USA want 天下大乱!!!

I wrote this a few years ago but people still aren't aware of how a chaos maximization strategy serves US interests. 

People like to compare US hegemony to late imperial Rome but aren't cognizant of the fact that once Rome no longer had the strength to enforce the Roman peace or Roman law, that didn't mean it no longer had the strength to create Roman disorder. The strategic policy of the Eastern Roman empire along frontiers it could no longer govern was to make them ungovernable so no one could. 

Once the US can longer be the city on a golden hill, it will not fade quietly but instead seek to be king of the dung heep. What this means in practice is taking advantage of it's relatively secure and isolated geostrategic position and creating bush fires across the rest of the world for others so that it itself is viewed as an oasis of stability and security in comparison so that financial flows can be redirected to itself from the rest of the world. Once you move from a win-win game to a lose-lose game, the strategy becomes to make sure that others lose more in relative terms than yourself. 

It is why the US is undermining the international system it publicly espouses to uphold and why it's immediate satrapies are being put to the torch first. There are of course ways to strike back at the US strategy here, but none of them are particularly pleasant and beyond the mental blocks of people who cling to Liberalism or even just basic decency.
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they know Ukraine war will result in famine..... protests have already broke out all over Europe over high energy and food price.... hope our little sampan can tahan this big storm!

(11-04-2022, 10:58 AM)growthorvalue Wrote:  they know Ukraine war will result in famine..... protests have already broke out all over Europe over high energy and food price.... hope our little sampan can tahan this big storm!

AMTK media are not reporting!  Angry
[+] 2 users Like cityhantam's post



"they" want you to focus on Ukraine and blame Russia for higher price... but US printed >40% of its money over last 2 years... this war is not only about Russia and Ukraine.. its a world war using currency, energy, and food....

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第三百五十二集|俄乌入了美国设的局!北约又活过来了!


[Image: Screenshot-20220403-012333-Chrome.jpg]


(11-04-2022, 10:51 AM)growthorvalue Wrote:  I wrote this a few years ago but people still aren't aware of how a chaos maximization strategy serves US interests. 

People like to compare US hegemony to late imperial Rome but aren't cognizant of the fact that once Rome no longer had the strength to enforce the Roman peace or Roman law, that didn't mean it no longer had the strength to create Roman disorder. The strategic policy of the Eastern Roman empire along frontiers it could no longer govern was to make them ungovernable so no one could. 

Once the US can longer be the city on a golden hill, it will not fade quietly but instead seek to be king of the dung heep. What this means in practice is taking advantage of it's relatively secure and isolated geostrategic position and creating bush fires across the rest of the world for others so that it itself is viewed as an oasis of stability and security in comparison so that financial flows can be redirected to itself from the rest of the world. Once you move from a win-win game to a lose-lose game, the strategy becomes to make sure that others lose more in relative terms than yourself. 

It is why the US is undermining the international system it publicly espouses to uphold and why it's immediate satrapies are being put to the torch first. There are of course ways to strike back at the US strategy here, but none of them are particularly pleasant and beyond the mental blocks of people who cling to Liberalism or even just basic decency.

evil AngMoLang

US actually laughing behind, their USD is getting stronger ever since the war started.

(11-04-2022, 11:54 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  US actually laughing behind, their USD is getting stronger ever since the war started.


Not that fantastic.

(11-04-2022, 05:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  if above is what comie dogs here bark east rising, then there is no civilization in this world.
what china has invented in modern technology> nothing, all is steal or copy cat.
dictatorship is east rising> all those dont want freedom & human right can go back to enjoy their slavery in china but no one want, only want to bark to ask there to go back, all these shameless comie liars here.
in term of civilization, freedom, right & humanity, east is so much behind.
with covid & sanction, let see china can last how long.



above is for china, as for US is the only country can fight 2 wars at the same time in WW2 & won. In asia & Europe, they defeated japan & germany, that is why today we are living in today world, if not of US in WW2, all of us here are studying japanese language & kowtow to japan emperor everyday now.
US invention & innovation power is strong, whether your internet, pc, hp, EV or whatever technology, started from there, may not be by american but by their freedom & open minded system.
we talk fact & truth here, not interested in skin color or rubbish.



(11-04-2022, 11:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  look at shanghai covid environment today like 5th world order, dirty, uncivilized, cry & shout, rolls of dirty bed, dig a hole to shit like dogs, fight for food, old & baby died, no medicine & medical care, no milk powder & dialysis, no jobs & money, ton more, LOL LOL.
shanghai already like that, dont talk about those rubbish junk village or mountain area or remote.
covid start from china will end in china, still early stage in china today, tons more to come.
compare to US, west & all the modernised country like spore & taiwan, china covid expose how backward & what kind of society is china today, no freedom & human right, slavery life of china people.



current covid virus started from wuhan, whole world know well.
dictatorship like china, no freedom, no choice, only 1 party, no election to select, they are not selected, appointed or use weapons to control, so they dont take carer of people, people is just their slavery to sacrify their life, to threaten the world with BS number, lies.
shanghai covid, all can see all the shit in shanghai, advanced> my foot, worse than india, use army instead of doctor to control covid, by force, life is dirt, only listen, no voice, lockdown mean worse than jail, follow or jail, no choice.
total joke & clown slavery way, never see such rubbish in this world except china, LOL LOL.

