What does China lose by leaving Taiwan alone?

It has been like this for 70yrs already. Taiwanese were big investors in China. Once Western powers let China back into the global trading system allowing Western technology to flow into China. Foxconn employs a million people in China.

By leaving Taiwan alone and not threatening Taiwan, there was economic integration and in the 1990s Taiwanese even voted for pro China politicians to improve relations and go for greater economic integration.

By making military threats and causing the Taiwanese people to hate China result in election of pro independence leaders.
Taiwan will naturally arm itself to better protect its way for life....

A skillful leader would know that when China's GDP rises it will attract Taiwanese back to China because it is human nature to want a better life. Look at the thousands of Taiwanese lured by the booming China tech sector jobs before the CCP stifle the sector.

In recent years for power consolidation, Xi has played the nationalism card ...be it stirring hatred against Japanese for World War 2, hatred of Taiwan, hatred of Western powers for Opium Wars, the propaganda narrative is driven by nationalist against others. Even India's Modi with a steller reputation for peace was reluctantly drawn to border conflicts with China...and the Indian free media now broadcast anti China news all day.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 4 users Like sgbuffett's post

winnie is a power greedy tyrant….will go down in history as one of the evil emperors

(05-08-2022, 11:04 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It has been like this for 70yrs already. Taiwanese work big investors in China once Western powers let China back into the global trading system allowing Western technology to flow into China. Foxconn employs q million people in China.

By leaving Taiwan alone and not threatening Taiwan, there was economic integration and in the 1990s Taiwanese even voted for pro China politicians to improve relations and go for greater economic integration.

By making military threats and causing the Taiwanese people to hate China result in election of pro independence leaders.
Taiwan will naturally arm itself to better protect its way for life....

A skillful leader would know that when China's GDP rises it will attract Taiwanese back to China because it is human nature to want a better life. Look at the thousands of Taiwanese lured by the booming China tech sector jobs before the CCP stifle the sector.

In recent years for power consolidation, Xi has played the nationalism card ...be it stirring hatred against Japanese for World War 2, hatred of Taiwan, hatred of Western powers for Opium Wars, the propaganda narrative is driven by nationalist against others. Even India's Modi with a steller reputation for peace was reluctantly drawn to border conflicts with China...and the Indian free media now broadcast anti China news all day.

Taiwan is at the doorstep of China. If Taiwan don't reunify with China, US will keep selling Taiwan arms threatening China. Will US allow any of their states to become independent if they want to?

(05-08-2022, 11:04 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  ..What does China lose by leaving Taiwan alone?

It's like asking  "What do you lose by detaching your right leg and let it be independent from the rest of your body!"  Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

if ah butt's mother one day says she wants to be independent and please leave her alone, how? what does ah butt lose?

Lose face lor....china people face very big one..

What is it got to lose leave Julian Assange alone Rotfl

what if one day yr partner says pls leave him/her alone, and the guy from next block keeps coming to visit him/her and promises never abandone him/her. is that ok?
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(05-08-2022, 11:28 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  Lose face lor....china people face very big one..

Ya lor!

Unlike you lor! You can burry your whole face into old hag Pelosi's lao CB lor!  Rotfl

Alexander Pope once said, " a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"..... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
[+] 3 users Like Huliwang's post

Taiwan has become listening house for America intelligence gathering. The location is also a threat to China if USA place air defense.


(05-08-2022, 11:04 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It has been like this for 70yrs already. Taiwanese were big investors in China. Once Western powers let China back into the global trading system allowing Western technology to flow into China. Foxconn employs a million people in China.

By leaving Taiwan alone and not threatening Taiwan, there was economic integration and in the 1990s Taiwanese even voted for pro China politicians to improve relations and go for greater economic integration.

By making military threats and causing the Taiwanese people to hate China result in election of pro independence leaders.
Taiwan will naturally arm itself to better protect its way for life....

