When Vaccination Against Corona Leads to Long Covid

Anyone who feels sick for a longer period of time after a corona vaccination may suffer from post-vac syndrome

Exhausted, dizzy, in pain: Hundreds of people in Germany complain about long-Covid symptoms after a corona vaccination. An expert explains who is at risk, what is behind the symptoms - and why an infection with Covid-19 is still a greater risk than the syringe.

WORLD: You have set up a consultation hour for patients who complain about long-Covid symptoms as a result of a corona vaccination. Are you busy?

Bernhard Schieffer: You could say that. We currently have almost 2000 patients waiting for an appointment with us. And this despite the fact that we try really hard to process all inquiries quickly.

WORLD: In view of this, a vaccination skeptic would probably say: “That stuff is poison.” And then he wouldn’t even be that wrong – would he?

Schiefer: Yes. This is and remains medical nonsense and is grossly negligent. The risk of long Covid syndrome following ongoing Sars-CoV-2 infection is...


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When Vaccination Against Corona Leads to Long Covid - by theold - 20-05-2022, 07:20 AM
RE: When Vaccination Against Corona Leads to Long Covid - by Blin - 20-05-2022, 08:05 AM

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