their suitcases.

But the students were blind to the British visa nuance and to the cost of living in the UK . They stayed on the course of destruction . On paper the visa offered them a choice of escape from HongKong but they did not read the fine prints if they ever existed. Remember the saying " the devil is in the details".

Finally the HongKong Authority had enough of the student movement and chaos and issued the New Security Law in 2022 .Those who had a reason and the means to leave HongKong did so by way of the British magical visa.

Miss Ho was one of them. She sold everything and left HongKong and took the flight  into the safe arms of Britain in April 2022 . She envisaged starting life afresh , getting a good job, getting married and all of her dreams would be fulfilled because she would be a British subject after five years of stay and she would qualify for  social benefits that come with citizenship.

No, that dream didn't work out! Instead her real nightmare just started.

For whatever the reason she found difficulty in opening a bank account upon arrival.  Her British visa did not qualify her to open one. She allegedly found out she needed a UK identification card number which she didn't have.

Next, she found out that house rental in Britain was not only prohibitively expensive but that she was regarded by astute landlords with suspicion. Of course they would . Why would a British landlord accept a Chinese girl as tenant when her name  was associated with a notoriously rebellious history. Eventually she lived in a modest flat in Richmond that came with a shared and unhygienic toilet.

Miss Ho was a picture of delusion. Britain was not meeting her minimum expectations. With limited funds she was allegedly often surviving on one meal a day . She needed help but found the visit to a psychologist was too exorbitant.

Finally , when living costs soared due to rising cost for food and heating, Miss Ho , with nowhere to turn to, decided to end her life in her rented flat. Days later her lifeless body was discovered along with a suicide note .

When alive she was regarded by the British as an unwanted immigrant and she lived a miserable life in Britain  but when she died the coroner was full of praise for her. He said " Fion is an excellent example of the high calibre of person who is so welcome in England..."

This is the reality. Fiona's destiny was potentially one of distinction until she joined the band of delusional activists of HongKong who believed in western propaganda only to find out the dream was nothing but a damning mirage.

Hopefully if there is a lesson here for the Taiwanese, the Philippines, the Japanese and the South Koreans. If the lesson is learnt then Fion's life story and death will  not have gone to waste.
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(04-11-2023, 10:13 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Radio Taiwan International (RTI). Results showed him within the margin of error from Hou, if he would accept the vice-presidential position and let Hou run for president, he said.

Both Chu and Ko told separate news conferences that they were not setting any deadlines for a decision on a formula. However, Nov. 20 has been widely regarded as a deadline as it is the start of the registration process for presidential and vice-presidential candidates at the Central Election Commission.
According to aggregated poll results, Gou’s support has been slipping in recent months, hovering at around 8%-9%..He Party Party is A Good Funny Joker or a Crown...

A) Democratic Progressive Party, 
B) Kuomintan and
C) Taiwan People’s Party...a two party popping pop pop Party, not is or that....and finally 

Gou’s support has been slipping in recent months, hovering at around 8%-9%.. so his Party Party is A Good Funny Joker (yes) or a Crown also. Rotfl

With only days before Taiwan’s presidential election on Jan. 13, an open letter alleging that former independent candidate Terry Gou (郭台銘) endorsed Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) began circulating online on Jan. 9, calling on voters to throw their support behind the Kuomintang (KMT).

However, the letter is not legitimate and was fabricated to boost turnout for the KMT. Gou’s office announced on Thursday (Jan. 11) that it is pursuing legal action to punish those responsible for creating and distributing the phony statement, reported UDN.

Terry Gou dropped out of the presidential election on Nov. 24, 2023, after failing to broker a joint presidential ticket between the KMT, and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), led by former Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲). Upon his departure, he was polling at less than 10% of public support.

Following his departure from the race, many assumed that he might publicly support one of the remaining opposition candidates. However, Gou has chosen to withhold any endorsement.

