(01-04-2024, 07:23 PM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]I want to learn.Please
耶稣 jesus
There is no need to ask kindergarten questions . The kung-fu master oyk will lambast you for being silly

(01-04-2024, 07:56 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]No such thing lah
Faked stories
? Jesus is male got bird bird correct? So will get itchy and then the rest is history isn't that is why mankind can carry on though generation?
(01-04-2024, 08:01 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]? Jesus is male got bird bird correct? So will get itchy and then the rest is history isn't that is why mankind can carry on though generation?
No mention in bible
Quran muh got married n have kids many wives
(01-04-2024, 08:04 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]No mention in bible
Quran muh got married n have kids many wives
No mention in Bible does not mean later Jesus never become a father. Bible are after all written by ppl. They may feel it is shameful so never write it in logical?
(01-04-2024, 08:05 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]No mention in Bible does not mean later Jesus never become a father. Bible are after all written by ppl. They may feel it is shameful so never write it in logical?
U want to believe up to u loh no point argue
(01-04-2024, 08:07 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]U want to believe up to u loh no point argue
No argue you first reply to my post so I reply back this is normal interaction why you think it is argue? Your mind a bit small leh 😆
(01-04-2024, 08:09 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]No argue you first reply to my post so I reply back this is normal interaction why you think it is argue? Your mind a bit small leh 😆
U post sure got someone reply mah
(01-04-2024, 06:46 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]I can turn it around and say the same about you. So what is the point?
In conclusion, we believe in what we believe but my belief is based on the absence of any contradictions in my religion's holy book and the existence of various scientific facts in it that no human would have known back then.
Moreover, the Qur'an is an excellent literature that sounds great when people recite it in its original language.
Every mosque welcomes any Muslim from any race and nationality. There is no concept of "which mosque do you go to?" because mosques are not places to rub shoulders with potential business clients and they have no exclusivity. Eg mosque for white people, mosque for negros, etc.
When you watch videos of people involved in accidents or whatever incidents, more often than not, it's the Muslims who will step forward to help a stranger in need. This is testament to the beauty that is Islam.
The enemies of Islam spread lies about islam due to many reasons. One of it is the fear of losing their source of income (donations) once you leave their religion. They have a vested interest to ensure that you stay and keep them rich. So they will lie and fool you. Weirdly enough, some will still stick around even after such a liar was jailed.
Islam is the true religion and this is how nice it sounds:
I also happen to find religious Arabic songs beautiful even though I understand nothing. As for contradictions, just like pple can point out contradictions in the Torah and Bible, the same can be said about the Koran. Of course all these inconsistencies can tbe explained by the erudite learned of the religious texts.
Just wish to point out that while Moses, Elijah and Jesus might be Muslims according to Islam, there is ZERO proof they spoke Arabic since the language did not exist during their time and that is one that historical records can prove.
"Salvation comes from the Jews".
(01-04-2024, 03:58 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]If you dismiss my point just like that without any proofs whatsoever, then I will adopt your strategy and say that you wrote a whole lot of garbage.
See how easy that is?
I don't need to cut and paste from Google to feed you spoonly, do I?

I also like Arabic beatbox
(01-04-2024, 03:52 PM)Ali Imran Wrote: [ -> ]How you know?
You met all Muslims and ask them, is it?
Don't play mind games please.
You are like asking someone how he knew when he said all Muslims observe Ramadan.
Seems like you are losing the plot already.

(01-04-2024, 08:17 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]I also happen to find religious Arabic songs beautiful even though I understand nothing. As for contradictions, just like pple can point out contradictions in the Torah and Bible, the same can be said about the Koran. Of course all these inconsistencies can tbe explained by the erudite learned of the religious texts.
Just wish to point out that while Moses, Elijah and Jesus might be Muslims according to Islam, there is ZERO proof they spoke Arabic since the language did not exist during their time and that is one that historical records can prove.
"Salvation comes from the Jews".
Amen to the last sentence.
(01-04-2024, 08:01 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]? Jesus is male got bird bird correct? So will get itchy and then the rest is history isn't that is why mankind can carry on though generation?
Jesus could have married and made babies if He wanted but His mission wasn't to find a girlfriend and apply for a BTO.
Through the centuries, many peepur had remained celibate. They took a vow of celibacy in order not to be distracted by the responsibilities towards a family so that they could serve God full time.
This is even encouraged by the apostle Paul who is, in Ali the mocker's mind, "St" Paul the liar.
However Paul did caution: if your kkj needs it and you tak boleh tahan, it's not a sin to marry.
(01-04-2024, 03:58 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]If you dismiss my point just like that without any proofs whatsoever, then I will adopt your strategy and say that you wrote a whole lot of garbage.
See how easy that is?
Pretty much obvious that you are evading and avoiding answering my question. So much for an internet warrior.
Anyway I shall let you off this time.

