Scripture readings for Christmas

If the world allow the Islamic Caliphate to be revived...the end of days will be near!

[Image: 16012023092616-1646384293004-nasi-sambal...gapore.jpg]

I love the is very chewy Big Grin  who would want chicken wing over mutton? I take mutton all day man.....sedap!

[Image: rendang-20200113183030.jpg]

This is the mother of all dishes...Rendang!

(02-03-2025, 09:20 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  [Image: 16012023092616-1646384293004-nasi-sambal...gapore.jpg]

I love the is very chewy Big Grin  who would want chicken wing over mutton? I take mutton all day man.....sedap!
Very tempting leh
Fasting starts liao 

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 
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(01-03-2025, 11:43 PM)Hope Wrote:  Jesus is not coming as the final prophet.

He is coming to live and die as a human before end of the world and resurrection. He is a human. Every human has to die before resurrection. That is why he has to come back. He will descend to Damascus.

He will not teach anything new . He will just follow the Quran even though you dislike it.So you have to settle with Paul for delusional heaven 🙈😭

Seems like u r talking about anti Christ who will come first n rule the world 
In the most sustained account of the Antichrist's appearance, 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, he is called “the man of sin” and “son of perdition.” He will come at a time of a general apostasy, deceive people with signs and wonders, sit in the temple of God, and claim to be God himself.
Jesus Christ will descend at mount olive the place where he ascended to heaven
He will take His rightful place as King of heaven and earth. When Jesus comes, He will establish His government on the earth. The Church will become part of that kingdom. He will rule all the people of the earth in peace for 1,000 years.

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

[Image: ramadan-problems-for-web-011.jpg]

(02-03-2025, 12:45 AM)Hope Wrote:  He will not teach anything new or repeat his previous teachings .Hence He will not be a prophet.

He will not get any new revelation or scripture.

[Image: Mutton-Biryani-1-copy-334x500.jpg]

One portion of mutton biryani can keep your tummy full the whole day...why so my friend? Big Grin

(01-03-2025, 11:43 PM)IHope Wrote:  Jesus is not coming as the final prophet.

He is coming to live and die as a human before end of the world and resurrection. He is a human. Every human has to die before resurrection. That is why he has to come back. He will descend to Damascus.

He will not teach anything new . He will just follow the Quran even though you dislike it.So you have to settle with Paul for delusional heaven 🙈😭

He will take His rightful place as King of heaven and earth. When Jesus comes, He will establish His government on the earth. The Church will become part of that kingdom. He will rule all the people of the earth in peace for 1,000 years.

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

(02-03-2025, 09:49 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Seems like u r talking about anti Christ who will come first n rule the world 
In the most sustained account of the Antichrist's appearance, 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, he is called “the man of sin” and “son of perdition.” He will come at a time of a general apostasy, deceive people with signs and wonders, sit in the temple of God, and claim to be God himself.

You will be the first to believe the anti-Christ because you believe a man who was walking about in Jerusalem is God. So the precedent for you is already set, making it easy for you to believe the anti-Christ is God.

(02-03-2025, 11:07 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  He will take His rightful place as King of heaven and earth. When Jesus comes, He will establish His government on the earth. The Church will become part of that kingdom. He will rule all the people of the earth in peace for 1,000 years.

According to the book of Luke, he will also kill all his enemies. Who are his enemies? Do you know?

The Christian tradition tells us to be on the lookout for the Antichrist, who will appear shortly before the big finish. Vast amounts of Christian ink have been used to try and work out when he will come and just how we might identify him when he does.

Here, then, are five things to know just in case:

1. He is the Son of Satan

The Antichrist was the perfectly evil human being because he was completely opposite to the perfectly good human being, Jesus Christ.

Just as Christians came to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, so they thought that the Antichrist was the Son of Satan. Jesus was born of a virgin. So the Antichrist would be born of a woman who was apparently a virgin, but was really a whore. Where Christ was God in the flesh, the Antichrist was Satan in the flesh.

In The Christian New Testament there are only three passages that mention the Antichrist, all in the letters of John (I John 2.18-27, I John 4.1-6, 2 John 7). They suggest the end of the world should be expected at any moment.