With the election only days away, the fake letter of endorsement is a last-ditch and bad-faith effort to entice former Gou supporters to rally behind the KMT. The full text of the fraudulent open letter can be read in Mandarin on NOW News.

(11-01-2024, 02:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  
Opposition slams Taiwan govt for satellite launch alert mishap. KMT's Hou Yu-ih asks if Chinese interference will be blamed,

DPP's Lai is saying (alert) his message  is'very clear'. Lai is serving his DPP's master and also to served the U.S. or for the western master...understand.

Pls understand the message and read the fine words...Fooled by the Western.

Miss, FION HO YIK KING...You are not alone if you did not know, Miss Ho Yik King because, me (I) didn't know her either and neither did any of my friends. 

However her suicide in United Kingdom on November 2022 suddenly pushed her to the headline, many were compelled to read about her and to determine what it was that drove her to end her life in the manner it did.

Miss Ho was an intelligent 27 year old HongKong girl  who achieved a degree from a HongKong university in 2017 and a master degree from Switzerland in 2019. A bright future was before her had she stayed on as a normal citizen of HongKong.

But youth and wisdom are at times  not  packaged together and she fatally follows her rebellious nature to confront the Authorities in HongKong on human rights and the Extradition laws etc. Most of her university mates were doing it and so why not her.

Swept along by the reckless HongKong student movement and a constant stream of propaganda from the West on human rights, democracy and freedom she "marched" with the rebels and determinedly wrecked HongKong whilst demanding for independence. For months and years  the Western media portrayed them as freedom fighters and as heroes whilst denouncing the Authorities and China as evil.

They destroyed malls, train stations, shops and  banks. By engaging hit and run tactics they successfully  disrupted airport activities and  brought the city centre to a stand still.

With funds and supplies from the West they relentlessly pursued their destructive activities. They used knives, paved stones , arrows, Molotov bombs as weapons . They even killed an innocent citizen through their projectiles, stabbed one on the neck and engulfed another in flame.

The United Kingdom fueled  the mind boggling chaos by offering  British national overseas visas to the activists which encouraged them to march with extra vigor . But this was only a visa and  one that is  tailored for HongKong citizens who were bent on leaving HongKong albeit with lots of money in their suitcases.

But the students were blind to the British visa nuance and to the cost of living in the UK . They stayed on the course of destruction . On paper the visa offered them a choice of escape from HongKong but they did not read the fine prints if they ever existed. Remember the saying " the devil is in the details".

Finally the HongKong Authority had enough of the student movement and chaos and issued the New Security Law in 2022 .Those who had a reason and the means to leave HongKong did so by way of the British magical visa.

Miss Ho was one of them. She sold everything and left HongKong and took the flight  into the safe arms of Britain in April 2022 . She envisaged starting life afresh , getting a good job, getting married and all of her dreams would be fulfilled because she would be a British subject after five years of stay and she would qualify for  social benefits that come with citizenship.

No, that dream didn't work out! Instead her real nightmare just started.

For whatever the reason she found difficulty in opening a bank account upon arrival.  Her British visa did not qualify her to open one. She allegedly found out she needed a UK identification card number which she didn't have.

Next, she found out that house rental in Britain was not only prohibitively expensive but that she was regarded by astute landlords with suspicion. Of course they would . Why would a British landlord accept a Chinese girl as tenant when her name  was associated with a notoriously rebellious history. Eventually she lived in a modest flat in Richmond that came with a shared and unhygienic toilet.

Miss Ho was a picture of delusion. Britain was not meeting her minimum expectations. With limited funds she was allegedly often surviving on one meal a day . She needed help but found the visit to a psychologist was too exorbitant.

Finally , when living costs soared due to rising cost for food and heating, Miss Ho , with nowhere to turn to, decided to end her life in her rented flat. Days later her lifeless body was discovered along with a suicide note .

When alive she was regarded by the British as an unwanted immigrant and she lived a miserable life in Britain  but when she died the coroner was full of praise for her. He said " Fion is an excellent example of the high calibre of person who is so welcome in England..."