A skillful leader would know that when China's GDP rises it will attract Taiwanese back to China because it is human nature to want a better life. Look at the thousands of Taiwanese lured by the booming China tech sector jobs before the CCP stifle the sector.

In recent years for power consolidation, Xi has played the nationalism card ...be it stirring hatred against Japanese for World War 2, hatred of Taiwan, hatred of Western powers for Opium Wars, the propaganda narrative is driven by nationalist against others. Even India's Modi with a steller reputation for peace was reluctantly drawn to border conflicts with China...and the Indian free media now broadcast anti China news all day.

Taiwan belongs to China just like Sentosa belongs to Singapore mah!
[+] 3 users Like cheekopekman's post

(05-08-2022, 12:19 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Taiwan belongs to China just like Sentosa belongs to Singapore mah!

You are absolutely right!  Clapping
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Aiya. They just want face lah. Like HK & Macao , how much they care the dying economy?  HK & Macao now domestic debt more than 200% of GDP,  pole will die just by paying the debts.

[+] 1 user Likes teaserteam's post

(05-08-2022, 12:27 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Aiya. They just want face lah. Like HK & Macao , how much they care the dying economy?  HK & Macao now domestic debt more than 200% of GDP,  pole will die just by paying the debts.

Ya lor!

Unlike you lor! You can permanently immerse your face into old hag Pelosi's old CB lor!  Laughing

msia is still not giving up on the rock which they lost thru arbitration to us.
when it comes to land, knn the leaves which dropped from neighbour also not happy.

Ah butt got it all wrong. Without Taiwan's frequent rant of wanting independence and US's provocation, China would never threaten Taiwan. By threatening Taiwan, it is effectively preventing war by telling them not to do anything funny.

Do you see China threatening Taiwan when Ma was president?
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

(05-08-2022, 12:27 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Aiya. They just want face lah. Like HK & Macao , how much they care the dying economy?  HK & Macao now domestic debt more than 200% of GDP,  pole will die just by paying the debts.

U are absolute disgrace. When people insult u, u will thank the person right. U are good man but disgrace to mankind..


(05-08-2022, 12:19 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Taiwan belongs to China just like Sentosa belongs to Singapore mah!

that's the best post of today so far.  Clapping
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink?'s post



“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
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(05-08-2022, 11:26 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  if ah butt's mother one day says she wants to be independent and please leave her alone, how? what does ah butt lose?
Or worse  ... ah butt's c*ck said it wanted to leave ah butt because it wanted to explore Pelosi's " dried up garden" how?

(05-08-2022, 11:04 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It has been like this for 70yrs already. Taiwanese were big investors in China. Once Western powers let China back into the global trading system allowing Western technology to flow into China. Foxconn employs a million people in China.

By leaving Taiwan alone and not threatening Taiwan, there was economic integration and in the 1990s Taiwanese even voted for pro China politicians to improve relations and go for greater economic integration.

By making military threats and causing the Taiwanese people to hate China result in election of pro independence leaders.
Taiwan will naturally arm itself to better protect its way for life....

A skillful leader would know that when China's GDP rises it will attract Taiwanese back to China because it is human nature to want a better life. Look at the thousands of Taiwanese lured by the booming China tech sector jobs before the CCP stifle the sector.

In recent years for power consolidation, Xi has played the nationalism card ...be it stirring hatred against Japanese for World War 2, hatred of Taiwan, hatred of Western powers for Opium Wars, the propaganda narrative is driven by nationalist against others. Even India's Modi with a steller reputation for peace was reluctantly drawn to border conflicts with China...and the Indian free media now broadcast anti China news all day.

Obviously u are ignorant of the historical background of Taiwan and China.

Taiwan has always been part of China, it was China before ww2, it is China after ww2.

During ww2, there were 3 political parties in China : CCP, KMT and Democratic Party or DPP.

