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Full Version: More condo residents hit by surge in maintenance fees
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Quote: One resident in his 40s had bought a two-bedroom unit for which the estimated monthly fee was S$392. However, he ended up paying S$646.

Siao liao. Pay so much for such a stoopid condo
Now same as those in d9
Oh my goodness!
No money dont follow people stay condo lah,
High end or low end, maintaining a life, pool, landscaping effort are the same, same goes for the cost
The owners of diary farm residences protested and the fees were then reduced by 40%

So the fees are actually quite flexible and arbitrary to quite a large extent. With today's social media like telegram, owners can easily to form chat groups to get things done
3rd World Ministers running this country.

May I know if there are at least 10 financial Documents available before buyers can make a decision to buy the condo unit?
Besides the maintenance fee and sinking funds, there're aso issues like common area defects, especially the pools and tennis court, and individual's unit interior defects, require collaborative efforts from the owners. If they bochap, the estate would run down fast and there's no money for repairs
Want to live in Private Condominium but expect HDB Service & Conservancy Charges rate? 🤣🤣🤣

Mai cheapskate la...
Pay for the status hor..🤭 Cheers!!
(21-12-2023, 10:20 AM)Everything Everywhere Wrote: [ -> ]

The problem with condominiums estate management is there is very little accountability and major decisions are made by voting majority rather then facilities management professionals.

In theory the operations part is outsourced to a third-party company, but supervision is afforded by the condo's own management committee. Most condominiums struggle to get residents to join the committee as it's a thankless job without compensation.

End up committee members are made up of either reluctant residents who don't wish to commit time or people with agendas (for e.g. political grassroots, commercial interest, FT groups, social butterflies etc.). The outsourcers mostly overcharge and perform mediocre at best and sometimes even bothering negligence given the lack of supervision.

Another issue is also money, especially sinking fund types for major capex. Asking for additional money at AGMs is a challenging task and usually results in major squabbles even if the estate improvement benefits residents and increases property values over the long term.

Even when deciding what sort of improvements and alterations, if a MCST is unfortunate enough to have a minority of trouble maker residents who object any change to status quo, it can be difficult to rally enough votes to make the changes.

These problems are particularly prevalent in mass market condos, that is why a lot of them start out very nice and degenerate quickly after 10 years or so. Developments where many owners do not stay there and rent out are the worst, there are a lot of misbehaving tenants who abuse the property and the MCST is often powerless to deal with them.
standard Singaporean lah, make some noise only... restaurants and malls still very packed lah. Rotfl
After complained the fee reduced by 40%. So the residence only pay extra 60% Nia Nia lah. Still very affordable.      Big Grin
Do your own maintenance lor?  Rotfl
We made redas developers become billionaires. All their shoebox condos still 99 years lease.once term up land returns to SLA aka govt. Hdb 99 years too n bigger, lower monthly conservancy fee. Redas developers know we want face so our brains are already washed. We only wake up when tenure is up. Hyper inflation will be the norm with salaries lagging, don't expect govt to bail us out.
next mth hor pay more for proper
management committee are not as innocent n corrupt free as many think especially own people form the majority n push ahead during agm n egm!
whatfor govt want to intervene is a pte matter.

more n higher fees is beeter for the govt as more taxes n gst levies are collected to boost gdp