This is the reality. Fiona's destiny was potentially one of distinction until she joined the band of delusional activists of HongKong who believed in western propaganda only to find out the dream was nothing but a damning mirage.

Hopefully if there is a lesson here for the Taiwanese, the Philippines, the Japanese and the South Koreans. If the lesson is learnt then Fion's life story and death will  not have gone to waste.

More good show behind 好戏在后头 lah! Big Grin 敬请收看 lah!

(11-01-2024, 05:36 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  More good show behind 好戏在后头 lah! Big Grin 敬请收看 lah!
Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) shared his plans to enhance U.S. arms deals and strengthen Taiwan-U.S. military cooperation during a press conference on Thursday (Jan. 11).

Hou said reinforcing the country's defense and military capabilities is a priority, CNA reported. Concerning asymmetric warfare, Taiwan will develop forces that are difficult to detect and counter.

He also emphasized cooperation with the U.S. defense industry supply chain to assist in completing defense contracts, ensuring supply chain security, and implementing a robust certification system.

Hou said the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has several issues in its defense policy, such as the national defense mobilization plan, impractical conscription policies, and the rapid loss of voluntary enlistees. If voted into office, Hou promised to present a national defense security strategy and establish a national defense mobilization committee under the Cabinet.
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(12-01-2024, 12:07 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) shared his plans to enhance U.S. arms deals and strengthen Taiwan-U.S. military cooperation during a press conference on Thursday (Jan. 11).
Hou said reinforcing the country's defense and military capabilities is a priority, CNA reported. Concerning asymmetric warfare, Taiwan will develop forces that are difficult to detect and counter.
He also emphasized cooperation with the U.S. defense industry supply chain to assist in completing defense contracts, ensuring supply chain security, and implementing a robust certification system.
Hou said the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has several issues in its defense policy, such as the national defense mobilization plan, impractical conscription policies, and the rapid loss of voluntary enlistees. If voted into office, Hou promised to present a national defense security strategy and establish a national defense mobilization committee under the Cabinet.

Taiwan Presidential Election is Taiwan's domestic issue lah! Big Grin China and America mai kaypoh lah! Got president means a country liao lah!

(29-11-2023, 12:36 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  As Yunlin Country has most of DPP legislators such news will not be widely reported in Taiwan. Reason is DPP has controlled over 90% of the media in Taiwan. 
And the agriculture minister will give subsidies help to all the farmers, whether they are vegetables or poultries will get help from government. Therefore such news will not affect majorities in Taiwan.

Taiwan Presidential Election is Taiwan's domestic issue lah! Big Grin China and America mai kaypoh lah! Got president means a country liao lah! Why you so kaypoh leh? Thinking

Traffic surges as Taiwanese return home to vote
Taiwan provides extra train services, special bus services for young voters

Election eve in photos: Taiwan weighs options for presidencySupporters for DPP, KMT and TPP converge in Greater Taipei for final rallies ahead of Saturday's vote
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(13-01-2024, 06:57 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Traffic surges as Taiwanese return home to vote
Taiwan provides extra train services, special bus services for young voters

Election eve in photos: Taiwan weighs options for presidencySupporters for DPP, KMT and TPP converge in Greater Taipei for final rallies ahead of Saturday's vote

You vote for which party leh? Thinking DPP? KMT? TPP?

(09-01-2024, 10:16 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan election 2024: Major party positions on death penalty...KMT accuses DPP of dodging issue, govt says penalty to be carried out in line with law.

KMT legislative candidates in Taichung question the DPP and Lai Ching-te's stance on the death penalty on Monday. (CNA photo)


KMT’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih(侯友宜)has strongly opposed abolishing the death penalty, in line with presenting himself as a “law and order” candidate. During a televised debate aired on Dec. 30, only Hou said directly that he was opposed to abolition, and he has since increased calls on his DPP counterpart to clarify his own stance on the issue.

