You’ve been hearing a lot about CPF Special account in recent weeks

You’ve been hearing a lot about CPF Special account in recent weeks, as they’d be closed for people above 55 years old. So what is the CPF Special Account? Watch this and you'll understand:


Hear now to close
[+] 1 user Likes red3's post


$$$ not in your pockets is not yours

It's worse if you left them to others
[+] 1 user Likes Scythian's post

not my daiji until 30 yrs later.

Blue cock haven tio porfma yet?

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!
[+] 1 user Likes ODA TETSURO's post

PAP really want to save money, lah

Otherwise, they can set RA at 60 years- old

or create another account for us with 4% interest rates

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

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