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Full Version: Why The World Is Dumping The American Dollar? Is it really violation of.....
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With more countries dumping usd.the value will drop drastically
(01-04-2023, 12:03 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Undoing the dollar is not so simple.
[Image: AqqhaFz.jpg]
People forget why the Bretton Woods agreement was set up in the first place. Before that currency panics and collapse was common. By the new structure using a common exchange  currency the global economy can move forward.

If you go back to the old state, you go back to pre Bretton Woods....if your govt mess up and your currency get wipes out, you have no way out as there is no lender of last resort it will be disastrous.

Over time Yuan can become a common Exchange currency provided the Chinese economy become as large as US or Eurozone. The Yuan now is a controlled currency with on shore and off shore Yuan. This has to change for Yuan to be an international.currency. But China has no confidence to open up and allow Yuan to freely flow out because internal financial structure is unstable due to high debts has to worry of market forces if there is alot of Yuan outside China it can be traded down and bring down the economy like in Asian crisis when Thai Baht collapse.

Despite the constant cheering of Chjna fans for dedollarisation it is unlikely we see it in our life time.
But China going around the world to undermine USD will put a big target on its back for US and Eurozone to shoot whenever there is opportunity.

Just simple terms can explain the UAss predicament.

Biden stirred up Ukraine war thinking that using the reason of war to kick Russian Ruble out of SWIFT would have crippled the Russian economy.  

But it didn't work that way nowadays. Biden found his own banks SVB, signature bank and Credit Suisse are collapsing.  

Today, even others like State Street Corp and others are in the q for collapsing.  

You can't use USD as a weapon. Now many countries are piling up to stop using USD for trading so that UAss can't use USD as a weapon against them.  

UAss is in big trouble now.  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl   Laughing Laughing Laughing   
Gold standard is coming up lah… Rotfl

Too late for the USD.
the so call world currency is a good intermediate to solve distrust of the counter party currency by using a third party currency that is common accepted and trusted.
but usd is loosing that status of trust rapidly when it is used as a weapon and the huge us government and man on the street debt. so it loose it's mojo.

天天硬事3204期——01 中国崔天凯回答媒体时称美国面对中国总谈两个凡是,中美高层交往必须满足两个条件才能恢复 02 印尼宣布去美元化用本币和人民币等4种货币结算,为何美元快速被世界抛弃
US dollar on the brink of collapse? Top financial analyst thinks so – Cryptopolitan






[Image: ZVnmbIiXbEYaIxR-lTYgWa8FtS2gyDjDP_q0KIy0...1177-nd-v1]
The yuan overtook the dollar as the most used currency for Chinese cross-border transactions.

Its use in cross-border payments and receipts increased to 48% versus 47% for the dollar.

China is pursuing further use of the yuan to avoid currency mismatches in trade.
it is not true world dumping USD
USD failed to perform in 2015. A liquidation process was issued.
Pope Francis as Pope of the Vatican, is the legal owner of US inc.
again USD has failed on January 31st 2023 and is quanrantined
meaning IMF SDR died as it is simply a back to back with the USD printed
FedPay will now take away your Freedom if u cannot perform and has to go to her for help.
Sure she helps simply put u into new networks and ledgers.
(24-04-2023, 08:27 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Stephen Jen.....said. Laughing

The greenback's share in global reserves slid last year at 10 times the average speed of the past two decades as a number of countries looked for alternatives after Russia's invasion of Ukraine triggered sanctions. 

Jen and his Eurizon SLJ Capital colleague Joana Freire wrote in a note.  Clapping


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[Image: ho90d.jpg]
Desperate liao???



日本跟著各國拋美債買黃金 拜登葉倫柯比又氣又急又怕 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20230506
So the people here dumped their USD liao ma?
Some countries are selling dollar to defend their currencies.
They will learn to use less dollar in years to come so they
will not endure such pain.

Recent $ buyers are overwhelming beekok citizens, JPM said
a significant chunk of failed or distress banks money park
into treasury instead flowing back to bigger banks.
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