Zaobao interviews Peng Shuai

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Angmohs FAKE her sexual assault and make use of the FAKES to stir!  Angry
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China should ban WTA for ten years.

Make them apologize at all worldwide newspaper. WTA boss must harakiri

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Actually when I first read the original post in Chinese by her, my hazy impression was that she was complaining about what seemed like an abusive relationship with a married guy and didn't think much of it.

Somehow when the western media started their nonsense the whole thing was spun as a sexual assault by an official that's why she was murdered / sent to internment camp etc. Obviously these guys are banking on the fact that their audience do not know Chinese or care to find a literal translation. It also didn't help that her post was taken down by Weibo afterwards which further fueled the conspiracy theory propaganda.
[+] 1 user Likes maxsanic's post

So looks like the western media is at it again. Trying to paint the devil out of China like always.

Which explained why USA had budgeted billions of dollars in their media to continue to “frame” China.

Pretty soon those who are against China or the mainland Chinese will be hoping mad and claimed that our news media is trying to whitewash China. Like always…
[+] 1 user Likes kangtangman's post

(20-12-2021, 04:34 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  So looks like the western media is at it again. Trying to paint the devil out of China like always.

Which explained why USA had budgeted billions of dollars in their media to continue to “frame” China.

Pretty soon those who are against China or the mainland Chinese will be hoping mad and claimed that our news media is trying to whitewash China. Like always…

In the past the western media usually take a few genuine anecdotal cases to exaggerate and blow out of proportion in order to mislead others that it's a nation wide phenomena. Nowadays they don't even bother, just outright fabrication of fake news with increased frequency.

While the typical English speaking countries like 4 eyes and much of western Europe has definitely become more and more anti-China, I suspect these lame attempts are also destroying the credibility of the western media amongst the rest of the world. I am sensing for the rest of the world China's stature is actually increasing while that of US is eroding rapidly, it's my general sense reading various local media sources of other countries, don't have actual statistical evidence though.
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(20-12-2021, 04:44 PM)maxsanic Wrote:  In the past the western media usually take a few genuine anecdotal cases to exaggerate and blow out of proportion in order to mislead others that it's a nation wide phenomena. Nowadays they don't even bother, just outright fabrication of fake news with increased frequency.

While the typical English speaking countries like 4 eyes and much of western Europe has definitely become more and more anti-China, I suspect these lame attempts are also destroying the credibility of the western media amongst the rest of the world. I am sensing for the rest of the world China's stature is actually increasing while that of US is eroding rapidly, it's my general sense reading various local media sources of other countries, don't have actual statistical evidence though.

Frankly these days with many medias trying to claim negativities on China we just need to be more prudent in reading those material. 

Of course similar can be said on those medias who tend to paint a positive views on China too. 

But suggest that we don’t simply take what was claimed on the media, especially from the west. Reason is for many years they have misled the world with their claims. Examples such as Iraq, Syria, etc. just to claim a few. 

More importantly the western democracy has somewhat failed to give a better lives to the people with their ever so “righteousness” claims over the past years. And all they did were to make themselves stay ahead of the Chinese or the communist but the more they tried, they instilled more lies to paint themselves to be the good.  But ending up doing the wrong things that make them looked bad instead.  

So sad that these western medias have to resort to such acts. Those freedom of speech claims are beginning to show more lies than truth in my opinion.
[+] 1 user Likes kangtangman's post

(20-12-2021, 04:58 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  Frankly these days with many medias trying to claim negativities on China we just need to be more prudent in reading those material. 

Of course similar can be said on those medias who tend to paint a positive views on China too. 

But suggest that we don’t simply take what was claimed on the media, especially from the west. Reason is for many years they have misled the world with their claims. Examples such as Iraq, Syria, etc. just to claim a few. 

More importantly the western democracy has somewhat failed to give a better lives to the people with their ever so “righteousness” claims over the past years. And all they did were to make themselves stay ahead of the Chinese or the communist but the more they tried, they instilled more lies to paint themselves to be the good.  But ending up doing the wrong things that make them looked bad instead.  

So sad that these western medias have to resort to such acts. Those freedom of speech claims are beginning to show more lies than truth in my opinion.

It's true that western media has a very bad track record when it comes to truth telling, but the more interesting thing is why do people still believe them after they tried such stunts a few times? Is it really because people believe that "white" people are more truthful or rather they believe because the Caucasian societies are generally richer and lead a better life and that is what they aspire to?

I believe it's the latter. Fundamentally western media has been lying and mudslinging its opponents since the start of the cold war in 1950s. Yet, they are generally seen as paradigms of truths by most people, even the citizens of the communist bloc. So why is there a sudden crisis and now they seem to be getting more and more desperate with the lies becoming more and more bombastic and unbelievable?

My hypothesis is that relatively speaking they have stagnated, their social issues and conflicts are piling up and ironically news has become freerer. People now get info much closer to the ground and realize that while western societies are still better, the reality on the ground is not as ideal as thought and the gap is actually closing fast especially with regards to China. The western media appear to realize the danger as well, but instead of being a helpful force for positive change, chose to indulge in a knee jerk psychological defense of spinning increasingly bizarre and hard to believe tall tales. That's not really helping anyone including themselves as well.

those with little pea of brain know who is BS.
why she shown faces almost 5-10 times since this incidents started, she never said fake since day 1, now then lie? only moron & brainless still believe such lies.
all her tennis peers globally supported her, djokovic, serena, osaka, murray & all, she kept quiet for 2 months then suddenly shout is a joke?
all these communists in this forum, spam almost all lies here, norm?


time to exlude china from all the world sport arena, WTA is only just a beginning.