Hou’s running mate Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) also called on the DPP to clarify its stance. On Friday, Jaw said if the DPP wants to change the law, it should do so quickly, and accused the party of trying to avoid the issue, per FTNN.

In addition to Hou’s clear support for the penalty, legislative candidate for Taipei’s Daan district Wang has become a prominent voice in the death penalty discussion this election. On Sunday Wang launched an attack on her opponent Miao Po-ya (苗博雅), who previously worked as the head of a death penalty abolition alliance.

Wang highlighted the murder of her own sister, for which the killer received the death penalty. Wang continued her attacks on those who support abolishing capital punishment on Sunday (Jan. 7).

The KMT’s Wang Hsin-ih (王欣儀) said it was not death penalty advocates, but the groups advocating for it to be abolished who are inhumane.
Taiwan Votes 2024: Taiwanese head to ballot booths to pick a new president and legislators today. What’s at stake?

Close to 20 million Taiwanese are eligible to vote in this election, which is being closely watched around the world for the implications on the cross-strait relationship as well as the Sino-US rivalry.

Voting opens at 8am local time and closes at 4pm. Results are expected to be out by the end of the day. It’s a three-way contest in the presidential race - frontrunner Mr Lai Ching-te of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is facing off against Mr Hou Yu-ih from the Kuomintang (KMT), with Dr Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) also in the fray.

Final opinion polls conducted on Jan 3 have placed DPP presidential candidate Mr Lai in the lead, but the KMT’s Mr Hou follows closely on his heels. While TPP candidate Dr Ko is a distant third, his party could hold the balance of power in the legislature
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(09-01-2024, 10:12 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan election 2024: Major party positions on death penalty...KMT accuses DPP of dodging issue, govt says penalty to be carried out in line with law.

Democratic Progressive Party

During televised debate on Dec. 30, DPP’s Lai Ching-te (賴清德) said a high degree of public support would be needed to abolish the death penalty. He also said he understood people’s desire to retain capital punishement.

Since then, Lai has faced near daily calls from Hou’s campaign and other members of the KMT to clarify his position. They say he is avoiding the issue. On Monday, a spokesperson for Lai’s campaign said the issue was not being avoided.

The spokesperson said the abolition of the death penalty is not the issue, and added the DPP advocates for more careful handling of the issue, per UDN.

Meanwhile on Friday, Taiwan’s justice ministry responded to the increasing criticisms from KMT candidates and said it was not reluctant to carry out executions, per Storm Media. There are currently 37 inmates on death row in Taiwan, the ministry said, and executing them immediately would require removing the legal remedy processes allowed by law.

The ministry said all of Taiwan’s death row inmates have mounted legal challenges to their sentences. It said that sentences will be carried out in accordance with the law, depending on the outcome of these challenges.

Due to the relatively low number of executions carried out under the current DPP administration, the KMT has also accused the party of de-facto abolition. The ministry said this is a misunderstanding in the media and in society.
Taiwan Votes 2024: Taiwanese head to ballot booths to pick a new president and legislators today. What’s at stake?

Taiwan Votes 2024: Taiwanese head to ballot booths to pick a new president and legislators today. What’s at stake?

Close to 20 million Taiwanese are eligible to vote in this election, which is being closely watched around the world for the implications on the cross-strait relationship as well as the Sino-US rivalry.

Taiwan Votes 2024: Taiwanese head to ballot booths to pick a new president and legislators today. What’s at stake?

People wait for the opening of the polling station to cast their vote, in Taipei, Taiwan on Jan 13, 2024. (Photo: Reuters/Carlos Garcia Rawlins)

13 Jan 2024 06:00AM (Updated: 13 Jan 2024
SINGAPORE/TAIPEI: Taiwan heads to the polls today (Jan 13) to choose its next leader in a high-stakes presidential election that will determine the direction of cross-strait relations with China, as well as regional and even global stability.

