Without USA, WW2 will not end.


Defeating Germany
Defeating Japan: Operation Downfall

Atomic Bomb dropped by USA straight end Japanese occupation and German surrender too.


Yes must thanks USA not Russia hor.. .two heads snake ?

Is it going to start ww3?

Not yet ready maybe 2025 that is what Indian boy predicted ?

that is undoubedly v true

Time to down size the earth growing population.

Not really lah!

But but you all have to accept the Facts is USA.

Without USA drop that atomic bomb , Japanese will not retreat in WW2. Will continue fight till the end.

(03-04-2023, 06:03 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gltrQGcLcAU

Defeating Germany
Defeating Japan: Operation Downfall

Atomic Bomb dropped by USA straight end Japanese occupation and German surrender too.


if no USA 
it is like 5000 years china

war war war
rape rape rape
kill kill kill 
no ENDS!

(03-04-2023, 06:54 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  But but you all have to accept the Facts is USA.

Without USA drop that atomic bomb , Japanese will not retreat in WW2. Will continue fight till the end.

Do you know that before Pearl Harbour was attacked, USA was supplying Japan with all sorts of resources like oil, etc.? 

USA huat big big from war hor!
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(03-04-2023, 07:28 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Do you know that before Pearl Harbour was attacked, USA was supplying Japan with all sorts of resources like oil, etc.? 

USA huat big big from war hor!

Now USA also like that Mah
So Russia war will end by USA
Guess history repeat

(03-04-2023, 07:30 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Now USA also like that Mah
So Russia war will end by USA
Guess history repeat

You think too highly of USA liao!

without the U.S. WW3 will never start
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(03-04-2023, 07:34 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You think too highly of USA liao!

Smile at least better than the British

Run away so call must help UK first but can’t blame them since SG not their main country

This is what and why we can’t depend too many foreigner talents. When the world economy down SG will be hit to the worst as foreigners talents leave SG.

[Image: 77826-AED-47-F6-4381-A15-E-164-CDE005977.jpg]

[Image: EC82-F98-A-15-B8-4-CD7-A8-F0-0-D34-C091386-A.jpg]
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(03-04-2023, 07:35 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  without the U.S. WW3 will never start

you fake news

(03-04-2023, 07:43 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  you fake news

You fark up lah!

Farked by EVIL ASSMERICANS!  Rotfl

(03-04-2023, 06:54 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  But but you all have to accept the Facts is USA.

Without USA drop that atomic bomb , Japanese will not retreat in WW2. Will continue fight till the end.

This is just US propaganda imo.

After Germany's surrender in Europe, USSR is able to redeploy its huge armies against the Japanese troops in East Asia.
For the battles for the NE Chinese cities (Puyi's Manchuria), the Soviets had  poured in 1.6mln troops against a smaller 700k and ill-equipped Japanese troops.
Of these 700K Japs, 600K were captured as POWs and forced into hard labour in Siberia.
Only 30K survived the harsh weather and environment there to return to Jap a few years later.

So without US dropping the nuclear bomb, Russia could have easily island hopped from the Kurils onto Hokkaido and then to the Japan main island.
Japan will surrender eventually - definitely not beyond 1949 when the Soviets also developed their first nuclear bomb - with half of Japan to USSR.
But US would not want to see that, a north-south Japan like Korea, so the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were slaughtered by the US to  force a quicker surrender that favours the West. So only Kuril Islands that the Japanese had earlier captured from the China is under Russia's control present day.

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(03-04-2023, 07:47 PM)sgxin Wrote:  This is just US propaganda imo.

After Germany's surrender in Europe, USSR is able to redeploy its huge armies against the Japanese troops in East Asia.
For the battles for the NE Chinese cities (Puyi's Manchuria), the Soviets had  poured in 1.6mln troops against a smaller 700k and ill-equipped Japanese troops.
Of these 700K Japs, 600K were captured as POWs and forced into hard labour in Siberia.
Only 30K survived the harsh weather and environment there to return to Jap a few years later.

So without US dropping the nuclear bomb, Russia could have easily island hop from the Kuril onto Hokkaido and then the Japan main island.
Japan will surrender eventually - definitely not beyond 1949 when the Soviets also developed their first nuclear bomb - with half of Japan to USSR.
But US would not want to see that, a north-south Japan like Korea, so the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were slaughtered by the US to  force a quicker surrender that favours the West. So only Kuril Islands that the Japanese had earlier captured from the China is under Russia's control present day.

Actually, after more than 10 years of war in China, Japan was already extremely exhausted and was losing too many of their soldiers in China. 

They were very short of various necessities, including weapons and fuel. CCP cut of railway lines frequently to disrupt their transportation also.

USA has always been a warring nation

Since the American civil war

They will eventually get involved in WW2, as they had

Then Korean war, then Vietnam war, then Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, etc

USA got involved in WW2 as a coalition against Germany and involved in the Asia-pacific war with Japan because Pearl Harbor was bombed

(03-04-2023, 06:30 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Is it going to start ww3?

WW3 waiting, not now... Rotfl

(03-04-2023, 06:32 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  Not yet ready maybe 2025 that is what Indian boy predicted ?

About 2029 plus plus to 2032.  Bomb

(05-04-2023, 03:57 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  About 2029 plus plus to 2032.  Bomb
Waiting and have to want a while. Bomb


(05-04-2023, 03:54 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  WW3 waiting, not now... Rotfl

How would the 3rd world war begin.............will it be among the super powers of USA, Russia or China.............? Big Grin

(03-04-2023, 07:47 PM)sgxin Wrote:  This is just US propaganda imo.

After Germany's surrender in Europe, USSR is able to redeploy its huge armies against the Japanese troops in East Asia.
For the battles for the NE Chinese cities (Puyi's Manchuria), the Soviets had  poured in 1.6mln troops against a smaller 700k and ill-equipped Japanese troops.
Of these 700K Japs, 600K were captured as POWs and forced into hard labour in Siberia.
Only 30K survived the harsh weather and environment there to return to Jap a few years later.

So without US dropping the nuclear bomb, Russia could have easily island hopped from the Kurils onto Hokkaido and then to the Japan main island.
Japan will surrender eventually - definitely not beyond 1949 when the Soviets also developed their first nuclear bomb - with half of Japan to USSR.
But US would not want to see that, a north-south Japan like Korea, so the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were slaughtered by the US to  force a quicker surrender that favours the West. So only Kuril Islands that the Japanese had earlier captured from the China is under Russia's control present day.

Smile but end of the day USA TAKE ACTION FIRST END WW2.

(05-04-2023, 04:35 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Smile but end of the day USA TAKE ACTION FIRST END WW2.

In theory you are right but logically not right

Yes w/o Beekok, there will be not enough forces to wear down the Axis.

However how can be no Beekok involved, unless you saying Beekok give up Hawaii.
Jipun attack Pearl harbor is to get base to attack SEA.
Because back then, oil in East Asia is found only at Malaya and Dutch colonial Indon.

In the Europe theater, the the deciding factor is eastern Europe battles
because then the finest and more German troops at east front than west front.  
If you study the people view closer to war period , it differ quite a big

Beekok do play a majority reasons in Pacific theater win. 
They did think how to reduce number of their soldier deaths 
therefore they decide to use the newly developed atomic bombs on Jipun. 
Before that they invite Su Lien to crave out Jipun empire.

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