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Registration Date: 04-11-2022
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 04-10-2024 at 05:31 PM
Status: Offline

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tankgunner's Most Liked Post
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RE: Today alot of edmwers kena banned 12-11-2022, 09:12 PM 3
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Today alot of edmwers kena banned SG Talk
Market Talk
Post Message
(12-11-2022, 09:06 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  Why should Chief generate traffic for the useless mods and vijay?

Life here is good.  Can be myself. Received 0 infractions in my time here even though my language is more colourful and nothing happen to this forum with the authorities cause of the way people talk or what people discuss.  Unlike there where they fake infract all the time to carry out their CECA policies agenda and because they are power crazy 

You can screenshot the above message to the banned thread lol

ok. i respect your decision. 
guess i come by here more often to talk to those who no longer over there liao. 
BTW, is Sticky here too?

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