李文亮用自己的生命喊出了:“一个健康的社会不能只有一种声音” 。一个不是人民真普选的政府不可能会对人民负责;这个世界上没有一个国家像中国这样在防疫


(11-04-2022, 12:22 PM)kokee Wrote:  current 

(11-04-2022, 10:51 AM)growthorvalue Wrote:  USA want 天下大乱!!!


You are absolutely right!

They are already starting to make tons of money out of Ukraine War!


(11-04-2022, 10:51 AM)growthorvalue Wrote:  It is why the US is undermining the international system it publicly espouses to uphold and why it's immediate satrapies are being put to the torch first. There are of course ways to strike back at the US strategy here, but none of them are particularly pleasant and beyond the mental blocks of people who cling to Liberalism or even just basic decency.

The US twin propositions to other countries have always been the provision of security and participation in the globalized economic order, so it's somewhat tautological that a messed up world fits its strategic interest. The interesting to note is that the weightage attached to these two proportions has swung around over the years since WW2.

Broadly speaking:

1945 - 1960s: 70% economic : 30% security. During this phase, there were still last vestiges of colonial powers such as UK and France. The world was still more fragmented consisting of US, USSR and two weaker UK, France. While militarily and ideologically the US was against USSR, it was also spending a lot of effort on the economic front whacking UK and France to drive them towards subservience to US interest. 

The two most prominent milestones during this stage that marked the capitulation of these two former colonial powers was the full implementation of the Atlantic Charter that provided the blueprint to dismantling the British empire and its global trading order after the war as well as the Suez crisis which saw the US leveraging on its financial prowess to beat UK and France into submission.

1960s - 1991: 50% economic : 50% security. The cold war that most people now know of as it is. A capitalistic order led by US with the Western Europeans and Japan on the blue camp against the reds led by USSR. The US ensured that western Europe & Japan continued to prosper under its capitalistic leadership while providing security against USSR through NATO and Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

1991 - 2008: 80% economic : 20% security. USSR has collapsed and US rose to the pinnacle of its power. Through WTO, globalization in supply chain, finance & labour movement was pushed to the furthest extent possible. Anyone who joined the game made money and for a while it seemed nobody internal or external would challenge this world order.

2009 - Present: Economic proposition degrading rapidly, attempts to restart security proposition met with skepticism. It is notable that in the past few stages, the US has always navigated successfully by tweaking around the weightages to its two propositions, but this time round weights playing won't work as both of these propositions are eroding rapidly. 

Internally globalization has reached its limits of tolerance in the US society which saw the election of Trump on a nationalistic anti-globalization platform. The subsequent Biden administration was powerless to reverse this trend and basically continued Trump's policies, only difference is maybe more polite? 

Externally China became the key player and beneficiary of globalization, this resulted in a difficult US predicament which it has to explain to its allies and neutral countries that the previous 80% economic proposition that it used to provide but has now been superseded by China is rubbish because China sux, no human rights, no direct elections etc. This sort of untenable narrative naturally resulted in nothing but lots of photo ops, press statements, bills condemning China but everyone continues to do business with China with nothing changed.

At the same time, it tried to restart and increase weightage of its 20% security proposition by stirring troubles all over the world hoping China would somehow engage in a new cold war with US. The problem is with the 80% economic proposition now dependent on both China & US, no country of substance wanted to start conflict with China, end up it's always the small and inconsequential countries shouting at the sidelines to no avail.

If there's no resolution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, both Russia and Europe will end up even more dependent on China economically. It's quite funny that by stirring and prolonging the conflict, although US has strengthened NATO and increased its security propostion in EU, it has at the same time weakend its own economic proposition in EU and transferred even more of its economic influence over EU to China.

It's a Gordian knot problem. The US needs conflicts to increase security proposition among allies, but conflicts cause economic malaise and uncertainty which drives allies to an even tighter economic relationship with China. Meanwhile for the rest of the world outside 4-eyes (exc. NZ) & EU & Japan/SK, the world moves on quietly doing BRI deals with China while awaiting the outcome of the G2 contest.

Turkey enter Iraq!!!


next... China enter Taiwan?

