Bill Gates on Omicron: 'We could be entering the worst part of the pandemic'

He knew mass extinction Cummings.

But he still said the pandemic will end this year

Oh no,, the worst is still coming now ? I thought it almost over and to relax.. shit.

(23-12-2021, 08:50 AM)RichDad Wrote:  But he still said the pandemic will end this year

(23-12-2021, 10:16 AM)FangFang Wrote:  Oh no,, the worst is still coming now ? I thought it almost over and to relax.. shit.
I think the earliest the Covid-19 virus will die off is around April or May 2022....that is my estimate only..... Clapping Laughing

wow, a computer man talking about human virus? Thinking

2 Russian scientists believe Omicron to be man-made weakened variant which will facilitate a "mass vaccination".
Perhaps that is why Bill Gates believes Covid will end next year (2022).
This will be achieved with the release of more effective vaccines (US Army) and drugs (Pfizer oral drug) which are also meant to compete with similarly effective drugs from Russia and China.

Quote:"We need to take it seriously until we know more about it. Even if it's only half as severe as Delta, it will be the worst surge we have seen so far because it's so infectious," Gates said.

Gates also expects the wave to last three months in the United States.

"Those few months could be bad, but I still believe if we take the right steps, the pandemic can be over in 2022," Gates said.

“Omicron variant possibly artificially created” / Chumakov “It has three amino acids that …”
Quote:Professor Pyotr Chumakov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes this strain is “super weakened“. Great, isn’t it? In fact, for the Russian virologist “it is quite obvious that this is a work of art“. Aware of the fact that this theory can be defined as a conspiracy theorist, he nevertheless deepened it: “Now they have decided to end the pandemic, because the time has come for drastic changes in the world. In the next three or four months, a lot will change“. But who could have decided to “stop” the Covid pandemic? “He who launched it ».
About the mutations present in the Omicron variant, he claims that all the known ones have been collected, but there are “three amino acids», Whose appearance could not have occurred naturally according to the scientist.

New Russian aerosol drug fights all Covid strains, including Omicron – developer
Quote:The mechanism of ‘Mir-19’ uses what’s known as the virus-specific small interfering RNA (siRNA), also referred to as the “silencing” RNA. The drug’s molecules are interfering with the specific virus genes to eventually degrade the virus genome, according to Musa Khaitov, the head of the FMBA Immunology Institute. What supposedly makes the design mutations-proof is that it targets the portion of the virus genome that has remained the same in all the variants, and which is vital for its replication, the FMBA explained in a statement
Quote:We’ve determined that “Mir-19” completely matches the virus genome target in all the known virus variants, including Omicron… This makes the drug universal against all the different SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Yup that's y every year need software upgrade

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

(23-12-2021, 07:58 AM)theold Wrote:

(23-12-2021, 03:54 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:

Gates also expects the wave to last three months in the United States.

(23-12-2021, 03:54 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:

he should be the richest boy in the world with his power  nudie

(23-12-2021, 03:13 PM)sgxin Wrote:  2 Russian scientists believe Omicron to be man-made weakened variant which will facilitate a "mass vaccination".
Perhaps that is why Bill Gates believes Covid will end next year (2022).
This will be achieved with the release of more effective vaccines (US Army) and drugs (Pfizer oral drug) which are also meant to compete with similarly effective drugs from Russia and China.

“Omicron variant possibly artificially created” / Chumakov “It has three amino acids that …”

New Russian aerosol drug fights all Covid strains, including Omicron – developer

Omicron is around 75% less hospitalization.
It is from different animal, as keys mutations can be found in few mammals as rat
which not identified in human yet. 

Need to inhibit the transmission.

Will you listen to Bill Gates or our PM Lee?

Will you believe Bill Gates or Ong Ye Kung?

Dun be silly we have low cases here...

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

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