Why Western nations fear India-Canada row

Published 1 day ago

The last thing the United States and other western powers want now is a row that divides them from India.

On the grand geopolitical chess board, India is a key player.

Not only is it a growing power - the most populous country in the world, the fifth-biggest economy. But it is also seen by the West as a potential bulwark against China.

This was apparent at the recent G20 meeting in India when Ukraine's Western allies agreed a final communique which did not condemn Russia by name for its invasion.

They chose to protect their relationship with India by avoiding a row over the statement, a choice which angered some in Kyiv.


(21-09-2023, 08:03 AM)Levin Wrote:  Published 1 day ago

The last thing the United States and other western powers want now is a row that divides them from India.

On the grand geopolitical chess board, India is a key player.

Not only is it a growing power - the most populous country in the world, the fifth-biggest economy. But it is also seen by the West as a potential bulwark against China.

This was apparent at the recent G20 meeting in India when Ukraine's Western allies agreed a final communique which did not condemn Russia by name for its invasion.

They chose to protect their relationship with India by avoiding a row over the statement, a choice which angered some in Kyiv.


If one only reads the Western press, it is easy to get misled into thinking that Indians love the west and dislike China. Fact of the matter is they dislike the Americans and Europeans just as much.

When you go visit their mainstream media like The Hindustan, NDTV, India Times etc., you'll realize that Indians in general don't have good things to say about the Europeans and Americans as well. Generally they think they are a world superpower and don't like any other country, be it China or US, that they deem to be "on top" of them.

It's a conflicting psychology because on one hand they think they're at least on par if not superior to the Americans and react violently to any suggestion they are subservient like Japan or EU. Yet, they are very proud of the fact that Americans of Indian ethnicity lead US MNCs or hold senior government positions in the US.

To all amdk arse lickers stooge’s somehow yours daddies lost their balls somewhere cheo kau peng hor
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