Voting opens at 8am local time and closes at 4pm. Results are expected to be out by the end of the day.

It’s a three-way contest in the presidential race - frontrunner Mr Lai Ching-te of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is facing off against Mr Hou Yu-ih from the Kuomintang (KMT), with Dr Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) also in the fray.

Final opinion polls conducted on Jan 3 have placed DPP presidential candidate Mr Lai in the lead, but the KMT’s Mr Hou follows closely on his heels. While TPP candidate Dr Ko is a distant third, his party could hold the balance of power in the legislature.

President Tsai Ing-wen is ineligible to seek re-election after serving two straight terms.

The hopefuls have been busy through the 28 days of formal campaigning, staging rallies and taking part in televised debates as they seek to win people’s hearts and minds - and secure their votes.

CNA has been on the ground - here are the key issues that have emerged in this election.

The issue has been at the forefront as China steps up military and economic pressure on Taiwan. Beijing has framed the election as a choice between war and peace across the Taiwan Strait, as well as between prosperity and recession.

While China has not publicly stated its preferred candidate, it has clearly signalled who’s not in its favour, calling the DPP’s Lai a “separatist” and “troublemaker”.

Mr Lai was previously outspoken in his support for Taiwan independence - which China sees as a red line -  but has since distanced himself from this. He has pledged to prioritise the status quo, saying only Taiwan’s people can decide the island’s future.

Mr Hou of the KMT has portrayed the presidential ballot as a choice between war and peace with China, mirroring Beijing’s warning. He has said he will restart talks with China, starting with lower-level events such as cultural exchanges. Still, he rejects Beijing’s “one country, two systems” model of bringing Taiwan under its control.

As for the TPP’s Dr Ko, how exactly he will conduct cross-strait policy remains unclear. He has touted his party as offering a “middle way” between the DPP and KMT on the matter of China, while offering few details.
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(11-01-2024, 02:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  
Opposition slams Taiwan govt for satellite launch alert mishap. KMT's Hou Yu-ih asks if Chinese interference will be blamed,

DPP's Lai is saying (alert) his message  is'very clear'. Lai is serving his DPP's master and also to served the U.S. or for the western master...understand.

Pls understand the message and read the fine words...Fooled by the Western.

Miss, FION HO YIK KING...You are not alone if you did not know, Miss Ho Yik King because, me (I) didn't know her either and neither did any of my friends. 

However her suicide in United Kingdom on November 2022 suddenly pushed her to the headline, many were compelled to read about her and to determine what it was that drove her to end her life in the manner it did.

Miss Ho was an intelligent 27 year old HongKong girl  who achieved a degree from a HongKong university in 2017 and a master degree from Switzerland in 2019. A bright future was before her had she stayed on as a normal citizen of HongKong.

But youth and wisdom are at times  not  packaged together and she fatally follows her rebellious nature to confront the Authorities in HongKong on human rights and the Extradition laws etc. Most of her university mates were doing it and so why not her.

Swept along by the reckless HongKong student movement and a constant stream of propaganda from the West on human rights, democracy and freedom she "marched" with the rebels and determinedly wrecked HongKong whilst demanding for independence. For months and years  the Western media portrayed them as freedom fighters and as heroes whilst denouncing the Authorities and China as evil.

They destroyed malls, train stations, shops and  banks. By engaging hit and run tactics they successfully  disrupted airport activities and  brought the city centre to a stand still.

With funds and supplies from the West they relentlessly pursued their destructive activities. They used knives, paved stones , arrows, Molotov bombs as weapons . They even killed an innocent citizen through their projectiles, stabbed one on the neck and engulfed another in flame.

The United Kingdom fueled  the mind boggling chaos by offering  British national overseas visas to the activists which encouraged them to march with extra vigor . But this was only a visa and  one that is  tailored for HongKong citizens who were bent on leaving HongKong albeit with lots of money in their suitcases.