Over the first several centuries of the Christian tradition, the scholars of the early Church started to pore over an array of other Biblical characters, finding references to the Antichrist within them: the “abomination of desolation” in the books of Daniel and Matthew; “the man of lawlessness” and “the son of perdition” in a letter of Paul.

The book of Revelation describes a singular figure as “the beast from the earth” and “the beast from the sea” whose number is 666.

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
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Who is the anti christ?

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

(02-03-2025, 11:35 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Who is the anti christ?

There is a verse in the epistle of John that has been removed from most of the Bible because it is found to be a forgery. The said verse is 1 John 5:7.

So, now that we know there were forgeries in that book which was quoted in that video, how do you trust that the rest is genuine?

This man cannot be God because He eats and defecates, which seems illogical. Yet, does it really make sense that His physical body resides in heaven, waiting for Judgment Day to return as a human? You moslems want to talk logical but you can't explain why a physical body can ascend into heaven and withstand all conditions for thousands of years....

So the standard moslem reply is " Allah knows best!" Big Grin
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(02-03-2025, 11:43 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  This man cannot be God because He eats and defecates, which seems illogical. Yet, does it really make sense that His physical body resides in heaven, waiting for Judgment Day to return as a human? You moslems want to talk logical but you can't explain why a physical body can ascend into heaven and withstand all conditions for thousands of years....

So the standard moslem reply is " Allah knows best!" Big Grin

Those opposers are Anti christ spirit lah 

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

(02-03-2025, 12:01 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:

The answer is obvious isn't it?

If we know that the epistle of John has been corrupted with forgeries, we will not be able to trust it anymore.

But if you're a blind follower, it doesn't matter to you if the book is corrupted

(02-03-2025, 11:54 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Those opposers are Anti christ spirit lah 

They have no idea why Jesus is the first and the last...their reply :" only Allah knows best" Big Grin
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While many scholars engage in critical analysis of the Bible, there are several who affirm its authenticity and argue against the notion of it being a forgery. Here are some notable scholars and historians who have made cases for the Bible's authenticity:

N.T. Wright: A leading New Testament scholar and former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England, Wright defends the historical reliability of the New Testament, arguing that the accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are credible and rooted in historical events.

Craig Blomberg: A scholar specializing in New Testament studies, Blomberg argues for the historical reliability of the Gospels and defends against claims of fabrication or forgery, addressing various critical perspectives in his works.

F.F. Bruce: A renowned biblical scholar, Bruce has written extensively on the New Testament's authenticity. He is particularly noted for his book "The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?" in which he defends the reliability of the texts.

William Lane Craig: A philosopher and theologian, Craig often discusses the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus as presented in the Gospels, taking a stance that supports the authenticity of the biblical narratives.

Gary Habermas: As a prominent scholar specializing in the resurrection of Jesus, Habermas argues for the historical reliability of New Testament accounts, emphasizing the importance of historical evidence and the context of the writings.

John McDowell: In his book "The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict," McDowell presents a case for the reliability and authenticity of the Bible, addressing claims of forgery and contradictions in the text.

Richard Bauckham: Bauckham, a New Testament scholar, focuses on the reliability of the Gospel accounts and has contributed significantly to the understanding of how the texts were transmitted and the authors' intentions.

(02-03-2025, 12:26 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  The answer is obvious isn't it?

If we know that the epistle of John has been corrupted with forgeries, we will not be able to trust it anymore.

But if you're a blind follower, it doesn't matter to you if the book is corrupted
U only trust your faked Koran

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 
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(02-03-2025, 01:58 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  U only trust your faked Koran

I understand why you need to make such a childish reply. 

Anyhow, I will play along. If you can show me a single verse of the Quran that is faked and agreed upon by our scholars that it is a fake, I will stop being a Muslim. Just one will do.

Rotfl just ask any non-Muslim whether s/he believes that:

Satan stays in the upper part of a person’s nose and needs to be flushed out with water.

Satan passes wind and urinates in people’s ears.

Stars are missiles which Allah hurls at jinn (Q. 15:16-18; 37:6-10; 67:5; 72:8-9).

The sun sets in a muddy spring (Q. 18:83-86).

Adam was originally 90 feet tall.

Moses chased a stone which ran off with his clothes while he was taking a bath.

A group of Jews were transformed into rats and that these rats refused to drink the milk of camels.