Jesus: Easter Message
Channel: John Smallman
All is well! You are all divine beings eternally and inseparably at One with Mother/Father/God, who are presently experiencing an unreal state that you invented with your extremely creative mind. It appears to you to be utterly real, and in this state many of you are undergoing almost constant suffering and fear.
As you are all well aware fear is: F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real. Your apparently real lives as humans in form, and all that you experience through those forms that is not in complete alignment with Love, is unreal. But, Love is your true and only nature, and the more you can come to accept and trust that eternal Truth, the more you will find peace, love, and harmony within yourselves encouraging you to live your lives consciously and increasingly aware of this.
As mindfulness of your conscious awareness of your true nature becomes more frequently present in your mind your trust in your intuition – your Christ Consciousness – your unbreakable connection to me strengthens, so that you find yourselves mostly at peace and content in the union of the One Love in which Mother/Father/God envelops us.
As a result whatever arises in your daily human lives becomes much easier for you to deal with, and any issues you may have are much more easily understood and resolved. The apparent separation between your personal individual egos and your Christ Consciousness then starts to dissolve gently, and you find yourselves letting go of any fear-driven states of judgment, disagreement, or conflict, and instead find yourselves being only loving, and then extending and sharing love in your interactions with all others.
Love is your nature, and you are, right now, in an increasingly weakening state of amnesia as your awareness of your true nature opens up within you, allowing you to accept what has always been true, instead of dismissing it as irrational egoic nonsense. Your egoic need to be right, while you cling to extremely limiting beliefs about who you are, and to postulate those false concepts of duality, of separation from one another as independent beings who need to protect yourselves from all the dangers of that unreal state, just fall away.
Yes, of course you can suffer and experience pain, because most of you identify almost totally with your human forms and accept as the only reality what your human senses experience moment to moment. Namely the material environment that you can touch, feel, and even change by physical interaction with it.
To awaken is to come to the awareness that Reality is far more than and far vaster than you can know while living in the state of limitation that your bodies provide and support. You are each far vaster than you can possibly experience while in form, and each one of you has enormous power – the Power of God – which is constantly affecting all of creation, even as you believe yourselves to be small and totally insignificant beings in the overall scheme of things.
Modern physics suggests that you are and can only be aware of less than 5 % of all that exists, and your personal sense of limitation as a human in form appears to confirm this for you. As some of your most highly evolved ones intellectually have remarked: “to be wise is to realize that you know nothing!” And that is not a failing, it is but an awareness of the vastness in which you live and experience life, and of the limitations of your bodies residing in the material world.
As many of you prepare to celebrate the anniversary of my resurrection, remind yourselves that you too will resurrect, because resurrection is but the full realization that death is unreal.
Resurrection may occur for some while they are still embodied, but for most of you it comes at or very shortly after your physical death, at the moment in which you choose to finally lay down your human forms and return Home into the Reality from which you have never for even a moment been separated.
Resurrection is your inevitable divine destiny, it cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed, and it will awaken you from the game or dream or illusion that you have been experiencing. You each have your own individual and utterly free will given to you by God at the moment of your creation, so when to awaken is a choice that you must and will make, no one can make it for you, not even Mother/Father/God.
You are always utterly free, even though you do not seem to experience that freedom while in form. This is because as humans you are trained from infancy to obey the authority that other older beings – parents and caregivers – enforce upon you, and by the time you become adults most of you have come to an almost automatic acceptance that other more powerful beings control you, and that their laws must be obeyed.
This is NOT God’s Will for you. When you planned your human lives you knew this would happen, but part of that plan was for you to evolve as you grew towards adulthood, and then claim your divine individual Sovereignty. Many are now becoming aware of this because as you grew you found yourselves seeking personal autonomy, and it became apparent that this was indeed your divine right, and you see many are now claiming it. This is a major aspect of your awakening process.
In Truth you are not subject to any authority other than your own, because you are each totally free divine beings, just as you were created. As you mature into the realization of what that truly means you also come to understand your responsibility to treat all others with honor and loving respect, exactly as God honors and respects each of you.
Remind yourselves of this when you spend daily quiet time alone at your holy inner sanctuaries inviting God to enter your hearts so that you can feel the immensity of Her eternal Love for you.
This Easter please reset your intent – and doing just this is enormously powerful – to know yourselves as God does, and then allow yourselves to know it too by discarding and dismissing any last remnants of sinfulness or unworthiness to which you may be clinging, because doing so serves absolutely no useful purpose, it is just your ego attempting to control you yet again by reducing or dismissing your sense of self-worth, of God-worth.
You are all perfect beings just as you were created, this is your unchangeable state of being, so rejoice in the knowing that you are eternally and infinitely loved by God in every moment without exception.
Wishing you all a very Happy and Holy Easter,
Your loving brother, Jesus.
(01-04-2024, 08:01 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]? Jesus is male got bird bird correct? So will get itchy and then the rest is history isn't that is why mankind can carry on though generation?
Aiyo.. why you ask the Christians this kind of question? Obviously they dunno and can't answer you. But some smart aleck may try hahaha.
(01-04-2024, 07:34 PM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]耶稣 jesus
There is no need to ask kindergarten questions . The kung-fu master oyk will lambast you for being silly 
Some kindergarten children will grow up to become President's Scholars.
His are the questions of retards.