(11-04-2022, 12:22 PM)kokee Wrote:  current covid virus started from wuhan, whole world know well.
dictatorship like china, no freedom, no choice, only 1 party, no election to select, they are not selected, appointed or use weapons to control, so they dont take carer of people, people is just their slavery to sacrify their life, to threaten the world with BS number, lies.
shanghai covid, all can see all the shit in shanghai, advanced> my foot, worse than india, use army instead of doctor to control covid, by force, life is dirt, only listen, no voice, lockdown mean worse than jail, follow or jail, no choice.
total joke & clown slavery way, never see such rubbish in this world except china, LOL LOL.

李文亮用自己的生命喊出了:“一个健康的社会不能只有一种声音” 。一个不是人民真普选的政府不可能会对人民负责;这个世界上没有一个国家像中国这样在防疫

facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!


(18-04-2022, 07:33 PM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

china is the root cause of 天下大乱.
with this & such, ccp china know they have to close the door totally now, cannot let china people interact with the rest of the world anymore or their regime will be gone if slavery wake up, united, anger & prepare to lose their life to fight for freedom for their children & future generation.
china will be powerful & strong if they open up totally like taiwan & US, then ccp china will has to give way to democratic, let the people rule the country be the owner of china, all can live like human thru their own dream & aspire.
xi & ccp will choose which way, very obvious, they prefer to close the door continue to brainwash slavery, use $$ & woman continue to steal technology, spam lies & BS thru comie dogs like this forum.
also use nukes to extort the world $$ & peace thru evil way, dogs here support all their evil action thru all the posts & threads here.
all these dogs lick all these evil balls here super ugly 7-24 here, LOL LOL.

5 Lies China Told the World


(18-04-2022, 07:39 PM)kokee Wrote:   天下大乱.

USA want 天下大乱!!!

Kokee supports that?

best time to start a war....

(11-04-2022, 10:59 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  AMTK media are not reporting!  Angry

[Image: 87-B19-FFA-F197-47-F7-9521-3-CF73-B0-E1393.png]

(18-04-2022, 07:33 PM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

china almost 5000 yrs of emperor & slavery society till today, under ccp dictatorship today, still a lalwless society, this kind of empror mindset is still mold inside all china people brain, the kind of education & history they learned, most importantly, the ccp leader still want to enjoy the ruler mentality & all the people is their slaves, all the people has to listen to the emperor, follow instruction to achieve their personal goal.
now is internet world today, that is why ccp build a very high firewall to prevent their people be influence by outside free world, all the social media are banned inside china, FB, google, twitter.
the children inside china brainwash since they are very small, their life belong to the party & country, they must work very hard to sacrify their life to party & country, work to death, that is honour & glorious. Come to this world to enjoy the best of this world, from food, partner, love, work life balanced, be happy with your love one, try to be happy everyday with people you love till the day you die, not to sacrify your life, fight in a war for dictator for his personal shit. too bad, ton of china slavery died with huge debt & their children has to pay for them the debt.
live with freedom, human right with humanity.


Mask-Off moment for China


(18-04-2022, 07:52 PM)kokee Wrote:  china almost 5000 yrs of emperor & slavery society till today, under ccp dictatorship today, still a lalwless society, this kind of empror mindset is still mold inside all china people brain, the kind of education & history they learned, most importantly, the ccp leader still want to enjoy the ruler mentality & all the people is their slaves, all the people has to listen to the emperor, follow instruction to achieve their personal goal.
now is internet world today, that is why ccp build a very high firewall to prevent their people be influence by outside free world, all the social media are banned inside china, FB, google, twitter.
the children inside china brainwash since they are very small, their life belong to the party & country, they must work very hard to sacrify their life to party & country, work to death, that is honour & glorious. Come to this world to enjoy the best of this world, from food, partner, love, work life balanced, be happy with your love one, try to be happy everyday with people you love till the day you die, not to sacrify your life, fight in a war for dictator for his personal shit. too bad, ton of china slavery died with huge debt & their children has to pay for them the debt.
live with freedom, human right with humanity.


Mask-Off moment for China

Your parents slave for how long?

They taught u the art of angmo cok sucking? Laughing

(18-04-2022, 07:55 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Your parents slave for how long?

They taught u the art of angmo cok sucking? Laughing

this fxxking dumbest dog, every post also start all these personal abuse.
this dog whole family also prostitutes to chow ah neh & ang mo in their whole life, slavery of slavery, whole family of 杂种, LOL LOL.
all these bloody come dogs here are the same.

(18-04-2022, 08:29 PM)kokee Wrote:  this fxxking dumbest dog, every post also start all these personal abuse.
this dog whole family also prostitutes to chow ah neh & ang mo in their whole life, slavery of slavery, whole family of 杂种, LOL LOL.
all these bloody come dogs here are the same.

U farking cina son of China had a farkup cina parents who taught u the art of angmo cok sucking. Laughing
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