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Why are Singapore retirees not moving out of the world's most expensive place?

Certainly, there are far better life elsewhere.
Some are staying in hostels paying $30-45/ night.
2 reasons:
they dont accept retirees who are old 
they are not v rich
unless u hv 3- 20m and above to invest in that foreign country

the nearest is malaysia need to show proof u hv certain amt
In Australia retirees go to Old folks Home automatically once they reach 70. Unlike in Spore their children dunt take care of them.

The reason many Sporean retirees stay put because their children take care of them and bring them to hospital and restaurant once a week.

In Australia staying in old folks home is miserable, their children only visit them once a year, very sad.
(01-12-2023, 10:50 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Why are Singapore retirees not moving out of the world's most expensive place?

Certainly, there are far better life elsewhere.


They are loan free with Cash savings, Fully paid house, Medical insurance, Cpf Retirement Fund, Benefits for 60 years old above, Domestic helper with monthly $400 care giver grant and $240 levy grant, Careshield monthly $600 from AIC, GST rebates, HDB free upgrade maintenance, Passion Silver 50% discount for MRT/BUS transport, 3% discount at NTUC and Giant supermarket, CPF Top Up, etc...

Want some more reasons..🤣

Obviously the Singaporean retirees are much more smarter than you, anytime..🤭
Those FAKE Singaporeans like Jac LAU

can happily run back to Malaysia when he was jobless

They are the Free Riders who can go back to Malaysia to retiree freely

because they have condos there
In other countriee there're remote and cheaper places for retirees to move to, here dun hv.
Actually jb not bad for singkees to retire. Met quite a number of them who hv stayed there for 4 to 5 yrs already, spent time driving around. There're aso quite a number of kimchee and sushi retirees there
In other countries they can just rob the bank.
(01-12-2023, 01:14 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote: [ -> ]In other countries they can just rob the bank.

In Assmerica, they can just take whatever they want from shops for free, (零元购) ! Rotfl
Even Jac LAU is so poor

Can only show 2018 CPF Statements as a beggar

Just look at his beggarly dinner

[Image: Beggarly-food-at-home-2.png]
(01-12-2023, 10:50 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Why are Singapore retirees not moving out of the world's most expensive place?

Certainly, there are far better life elsewhere.

got money or not. Go where also talk abt money.. No money no talk.
(01-12-2023, 10:50 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Why are Singapore retirees not moving out of the world's most expensive place?

Certainly, there are far better life elsewhere.

Don’t you know the grass is not greener over the other side?
Only jokers like you will do it.
(01-12-2023, 07:53 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Don’t you know the grass is not greener over the other side?
Only jokers like you will do it.
Top 5 Countries in the world have best free healthcare

No.4 Singapore

The rest of the world cannot match Singapore
(01-12-2023, 06:15 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]got money or not. Go where also talk abt money.. No money no talk.

Malaysia and Thailand ranked within Top 5 countries for cheapest retirement.
(01-12-2023, 01:07 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]In other countriee there're remote and cheaper places for retirees to move to, here dun hv.

If the money supply grows too big relative to the size of Singapore economy, the unit value of the Singapore dollar diminishes; in other words, its purchasing power falls and prices rise.

No good to have higher inflation in longer term, our CPF savings lost its value
we r beneficiaries
our HDB go up all the time
Lawrence wong told Martin soong of CNBC
got taken out. Wonder how this piece of doc. got landed on my Ubuntu Desktop
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-12-01-20-21-38.png]
it is true singlion can live beri well out of Singapore
(01-12-2023, 07:53 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Don’t you know the grass is not greener over the other side?
Only jokers like you will do it.

True. Not always about stretching maximizing that dollar or leeching the benefit out of a foreign system, sacrificing comfort/familiar surrounding/food/people to be second class citizen
(01-12-2023, 09:14 PM)lylcnn Wrote: [ -> ]True. Not always about stretching maximizing that dollar or leeching the benefit out of a foreign system, sacrificing comfort/familiar surrounding/food/people to be second class citizen

What's the purpose of NASA deep space exploration?
(01-12-2023, 07:53 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Don’t you know the grass is not greener over the other side?
Only jokers like you will do it.

Fijians are smarter to prepare the country for evacuation and eventually to relocate to Australia if being consumed by rising sea water.
Why Changi T5 has to be raised above 5 metres?

Despite late LKY warning that no engineering in the world can prevent flooding, yet, Singapore planning to spend $100 bil. to contain rising sea water level.

Is that enough?
problem is no where is safe
so we stay where it is the most dangerous
Klaus schwab visited us.
HDB is going up
we r beneficiaries.
Singapore is playing Climate Change along with King Charles and Kerry.
It is all nonsense of cos.
apart from HDB appreciation, we watch Gold-silver ratio
and take deliveries at Bullionstar a member of London Bullion Association
[Image: Screenshot-2023-12-02-at-04-34-10-Gold-S...tments.png]
we also have many pawnbroker watched by a ministar
we can function without the banks riddled with scams use also not panSim
later got creditScore called programmabled credit.
(01-12-2023, 11:45 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Some are staying in hostels paying $30-45/ night.

Staying in hostels called Home?

Why coming to this?
(02-12-2023, 01:28 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Fijians are smarter to prepare the country for evacuation and eventually to relocate to Australia if being consumed by rising sea water.

Don’t change the topic. Look at the title of your thread. You were asking about Sinkie retirees, not rising sea levels.
Cannot walk properly , difficult to go out also.
first of all

sg government will only open floodgate widely to accept third world refugees to settle in singapur

since when

sg government will help citizens to settle down in nation of their choice


sg got the last defense of the great east coast plan to slow down the great sinking of singapur

moreover sg government got very smart scholars inside not just to talk but provide absolute solution

they very very the clever one and they will not use public resources for their own good; of good moral character too

what is there to worry
(02-12-2023, 08:10 AM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Don’t change the topic. Look at the title of your thread. You were asking about Sinkie retirees, not rising sea levels.

Fear of Climate change and rising sea water level should be part of consideration of moving out of a country
(02-12-2023, 01:10 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]What's the purpose of NASA deep space exploration?

Schizo , mid life crisis , menopausal , self absorbing siao ding dang research works advancing?
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