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【盧秀芳辣晚報】日本拋美債304億美元!中國減持222億美元 13年最低點! | 美國急了!" "中日英"狂拋美債 "這國最狠@CtiNews 精華版

緊要關頭 美債的最後一搏.. 2023 0722



北京又減美債 中美金融戰第二波 2023 0818

Then how??? If USD zero, then all country reserve in USD become zero also???

Singapore also got lot of USD.. maybe another 20 yrs lah.. not so easy to dies.

there is no alternative.

That is why for safety buy some gold and silver,, best is to buy bitcoin..

as USD go down, btc will chiong...

like tat then SGD will tank hor??? better dont wish USD go holland...




at this moment Dola rises and rises have cut those who owned UncleDEBTS by abt 50%
u know u buy Bonds for the strings of interest payment into the future
Rate rises prices go down get the music

三大國持續賣美債 美國這套不靈了 2023 1124

(24-11-2023, 09:18 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]Too small to wipe your ass

美元收割大勢已去 美元資產遭抛售.. 2023 1128


【盧秀芳辣晚報】高盛:全球央行美債投資者爭相止損 2024年恐被清算 @CtiNews 精華版
(28-08-2023, 01:53 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Then how??? If USD zero, then all country reserve in USD become zero also???

Singapore also got lot of USD.. maybe another 20 yrs lah.. not so easy to dies.

there is no alternative.

That is why for safety buy some gold and silver,, best is to buy bitcoin..

as USD go down, btc will chiong...

like tat then SGD will tank hor??? better dont wish USD go holland...
"there is no alternative" can LOL, at least.

[Image: KitgtZY.gif]



Please dump USD and pump RMB. I wish every countries will just use RMB. It is one of the safest currency in the world with good control by the CPC.



🔴 BRICS NEWS: Egypt Ditches US Dollar, 85% SURGE in Millionaires, Expansion of Russia-China Trade


CCP not reliable. All data are almost fake. 

U use their currency wait u cry no tear.

(26-10-2023, 07:41 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

It effects of war and inflation could send US financial markets into a tailspin, forcing China to completely ‘unpeg’ from the dollar – which could then collapse.

Maybe 10 - 20 yrs later, then see lehh, anyway U.S. Dollars will be around for many donkey yrs.😄😁😆😅🤣😂) Undecided
TS how many US dollars have you change now to China CCP Ren Ming Bi???

If you have extra US dollars please give me. Thanks.

Many corrupted China officials hide their assets in USA and holding many US dollars.

I hope GREAT DEAR LEADER Xi jinping faster stop all his from happening!!!
HOPE XJP faster bring his daughter back home from California USA, and stop her 乳滑 to throw her father face!!!!!



RMB exchange rate is breaking world record and soon can use to pay all China debts and even afford to buy new iPhones!!!!!!!!!
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