Why quitting coal is so hard




Of the three fossil fuels — coal, oil and natural gas — coal is the biggest climate villain. It’s responsible for about 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions. It’s also a fuel that is relatively easy to replace: Renewable alternatives to coal-fired power have been available for decades. The burning of coal also has other environmental impacts, including air pollution contributing to smog, acid rain and respiratory illnesses.


China, the world’s most populous country and a manufacturing giant, is by far the world’s biggest coal consumer, followed by India and the United States.


But adjusted for population size the situation is different: Australia has the highest per capita coal emissions among the Group of 20 biggest economies, followed by South Korea, South Africa, the United States and China



The short answer is coal is cheap and plentiful. But even as renewables become more competitive on price, coal isn’t that easy to get rid of. Electricity needs are soaring as the world’s population and prosperity increase, and renewables simply aren’t enough to satisfy that growth in demand. The IEA projects that India will need to add a power system the size of the European Union’s to meet expected growth in electricity demand in the next 20 years.

Better to read full article at: https://apnews.com/article/climate-busin...e17cad3938

Failed even b4 the word COAL comes out for the first time.

China has no choice. They play until she has no choice.

And now her exported goods got stuck.

[Image: Screenshot-2021-11-14-at-11-24-55-Why-qu...hard-3.png]

There will be fireworks against COP26

[Image: Screenshot-2021-11-14-at-04-54-17-164-Sh...-Intel.png]
Look innocent but deadly

No simple alternatives!

(14-11-2021, 12:13 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  No simple alternatives!

Got. Covid cut down population so need lesser coal. Laughing

Sg also have one coal power plant.

(14-11-2021, 12:58 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Sg also have one coal power plant.

If Singapore has one coal power plant, then is should be converted into a oil-fired, or natural gas-fired power plant.... crying

(14-11-2021, 01:44 PM)debono Wrote:  If Singapore has one coal power plant, then is should be converted into a oil-fired, or natural gas power plant.... crying

Modern new coal-fired power plants should have filters installed, so the pollution should not be bad.
What is worse will be the marine ships that burn the dirtiest fossil fuel - bunker fuel.
The air quality along the major shipping routes will thus be very bad.



Same reason why our govt is addicted to importing foreigners.

(14-11-2021, 03:39 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Same reason why our govt is addicted to importing foreigners.

Different lah.

Without coal, many countries have to go back to stone age!

Don't let angmohs' evil propaganda mislead you!

Incomplete combustion is the problem.
Of cos certain fuels are poisonous more so u must ensure
by having special burner guns and nozzles

(14-11-2021, 03:43 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Different lah.

Without coal, many countries have to go back to stone age!

Don't let angmohs' evil propaganda mislead you!

Coal-fired power plants are the main culprit......it emits large quantities of smoke and CO2 into the hemisphere.  Those countries that depend on coal-fired power plants now need to convert their plants into oil-fired plants or gas-fired power plants. In the same breath, it is also possible to install nuclear power plants, but the problem with this nuclear plants in how to get rid of the spent nuclear fuel..... crying

(14-11-2021, 05:54 PM)debono Wrote:  Coal-fired power plants are the main culprit......it emits large quantities of smoke and CO2 into the hemisphere.  Those countries that depend on coal-fired power plants now need to convert their plants into oil-fired plants or gas-fired power plants. In the same breath, it is also possible to install nuclear power plants, but the problem with this nuclear plants in how to get rid of the spent nuclear fuel..... crying

Franking speaking CO2 harm is overblown, 
true concern on coal plant is its air pollution and acidic water is harmful to living stock and soil fertility. 
newer plant is better but also depend on the coal quality.

(14-11-2021, 05:54 PM)debono Wrote:  Coal-fired power plants are the main culprit......it emits large quantities of smoke and CO2 into the hemisphere.  Those countries that depend on coal-fired power plants now need to convert their plants into oil-fired plants or gas-fired power plants. In the same breath, it is also possible to install nuclear power plants, but the problem with this nuclear plants in how to get rid of the spent nuclear fuel..... crying

You talk on paper very simple! 

Can you just check and see how many countries depend on coal power heavily? Can you pay them and give them the technologies  to build alternatives?  Mad

(14-11-2021, 06:45 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You talk on paper very simple! 

Can you just check and see how many countries depend on coal power heavily? Can you pay them and give them the technologies  to build alternatives?  Mad

It is not my job to pay them and give them the technologies to build alternatives.. Rolleyes

(14-11-2021, 06:50 PM)debono Wrote:  It is not my job to pay them and give them the technologies to build alternatives.. Rolleyes

U so stupid I know....now u so RICH ah?!!! Laughing

(14-11-2021, 06:55 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  U so stupid I know....now u so RICH ah?!!! Laughing

Debono sounds like this Emperor giving advice to poor nations :

[Image: Screenshot-20211114-210628.jpg]

(14-11-2021, 09:08 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Debono sounds like this Emperor giving advice to poor nations :

[Image: Screenshot-20211114-210628.jpg]

I am no emperor, I am just a plankton is a vast ocean..... Laughing

(14-11-2021, 06:50 PM)debono Wrote:  It is not my job to pay them and give them the technologies to build alternatives.. Rolleyes

You low-bred syonan dotard are too shy to show off your "technologies" for your retardiness? Smile

Or you retarded syonan dotard are just too "shy" to spit sai on your US goat daddy and your Jporn mummy for no technologies to stop burning coal?  Laughing

(14-11-2021, 06:45 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You talk on paper very simple! 

Can you just check and see how many countries depend on coal power heavily? Can you pay them and give them the technologies  to build alternatives?  Mad

Taiwan know it best. Ask the sai government there

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