A group of monkeys stoned a she-monkey for committing illegal sexual intercourse.

A person should dip a house fly that has fallen into his/her drink since one wing has the disease whereas the other has its cure.

Food would talk and glorify Allah right before Muhammad would consume it.Food wasn't the only thing that spoke.

 Muhammad claimed that both stones and trees would converse with him! In fact, on one occasion he even heard a date-palm tree crying like a child!

These are some of the teachings of Muhammad which Muslims such as Zawadi believe are divinely revealed truths!

Any rational person that hasn’t been brainwashed would see these absurdities for what they truly are, but a mind that has been taken captive by Satan will find ways of defending and justifying such nonsense.

(02-03-2025, 02:10 PM)The Ali Imran Wrote:  I understand why you need to make such a childish reply. 

Anyhow, I will play along. If you can show me a single verse of the Quran that is faked and agreed upon by our scholars that it is a fake, I will stop being a Muslim. Just one will do.

Don’t pretend that u don’t know millions of people around the world knew that your book is faked
Refer to post 3418
70,000 Koran being destroyed so obvious

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 
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The Quran Testifies To Its Own Textual Corruption

Muslims may not be aware of the fact that their very own scripture admits that even during the time of Muhammad there were people tampering with the text of the Quran:

It is thus clear from this verse that the words of the Quran were being changed. As the late Islamic Scholar Alphonse Mingana explained:

“Finally, if we understand correctly the following verse of Suratul-Hijr (xv. 90-91): 'As we sent down upon (punished) the dividers (of the Scripture?) who broke up the Koran into parts,' we are tempted to state that even when the Prophet was alive, some changes were noticed in the recital of certain verses of his sacred book. There is nothing very surprising in this fact, since Muhammad could not read or write, and was at the mercy of friends for the writing of his revelations, or, more frequently, of some mercenary amanuenses.” (Mingana, "Three Ancient Korans", The Origins of the Koran – Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book, edited by Ibn Warraq [Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 1998], p. 84; bold emphasis ours)

Like as We sent down on the dividers, Those who made the Quran INTO SHREDS. So, by your Lord, We would most certainly question them all, As to what they did. S. 15:90-93 Shakir

(02-03-2025, 02:32 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  The Quran Testifies To Its Own Textual Corruption

Muslims may not be aware of the fact that their very own scripture admits that even during the time of Muhammad there were people tampering with the text of the Quran:

It is thus clear from this verse that the words of the Quran were being changed. As the late Islamic Scholar Alphonse Mingana explained:

“Finally, if we understand correctly the following verse of Suratul-Hijr (xv. 90-91): 'As we sent down upon (punished) the dividers (of the Scripture?) who broke up the Koran into parts,' we are tempted to state that even when the Prophet was alive, some changes were noticed in the recital of certain verses of his sacred book. There is nothing very surprising in this fact, since Muhammad could not read or write, and was at the mercy of friends for the writing of his revelations, or, more frequently, of some mercenary amanuenses.” (Mingana, "Three Ancient Korans", The Origins of the Koran – Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book, edited by Ibn Warraq [Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 1998], p. 84; bold emphasis ours)

Like as We sent down on the dividers, Those who made the Quran INTO SHREDS. So, by your Lord, We would most certainly question them all, As to what they did. S. 15:90-93 Shakir

The korlan Not trustworthy lah

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 
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(02-03-2025, 02:37 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  The korlan Not trustworthy lah

Some parts of the Quran are trustworthy especially the parts that agree with the Bible...those parts that disagree with the Bible are corrupted and untrustworthy ..

The Bible is the supreme authority over the Quran and it serves as a Checker for mistakes and contradictions from the Quran!

(02-03-2025, 03:28 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Some parts of the Quran are trustworthy especially the parts that agree with the Bible...those parts that disagree with the Bible are corrupted and untrustworthy ..

The Bible is the supreme authority and it is a checker over the Quran!

Yes the Bible is the vine 
Korlan is the branches 
Without the vine the branch led cannot survive

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 
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(02-03-2025, 03:33 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Yes the Bible is the vine 
Korlan is the branches 
Without the vine the branch led cannot survive

Clapping Well said...

(02-03-2025, 03:33 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Yes the Bible is the vine 
Korlan is the branches 
Without the vine the branch led cannot survive

Again the question. Which Bible?

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