AMTK ball lickers are so sour!
【盧秀芳辣晚報】美元強硬 新興貨幣保衛戰打響|拋美元! 印尼果斷出手@CtiNews 精華版
Dumping it because it is getting too . But strong can get stronger.
![[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-10-064817.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/sRPsrkr/Screenshot-2024-05-10-064817.jpg)
BRICS: India & Nigeria Finalize Major Partnership Ditching US Dollar
No trust in the country.
No trust in the currency.
No trust In their leaders.
NO trust in their system.
Cotton on Tit tok was entertaining.
But give me US $ anytime, stronger than most currencies..
It is rising where everywhere is clamouring for USD ... There is not enough USD
China and BRICS Launch New Digital Currency...What Happens to US Dollar Now?
![[Image: F4RUQ0Q.jpeg]](https://i.imgur.com/F4RUQ0Q.jpeg)
This thread is not based on truth....and started by anti US pro chjna fanboys to make themselves feel good.
If the US dollar is being abandoned as they claim why is the US Dollar rising and gain vs other currencies?
The Chinese Yuan is expected to fall to 8 yuan per dollar as Chinese economy weakens....
(09-06-2024, 01:57 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]
This thread is not based on truth....and started by anti US pro chjna fanboys to make themselves feel good.
If the US dollar is being abandoned as they claim why is the US Dollar rising and gain vs other currencies?
The Chinese Yuan is expected to fall to 8 yuan per dollar as Chinese economy weakens....
Is IMF anti-Assmerica?
蔡正元:人民幣有儲存價值的功能 沙特未來恐會跟中國買很多東西 | 沙特搶購中國國債 人民幣國際佔比不斷上漲?【張雅婷辣晚報】精華版@CtiNews
🚨 MASSIVE CRISIS: Petrodollar Collapse & Banking Threats Will Crash the US Economy | Andy Schectman
Dumping USD but USD keeps going up.
Really GG....block headed thinking.
(23-06-2024, 11:41 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Dumping USD but USD keeps going up.
Really GG....block headed thinking.
Be patient, just like the way you show your patience with Banana Chang's prediction of China's collapse!

It is always good to have competition so that they can improve the services. To say one is better than the other will have to be judged on their performances. The trades will always go for a stable currency, better if the currency can appreciate after they have received the payment. It would be stupid for the traders to use currency that kept dropping in value.
葉倫急了! 中俄加速去美元化 俄羅斯外匯交易99.6%以人民幣結算|郭正亮.栗正傑.介文汲深度剖析?【張雅婷辣晚報】精華版 @中天新聞CtiNews
中國成立脫鉤美元工作組 3.3萬億中國外匯儲備準備脫鉤美元特朗普著急了 中國武統台灣美國敢制裁中國美元將受到脫鉤衝擊金磚國家出現非美元體系 習近平任內將完成中國統一