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china gigantic debt, china banks run & crisis

basically is china no money, all kind of banks issues surface out now.
not 1 or 2 cases, likely millions of cases.
savers money gone then bark illegal fund raising, limit withdraw or even closed down banks operation, top 4 banks also involved in big cities like shanhai & shenzhen.
your account money lost is your problem not banks problem, pure argued like comie dogs here.
bank in money is easy, out is problem.
If banks condition is ok, all these will not happen, huge crisis or turmoil on the way.




$460k in alibaba bank can only withdraw in 3 yrs time, bank in is easy, take out is almost no way, china!!!
so bank financial turmoil coming in china soon?

46萬存入中國支付寶取不出 客服:請再等3年

絕對權力 絕對腐敗!大陸銀行暴雷 背後原因不簡單 引發金融危機!


US corp dola mati-ed
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-23-20-42-59.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-25-04-34-17.png]

all these comie dogs bark hundreds times here USD collapse due to print too much, debt too high of UST$30 trillion now.
If debt high, most afraid is hike rate to pay high interest for debt.
Now US hike interest like crazy, hike super fast & steep, going to hike few more rounds this yr & next to 3-4% or even higher to norm of 5%.
If US debt is so high why still can hike so much rate, look at china dare not hike, cut & print more instead, who has no more money, who pokai, who currency MATI.
all these comie liars here know nut to con or brainwash even brainless morons here 7/24.


There can never be a crisis of this type because the govt can just print money to shore up the banks.

They purposely allow some protests and unhappiness then they step in like heros to rescue the bank and arrest the corruoted bankers who stole the money.

Because these banks don't borrow overseas they can be rescued easily with Yuan.

This sort of thing happens routinely in China as the financial system is full of problems and corruption from time to time the govt has to rescue them.

They just choose the right time to act as they want to milk the 'govt to the rescue' propaganda.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


print money can solve all problem, all these never learn & know nut.
why 1997 asia financial crisis? what happen to 2008 housing loan crisis?
If all crisis can use print $$ to solve then whole world no poor & no crisis, so simple.
why only USD can print to solve for now?
all these know nut due to hold too many china stocks, bark what lies they want.
Sanction alone can make Iran, NK & Russia bankrupt, china is the same, just when they want to sanction chinna, when is the best time.
look at OBOR & all china brother in huge trouble today, almost all bankrupt, sri lanka, loas & pakistan, ton more on the way.
china is no exception.

china banks really big issue now, no money to pay back savers? limit them to withdraw their own money?
better withdraw fast before they said your money in banks are illegal fund raising? 
digital RMB is the most dangerous now, 1 program, 1 button, all gone, that is it?
top down , china everywhere no money, all debts.
most people ton of debt but no jobs.


china property crash, banks going to crash, RMB?

大陸銀行現擠兌風潮! 深扒河南村鎮銀行吸儲400億內幕! 中國銀行藏大雷, 中小銀行屬風險最高


(25-06-2022, 08:44 AM)singlon Wrote:  US corp dola mati-ed
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-23-20-42-59.png]

one morning go check bank acct $000000 Big Grin the normal  norm .
[+] 1 user Likes Blin's post

(25-06-2022, 08:50 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie dogs bark hundreds times here USD collapse due to print too much, debt too high of UST$30 trillion now.
If debt high, most afraid is hike rate to pay high interest for debt.
Now US hike interest like crazy, hike super fast & steep, going to hike few more rounds this yr & next to 3-4% or even higher to norm of 5%.
If US debt is so high why still can hike so much rate, look at china dare not hike, cut & print more instead, who has no more money, who pokai, who currency MATI.
all these comie liars here know nut to con or brainwash even brainless morons here 7/24.

all these moronic comie dogs here, all know who they are.

why not they quickly sell all their asset here & change to RMB asset, the best is digital RMB, LOL LOL.
just need 1 program or 1 button, all cleared.



[Image: DCD9-B2-F7-5359-4-AA8-92-F2-9-AFB504-A75-F6.png]

[Image: 3-E5-D7-DB7-B215-4729-841-C-B69719619-FB6.png]

Nobody’s see this post waste time hor

Moronic kokee king of lies source Falun Gong evil cults dangerous hor

(25-06-2022, 09:27 AM)Blin Wrote:  one morning go check bank acct $000000 Big Grin the normal  norm .

got got CBDC
u look like a candidate for del button
same like me

your money in banks may not be yours, ccp decide.
slavery world, slavery not suppose to own any asset.
why comie dogs here none of them want to go back to their beloved motherland for slavery life.
your hard work, your hard owned can be evaporate anytime they like.



(25-06-2022, 09:40 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DCD9-B2-F7-5359-4-AA8-92-F2-9-AFB504-A75-F6.png]

[Image: 3-E5-D7-DB7-B215-4729-841-C-B69719619-FB6.png]

Nobody’s see this post waste time hor

Moronic kokee king of lies source Falun Gong evil cults dangerous hor

saver money in china banks just dissappear, scary.
banks run, your own money also control in withdrawing.

「真出大事!中行 農行 上海銀行都已實施現金管制」

after property crash, china banks in huge trouble.



(25-06-2022, 09:40 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DCD9-B2-F7-5359-4-AA8-92-F2-9-AFB504-A75-F6.png]

[Image: 3-E5-D7-DB7-B215-4729-841-C-B69719619-FB6.png]

Nobody’s see this post waste time hor

Moronic kokee king of lies source Falun Gong evil cults dangerous hor

Not from western media LOL LOL

end of china property market.
go back to control economy like in the 60s & 70s soon.
only morons still pay $$ to buy china property now, all these moronic slavery, same to all comie dogs here.



Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts no worries for China hor

China have
Belt and road

Huat arh huat arh huat arh

more than 10 millions china people affected by uncompleted apartment.
They bought property due to developers bankrupt or run road, uncompleted but their loan from banks has to continue to pay or they will be sued to bankrupt, then their whole life is ruined in china.
another more than 10 millions unable to service bank loan now due to no money, jobless or bankrupt?
all these link to banks & cause banks run & no money to pay back depositers?
china total debt is super huge, much much bigger than US, super scary!! ton needs to pay back for life.
china banks in huge trouble soon.



(25-06-2022, 08:59 AM)kokee Wrote:  Sgbuffett,

print money can solve all problem, all these never learn & know nut.

Fed has been printing money since 2009 with start of QEs.     

Why you, called yourself know-all, don't talk of Fed's printing of $ ?    


Target date for CBDC for the Fed 2023
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-25-20-23-05.png]

(25-06-2022, 01:00 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Not from western media LOL LOL

轮子 HQ now in Us now. 
They need to show their heart belongs to the new land, 
Their articles tend to be more extreme than West MSM.
轮子 崩溃 theories dated to Jiang era. 
They dare not say anything bad in the new land, except the vaccine,
which there are significant supporters in Us.

(25-06-2022, 02:06 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts no worries for China hor

China have
Belt and road

Huat arh huat arh huat arh

china has no money, bank run everywhere in china today.



Thumbs Down 




china banks also no money now, what will happen to your money inside banks? still there?

習近平錢袋子出事 四大銀行鬧錢荒


(25-06-2022, 02:06 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts no worries for China hor

China have
Belt and road

Huat arh huat arh huat arh

just a matter of time for full explosion.



Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies

China huat arh huat arh huat arh

HowTo crisis
when BIS signs agreement for Yuan liquidity
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-26-12-20-17.png]

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