Xi want to be friendly with USA

just now see news show Xi new year speech, he claim wanna be friendly with USA.

笑里藏刀 hor...

(01-01-2024, 11:10 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  just now see news show Xi new year speech, he claim wanna be friendly with USA.

Reset is good.

That means no change from China's side. Quite consistent all these years. It's really up to USA.

If USA is also consistent, then USA will continue to he hostile.

China is not Stupid ... you dont bite the hands that feed you

US defeat the Japs and free China
US invite China to WTO and invest in China
US and China counter balance Russia, North Korea and other

why need to go to war

Xi is not Putin la..
China economy is many times more than Russia. 
No need wars to survive

(02-01-2024, 08:06 AM)BigNLong Wrote:  China is not Stupid ... you dont bite the hands that feed you

US defeat the Japs and free China
US invite China to WTO and invest in China
US and China counter balance Russia, North Korea and other

why need to go to war

Regarding WTO, the US actually made it extremely difficult for China to join WTO. China has to give in to extremely onerous demands from US before they can join WTO. No other country has to do that to join WTO. 

China applied to join in 1986 (Clinton did offer to facilitate China's entry to  WTO in the 1990s and then tried to block China's entry later due to other US politicians' objections to China's entry). It was only after numerous negotiations that China managed to join WTO at the end of 2001.
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(02-01-2024, 08:41 AM)Levin Wrote:  Regarding WTO, the US actually made it extremely difficult for China to join WTO. China has to give in to extremely onerous demands from US before they can join WTO. No other country has to do that to join WTO. 

China applied to join in 1986 (Clinton did offer to facilitate China's entry to  WTO in the 1990s and then tried to block China's entry later due to other US politicians' objections to China's entry). It was only after numerous negotiations that China managed to join WTO at the end of 2001.

One of the main reasons why the Americans were reluctant for China to join WTO (besides fear of China's ascension and its own trade deficit growing larger) was that China was not needed anymore as the USSR had disintegrated.

When he took power relationship with the Western powers and rest of Asia was very positive and high ....Xi pivoted away from his predecessors:

1. He formented hatred among China citizens for regional neighbors especially Japan.

2. He stirred anti West sentiment and guided relations toward Russia whom he formed unlimited alliance. Russia later attacked Ukraine.

3. He turned some.ASEAN countries against China by stirring the South China Sea issues.

4. He constantly stir Taiwan issues and use military to increase cross straits tensions.

I think the West has learned its lessons ...previously they let their guard down and embrace China as a partner and even supported China entry into WTO, GATT and various world bodies.

China instead went for ties with Russia and Iran .

I think it's unfortunate how things developed. It js unlikely to go back to the days of strong ties before Xi took power....the trust is all gone

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(02-01-2024, 08:50 AM)Levin Wrote:  One of the main reasons why the Americans were reluctant for China to join WTO (besides fear of China's ascension and its own trade deficit growing larger) was that China was not needed anymore as the USSR had disintegrated.

Clinton administration went all out to support Chuna entry to WTO...there was strong opposition from the ground .....the onerous conditions you mention in the deal is onerous only because of China's past policies of "self reliance" now they have to be open to imports....that's the whole idea of trade. 

US treated China different from Soviet Union due to Deng. 

There was no need for US which control more than 40% of the global economy to engage China except to have China slowly shift from Communist dictatorship and reform its system ...and China did reform...

That was until Xi.

Now there is no more motivation to deepen economic ties with China because Xi wants to be allied with Russia and Iran...he has also killed reform in China and brought back Mao era ideology. 

The west will just let it be....and react accordingly. It needs to safeguard itself and its own national security...

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(02-01-2024, 10:03 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  When he took power relationship with the Western powers and rest of Asia was very positive and high ....Xi pivoted away from his predecessors:

1. He formented hatred among China citizens for regional neighbors especially Japan.

2. He stirred anti West sentiment and guided relations toward Russia whom he formed unlimited alliance. Russia later attacked Ukraine.

3. He turned some.ASEAN countries against China by stirring the South China Sea issues.

4. He constantly stir Taiwan issues and use military to increase cross straits tensions.

I think the West has learned its lessons ...previously they let their guard down and embrace China as a partner and even supported China entry into WTO, GATT and various world bodies.

China instead went for ties with Russia and Iran .

I think it's unfortunate how things developed. It js unlikely to go back to the days of strong ties before Xi took power....the trust is all gone

I think you shortened the timeline. There are stuff before all these.

Point 1 was always there even before Xi. The Chinese are highly wary of the Japanese due to what they did during WW2.

Point 2 was mainly due to what USA did. It's a reaction to USA's hostility to China (Huawei, chips, trade etc) and then Russia and USA's instigation in trying to place nuclear weapons in Ukraine right at Russia's border.

Point 4 is again a reaction against USA's actions. 

Besides point 3, all of the stuff are reactions to USA. USA is the biggest threat to peace in East Asia right now. Fortunately, most of the ASEAN heads were calm and did not side with USA even though Point 3 exists because they knew USA is the bigger threat. They maintain neutrality instead.

Once USA goes on a multi-front campaign besides outright war against China back in the mid-2010s, I knew it would be bad for the world.

It is still up to USA but I think USA will not change its way. The censorship and brainwashing in USA and even the world (a lot of stuff I cannot find on the web nowadays, like the article on the demands on China to enter WTO. That was gone) has gone on too far and it is tough to u-turn for the US politicians.

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