Why Singapore is not worried about Thailand's land bridge


Tell Thailand to.....
[Image: e1351abc-d3bf-4146-93c3-e3e5b428fe66-1300x944.jpg]

Because it is just NATO

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Talk for 30yrs .even if build will take 20yrs

By then sea water rise ...another 20yrs later other shipping paths theory artix side opens.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

It's not going to happen
Talk talk and more talk
If it's feasible, it would have been done long ago.

They can build a bridge to the moon too..🤣
That's their own business. 

There are many other countries ports after Thailand location. Not only Singapore. You think all will be very scare..?
Don't be ridiculous la...

Many new ports are built annually, competition will never stop. We faced worst threat from Malaysia..😂

Port hub is not only about location but efficiency and connectivity with other ports / shipping entities. Singapore's port business is not started only yesterday. Cheers!

New Thai PM must talk BIG to show he is doing something positive for  the nation. 

Another 30 years even before commencement of project, he may already perish from earth.

Those that need transhipment still hv to come here

Land bridge is not a good idea! I don't know who got the idea of building a land bridge?

How long will it take to clear one ship of cargo through the land bridge, assuming all are solid stuff in containers. How about liquid cargo? Unload, transfer thru land, and reload on to another ship?


Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!

Talk for another 20-30 years, by then with inflation, it will cost 2x more. Then no more $, project scrapped. 50 years later, start talking again, cycle repeats.

PAP not scared 才怪

Transportation of oil tanks already a portion of their business

Next will be non-perishables using that shorter route

Our Connectivity with Air and Land Transport 有屁用

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Aiya for those jobless like ah butt ah mao ccpie, nothing to worry about.

The current pee ah pee mostly retire with cpf bank accoints gao gao, aso nothing to worry about

As for the rest, worry aso no use, kpkb only, nothing can be done

Or learn to draw colored lines on charts? Heard one 老母猪 claimed can make money 💰 duno true or not

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