KMT which is a Republican Party won the War against the Japanese and Qing Imperial with CCP and DPP.  All 3 agreed to let KMT to be the presidential party or leader.

However the leader KMT Chiang was a highly corrupted leader after taking over from Sun.

Seeing that, internal civil war among the 3 parties broke off. Because KMT Chiang was highly corrupted, they obviously cannot manage the huge mainland and lost the war.

Ccp pursued KMT from Nanjing all the way to the border of Fujian where the remaining KMT army with a few DDP leaders escaped across to Taiwan.

Because CCP still treat KMT and DDP as own Chinese, they stopped the war at the border of Fujian giving the remaining KMT a chance to setup their own government on the Taiwan Island and called themselves ROC. Republic of China meaning KMT party or the Republican.

CCP hence ruled Mainland China and called China PRC.

Here is the PROBLEM :



[+] 3 users Like *天哥*'s post

(05-08-2022, 01:03 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  没读好历史真可怕!


Exactly !

Watch :


(03-08-2022, 06:56 PM)kokee Wrote:  pelosi said it, made it, deliver it & left with perfect achievement.
all these comie liars, till now still bark lies & nonsense, all these are fact & truth, still got morons here because of racist to support these dogs & bochap right & wrong things in life? your choice!
below is what all these dogs & their evil devil ccp china bark before pelosi make the trip!

胡錫進:美軍航母來幾艘打沉幾艘!fire my foot, all the carriers  are there all the time!, not even are to fark 1 sound, dont talk about  fire!
再嗆「擊落專機與美軍機!」, shoot your foot, all these shameless liars, these coward & useless dogs can only bark, totally no action!
击落佩洛西, she come & go now safely without 1 bullet sound from china, all these balless dogs!

as above lies, comie dogs & their communist sources of lies & fake still continue their BS, all these real dogs!


all these morons still argue taiwan belong to china? real morons!
so china fire at china now?
pelosi already said, she met with english tsai is diplomat between 2 country, still not clear enough!
why TSMC dont even want to make 1 IC for huawei or 1 advanced IC for china? F off, china, even xi come also F off, why huh?
all these dogs wet dream, lost till pantless, all these 5 cts here glass heart all broken!

(04-08-2022, 12:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  now china got face? their lies caused them lost all face in the world today!
no one trust them anymore, not even their own people!
face is gain & must earned, not thru lies & self claimed!
face so important? I know whole world also want face but china is to the extreme!
be humble & mutual respect, be truth, but china everything is so fake, respect  is fake, face is fake.
saw sport video, china use man like to compete in woman sport, then win, win also fake? 
why like that? cant they be sincere, face all the truth.




(04-08-2022, 11:55 AM)kokee Wrote:  all the BS & lies, from military to technology to economy, now china people including all the 5 cts, little pink & comie globally know is fake & lies is only illusion!
wet dream exploded! like china debt bubble burst!
all lies can never be covered forever, all hard truth will be out!
all these crazy & insane comie dogs here, bark lies non stop, no one can stop them here but all know almost 100% lies, all the news & video used by comie dogs here!


强大的祖国? my foot!
all the wet dream of moronic comie dogshere.
go & pcc like PLA army now! LOL LOL

(05-08-2022, 01:24 PM)kokee Wrote:  强大的祖国? my foot!
all the wet dream of moronic comie dogshere.
go & pcc like PLA army now! LOL LOL

You are a 汉奸

汉 refers to all Chinese including PRC and Taiwanese.
[+] 1 user Likes *天哥*'s post

汉 did not matter whether it is communist or republican or whatever political party...it refers to all Chinese who wanted China and all Chinese to be strong ..you are the exception, we call people like you 汉奸
[+] 2 users Like *天哥*'s post

(05-08-2022, 01:25 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  You are a 汉奸

1 day you will find out that you are 漢奸走狗!

(30-07-2022, 08:02 PM)kokee Wrote:  well said, 倪匡!


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