(01-04-2024, 08:58 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Aiyo.. why you ask the Christians this kind of question? Obviously they dunno and can't answer you. But some smart aleck may try hahaha.
We certainly don't go around saying on social media that the Bible came from carvings on caves.

(01-04-2024, 09:01 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]We certainly don't go around saying on social media that the Bible came from carvings on caves. 
No, of course not. I know where the Bible came from. I have a bit of knowledge on this, after countless of hours listening to debates and lectures by Bible scholars.
I also have a bit of knowledge of where the Quran came from. I do not doubt at all that the Quran is from God.
Ergo, I know you cannot have the same level of faith as I have, based on the divine revelations we have in our hands. But the good news is, you can. Up to you.
(01-04-2024, 08:17 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]I also happen to find religious Arabic songs beautiful even though I understand nothing. As for contradictions, just like pple can point out contradictions in the Torah and Bible, the same can be said about the Koran. Of course all these inconsistencies can tbe explained by the erudite learned of the religious texts.
Just wish to point out that while Moses, Elijah and Jesus might be Muslims according to Islam, there is ZERO proof they spoke Arabic since the language did not exist during their time and that is one that historical records can prove.
"Salvation comes from the Jews".
Please let me explain this, using your scriptures. In Matthew 12:50, a recorded saying of Jesus states that whoever does the will of the Father will be his brother or sister or mother. Also in Matt 7, we have the same description of the people who will be among the successful.
A Muslim is one who does the will of the Father, or in our paradigm, the will of the almighty God. When we say we submit (aslam) to the will of God, we really do, as perfectly as we can. On the surface, we submit (do) to the law, like 5 daily prayers, or fasting in Ramadan. Spiritually, it is more difficult to submit, and it takes a lot of training and tests.
So that is why, we say Adam was a Muslim. So too Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Jesus, peace be upon them all.
You don't have to speak or pray in Arabic to submit to the will of God. An aborigine in the desert of Australia who has never heard of Islam or the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم), may still be a Muslim. I read somewhere that they submit to the will of the one who has no anus. Crude? Maybe, but you cannot fault their simple understanding of the One who created the heavens above them.
Come, I will show you the way to God, with the permission of God. I am not a messenger of God or prophet or a pious man. But I understand the teaching of the prophets sent by God, in particular, the last 2. Jesus said he is the way and I believe 100% what he said is the truth. The destination is the one true God, supreme and majestic, with no partners.
Worship God alone, my friend. Only then you can put 100% of your mind on the worship.
(01-04-2024, 05:10 PM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]Why does the hadith contains so many flaws
it kinda make the quran looks out of place...because it is flawless
The methodology used to collect, collate, and categorize, is flawless. Through that methodology, we can even know which Hadith are fabricated, and which are not. The methodology used will be accepted by all historians as sound.
How did your scholars find the forged verses in the Bible? They have a methodology too. I've explained it before.
Isn't it interesting when you know about all this stuff?
One moment said a rude Christian mentioned Jesus is the only way is an opinion
Next moment he agreed that Jesus is the only way
Twist and turn
And claim he knows where the Bible comes from
Pig can up tree if to believe him
There is one Christian here who personifies the kind of Christians people don't like and I don't mean that gross guy who abuses me non-stop. I don't mind him coz his abusive words towards me don't mean anything to me. I still chat with him.
You know, the kind who is disrespectful of other people's religious icons like Guan Yin. Nobody likes that kind of Christian.
Keep calling people names that type better be careful
One moment he will taunt u
Next moment twist around
I does not mean that rude irritating pachik
Everyday ask why Paul this and that
Why trinity why this n that
He is merely looking down on Christianity
He claims he knows more than us very how lian for what?
(01-04-2024, 05:58 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]I can only verify for myself that the Bible is the WORD of God as I have experienced numerous miracles consistent with the teachings of the bible but I will not share them here as they are of no use to those who have hardened hearts and minds. No separation of the seas nor resurrection of the dead, let alone original texts, will convince those who are not destined to believe.
Your personal experience is subjective truth. I do not doubt you experienced them. There are also Hindus who have similar experiences that are consistent with their scriptures and they became more convinced of their faith. Buddhists also can tell you similar stories. That would mean their scriptures are the word of God too, based on your paradigm. But we know they all cannot be true.
I reject your claim that the Bible is the word of God based on knowledge of the scriptures, how it came into existence, and how it was transmitted to us.
When Luke was penning the book of Acts, do you think that in his mind, he was writing down the words of God? Do you think that is the case?
(01-04-2024, 10:46 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm avoiding a debate with a fool.
Yes, avoid debating with a fool. No need to stoop to his level, or you'll become the fool.
(01-04-2024, 10:39 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]Btw, the YouTube link in the previous post was not an Arabic song but a recitation of the Qur'an, the exact words of God.
I am not referring to the link you posted. I have not seen it. I was thinking of the call to prayer which I used to hear my neighbourhood mosque broadcast. And also the great Nusrat Ali , the late sufi Qawwali singer. I find his music and singing to be joyous and Godly and even used to own one of his albums.