Cocky aka KOKee aka Century aka Alam got huge cow brain?
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(20-12-2021, 05:13 PM)maxsanic Wrote:  It's true that western media has a very bad track record when it comes to truth telling, but the more interesting thing is why do people still believe them after they tried such stunts a few times? Is it really because people believe that "white" people are more truthful or rather they believe because the Caucasian societies are generally richer and lead a better life and that is what they aspire to?

I believe it's the latter. Fundamentally western media has been lying and mudslinging its opponents since the start of the cold war in 1950s. Yet, they are generally seen as paradigms of truths by most people, even the citizens of the communist bloc. So why is there a sudden crisis and now they seem to be getting more and more desperate with the lies becoming more and more bombastic and unbelievable?

My hypothesis is that relatively speaking they have stagnated, their social issues and conflicts are piling up and ironically news has become freerer. People now get info much closer to the ground and realize that while western societies are still better, the reality on the ground is not as ideal as thought and the gap is actually closing fast especially with regards to China. The western media appear to realize the danger as well, but instead of being a helpful force for positive change, chose to indulge in a knee jerk psychological defense of spinning increasingly bizarre and hard to believe tall tales. That's not really helping anyone including themselves as well.

Absolutely right about the westerner being insecure after seeing the growth with China and their Chinese economy which resulted them to catch up with the technologies. 

As to why many continue to believe the western’s media it’s everybody’s guess. Some believed they no wrong in westerners, and for the longest time many believed that the Chinese medias were or are lying. 

Because like one of an American professor released a write up in August this year, about why the westerner has to paint the evilness of China due to those points that you’ve highlighted in your hypothesis.

Reading what she said very carefully, I think she means to say that Gao Xiaoli didn't sexually assault her, but that he coerced her into a relationship or perhaps pressured her to continue the relationship.

(20-12-2021, 08:11 PM)starbugs Wrote:  Reading what she said very carefully, I think she means to say that Gao Xiaoli didn't sexually assault her, but that he coerced her into a relationship or perhaps pressured her to continue the relationship.

You are guessing based on what she said or based on what western media claimed?

Too bad most of our youth are already brain washed by our one sided pro Western education system, they do not want people call them Chinese

This one is not so lucky. Where is she now?

This one came out after missing many months

This one still missing

This one also no news

(20-12-2021, 09:46 PM)revealer Wrote:  This one also no news

Why don't you start a new thread to voice out for them?  Thinking

Search and find this deleted message of Peng Shuai. For those who are interested read on. For me, just interested in posting the findings. True or not, you judge

Then how come she's missing for so long before she came out to clarify? Not logical.

aiya consenting adults having funs, it's her call lah

[Image: 371-B65-C4-A6-EB-4-EB3-BCAF-38-C6-D5-FBEFEA.jpg]

(20-12-2021, 10:21 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Then how come she's missing for so long before she came out to clarify? Not logical.

She was missing for so long? How long?

Who told you???

Does she have to report to you everyday to prove her existence?  Thinking


(21-12-2021, 12:04 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  She was missing for so long? How long?

Who told you???

Does she have to report to you everyday to prove her existence?  Thinking

This is how long -

Does it make sense to you that she wrote something on weibo, shortly after it was removed and she was missing for 3 weeks, without coming out to clarify? If you think it's logical, then it's YOUR CALL, not mine, nor many others who questioned the illogicality of it.

(21-12-2021, 12:17 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  This is how long -

Does it make sense to you that she wrote something on weibo, shortly after it was removed and she was missing for 3 weeks, without coming out to clarify? If you think it's logical, then it's YOUR CALL, not mine, nor many others who questioned the illogicality of it.

Angmoh media claimed that she was missing and you believe?

Does she have to report to Angmoh media everyday to prove her existence???  Thinking

She appeared in the video I posted. Was she handcuffed or like Meng Wanzhou, with electronic tracker?  Rotfl

(21-12-2021, 12:19 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Angmoh media claimed that she was missing and you believe?

Does she have to report to Angmoh media everyday to prove her existence???  Thinking

I don't believe anything I read, but you seem to be the one taking in everything from the Chinese side as gospel truth.

In the video that she posted, do you notice that she didn't explain why she made that post on weibo? 

Of cos she doesn't have to report to the western media, but that such a thing happened and she didn't come out to clarify immediately? But has to wait a few weeks later..? OK, like what I said, YOUR CALL.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

(21-12-2021, 12:23 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  I don't believe anything I read, but you seem to be the one taking in everything from the Chinese side as gospel truth.

In the video that she posted, do you notice that she didn't explain why she made that post on weibo? 

Of cos she doesn't have to report to the western media, but that such a thing happened and she didn't come out to clarify immediately? But has to wait a few weeks later..? OK, like what I said, YOUR CALL.

Chinese side?

You mean Zaobao belongs to China???  Thinking



這個事情,我真的想罵髒話! Rotfl

(21-12-2021, 12:24 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Chinese side?

You mean Zaobao belongs to China???  Thinking



這個事情,我真的想罵髒話! Rotfl

Obviously I'm not referring to ZB. If you want to lose an argument by distracting, so be it!

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