For whatever the reason she found difficulty in opening a bank account upon arrival.  Her British visa did not qualify her to open one. She allegedly found out she needed a UK identification card number which she didn't have.

Next, she found out that house rental in Britain was not only prohibitively expensive but that she was regarded by astute landlords with suspicion. Of course they would . Why would a British landlord accept a Chinese girl as tenant when her name  was associated with a notoriously rebellious history. Eventually she lived in a modest flat in Richmond that came with a shared and unhygienic toilet.

Miss Ho was a picture of delusion. Britain was not meeting her minimum expectations. With limited funds she was allegedly often surviving on one meal a day . She needed help but found the visit to a psychologist was too exorbitant.

Finally , when living costs soared due to rising cost for food and heating, Miss Ho , with nowhere to turn to, decided to end her life in her rented flat. Days later her lifeless body was discovered along with a suicide note .

When alive she was regarded by the British as an unwanted immigrant and she lived a miserable life in Britain  but when she died the coroner was full of praise for her. He said " Fion is an excellent example of the high calibre of person who is so welcome in England..."

This is the reality. Fiona's destiny was potentially one of distinction until she joined the band of delusional activists of HongKong who believed in western propaganda only to find out the dream was nothing but a damning mirage.

Hopefully if there is a lesson here for the Taiwanese, the Philippines, the Japanese and the South Koreans. If the lesson is learnt then Fion's life story and death will  not have gone to waste.
No, that dream didn't work out! Instead her real nightmare just started. The students were blind to the British visa nuance and to the cost of living in the UK . They stayed on the course of destruction . On paper the visa offered them a choice of escape from HongKong but they did not read the fine prints if they ever existed. Remember the saying " the devil is in the details".

Finally the HongKong Authority had enough of the student movement and chaos and issued the New Security Law in 2022 .Those who had a reason and the means to leave HongKong did so by way of the British magical visa.

Miss Ho was one of them. She sold everything and left HongKong and took the flight  into the safe arms of Britain in April 2022 . She envisaged starting life afresh , getting a good job, getting married and all of her dreams would be fulfilled. 

Be'cos she would be a British subject after five years of stay and she would qualify for  social benefits that come with citizenship.

No, that dream didn't work out! Instead her real nightmare just started.

(02-11-2023, 07:38 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:

PRC should know he living in Luxury whereas workers benefit is literally None , make them slavery for his money.
Ma Ying-Jeou (馬英九)," he said, he said Taiwanese must come together to strengthen safeguard Taiwan’s democratic system. In contrast to Hou and Ko, Lai said he is more qualified to lead as he will not compromise on Taiwan’s national security.

director of Lai Ching-te’s (賴清德) presidential campaign has warned supporters that if the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) does not gain a majority of legislative seats following the general election, the party will have limited power – even if it wins the presidency.

Lai's campaign director Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰)

Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) Sat Dec16.  He claims that voters would abandon him.

Taiwan presidential race tightens between Hou and Lai as Ko sinks..Hou has narrowed gap with Lai significantly, leaving Ko behind.

As things stand now, looks like more of a battle by the pan-greens and pan-blues to consolidate their bases and battle it out to poach Ko supporters and the remaining undecided voters.

Does Ko have a chance@this point? Thinking

KMT Chair Eric Chu (朱立倫) We hope that in an election campaign to unseat (DPP) Democratic Progressive Party, when Chairman Ko makes his decision, he will choose to walk with us,” the statement said. But he refuae, the 3rd and the last.

Just like the 4th last (he) presidential. The 4th and last chose to withdraw. But the 3rd one is abit  or I think is very stubborn old man

(13-01-2024, 04:57 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  KMT Chair Eric Chu (朱立倫) We hope that in an election campaign to unseat (DPP) Democratic Progressive Party, when Chairman Ko makes his decision, he will choose to walk with us,” the statement said. But he refuae, the 3rd and the last.

Just like the 4th last (he) presidential. The 4th and last chose to withdraw. But the 3rd one is abit  or I think is very stubborn old man

Taiwan media will offer their predictions based on early vote counts at the polling stations nationwide. Taiwan's Central Election Commission will only announce the official results much later in the evening.

Based on the Central Election Commission reporting vote totals from over 98% of polling stations as of 8:30 p.m Taipei time, Lai Ching-te (賴清德) of the Democratic Progressive Party has won the election as the next president of Taiwan.

In the national election held on Saturday (Jan. 13), Lai received over 5.5 million votes, winning over 40% of the vote share, and performing five points higher than expected based on polling in late 2023.

Previously undecided voters split three ways among the candidates, giving Lai a seven-point lead over Kuomintang candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜), who received 33% of the total votes. In third place, the Taiwan People's Party candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) took 26% of the national vote, performing marginally better than expected.

Lai, who previously served as Tainan’s mayor, shared his political goals during a speech on Thursday (Jan. 11). He pledged to continue bolstering national defense, the economy, and cooperation with democratic allies. He also said he would maintain deterrence and uphold the cross-strait status quo.

Lai said he would form a new government staffed by individuals based on their capabilities rather than party affiliation. This way, it could effectively respond to challenges, be open and inclusive, and unite Taiwanese to face both domestic and international challenges, he said

He also vowed to continue initiatives focusing on value-based diplomacy, cross-strait stability, defense self-sufficiency, economic upgrading, energy transition, youth investment, housing justice, and educational equality. This will shape Taiwan to be “a stable and indispensable force in the international community,” he said.

Lai’s victory will surely cause protest from Beijing, which would have preferred the China-friendly KMT and Hou Yu-ih in power. China's Taiwan Affairs Office on Thursday labeled Lai as an "obstinate Taiwan independence worker" that would bring “cross-strait confrontation and conflict.”

China has increased military activities around Taiwan in recent years, including near-daily incursions into the country’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) and sending military ships near its maritime borders. With Lai as president, the Taiwanese have made clear they will not back down from Chinese intimidation.
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(13-01-2024, 09:05 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Based on the Central Election Commission reporting vote totals from over 98% of polling stations as of 8:30 p.m Taipei time, Lai Ching-te (賴清德) of the Democratic Progressive Party has won the election as the next president of Taiwan.
In the national election held on Saturday (Jan. 13), Lai received over 5.5 million votes, winning over 40% of the vote share, and performing five points higher than expected based on polling in late 2023.
Previously undecided voters split three ways among the candidates, giving Lai a seven-point lead over Kuomintang candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜), who received 33% of the total votes. In third place, the Taiwan People's Party candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) took 26% of the national vote, performing marginally better than expected.
Lai, who previously served as Tainan’s mayor, shared his political goals during a speech on Thursday (Jan. 11). He pledged to continue bolstering national defense, the economy, and cooperation with democratic allies. He also said he would maintain deterrence and uphold the cross-strait status quo.
Lai said he would form a new government staffed by individuals based on their capabilities rather than party affiliation. This way, it could effectively respond to challenges, be open and inclusive, and unite Taiwanese to face both domestic and international challenges, he said
He also vowed to continue initiatives focusing on value-based diplomacy, cross-strait stability, defense self-sufficiency, economic upgrading, energy transition, youth investment, housing justice, and educational equality. This will shape Taiwan to be “a stable and indispensable force in the international community,” he said.
Lai’s victory will surely cause protest from Beijing, which would have preferred the China-friendly KMT and Hou Yu-ih in power. China's Taiwan Affairs Office on Thursday labeled Lai as an "obstinate Taiwan independence worker" that would bring “cross-strait confrontation and conflict.”
China has increased military activities around Taiwan in recent years, including near-daily incursions into the country’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) and sending military ships near its maritime borders. With Lai as president, the Taiwanese have made clear they will not back down from Chinese intimidation.

DPP won liao lah! Big Grin Congratz lah!  Clapping

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