Countries using Angmoh vaccines are very jialat!

(08-01-2022, 01:24 AM)PerceivedToBe Wrote:  
Don't you think Singapore is more jialat?

He told us then, not to wear masks as it's counter productive

Why today,  he changes his mind so quickly,?
[+] 1 user Likes Scythian's post

(31-12-2021, 04:53 PM)kokee Wrote:  when xian started lockdown, commies spam their BS video from communist sources said not serious, xian people still live happily. today is lockdown for 8 days now, no food, super high inflation, build hospital & quarentine center, army, deputy pm, spread like crazy to neraby provinces, yunan & guizhou start to lockdown, pregnant delivery also rejected, many more to come. whole world, beside china, where got lockdown? china pandemic is not serious?
foreigners & other city people kena stuck in xian, all activity stops, many cannot take it & try to run road, this will make situation when CNY comes.
communist & dictatorship is not negotiable, no freedom & human right, your life belong to the ccp, slavery? no?







xian situation getting worse each day, almost all news censored, norm to communist sources, only covered, twisted, fake & lies to lick balls, truth & facts of failure & lost will never report, same to all commies posts here using communist sources of video & media.
omicron now wide spread in china, lockdown in many cities, more death & dilemma due to china inhuman style lockdown.
xian & many city quarentine center are still building, the size is scary, no pandemic or cases in china today? huge lies, not worse than US? US today still build quarentine center? wear mask? no oversea flight?



超過武漢封城 西安大規模隔離逾4.5萬人

超過武漢封城 西安大規模隔離逾4.5萬人



More than 400 Indian Parliament staff test positive for Covid-19: report | The Straits Times

(10-01-2022, 01:13 PM)alanis Wrote:  More than 400 Indian Parliament staff test positive for Covid-19: report | The Straits Times
New Delhi is witnessing a sharp surge in daily coronavirus infections...

‘Tough times’: Scott Morrison says economy ‘obviously’ taking a hit from Omicron | Australia news | The Guardian

Israel mulls allowing infected medical staff to keep working

(01-01-2022, 10:35 PM)debono Wrote:  China is so huge, and their population is over one billion, that their domestic consumption is good enough to uphold their economy, and need not depend on other country to boost it's economy and GDP... Big Grin Rolleyes

You are right.   

Alam should read your comments to know about good analysis.  


(10-01-2022, 06:31 PM)halya Wrote:  ‘Tough times’: Scott Morrison says economy ‘obviously’ taking a hit from Omicron | Australia news | The Guardian

Economy hit meh?   

Alam and his flg clones say Aukus very "daring" to open economy leh.  


Health officials let COVID-infected staff stay on the job - ABC News

Short of test kits! China's fault!  Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

【頭條開講】快篩不夠都怪中國!盎格魯薩克遜驚世邏輯!澳洲怪中國海關擋貨!澳媒打臉政府沒有超前部署!@頭條開講 精華版



U.S. breaks COVID-19 hospitalization record at over 132,000 as Omicron surges

Tracking China's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution - Bridge Consulting

[Image: Israel-Covid-Graph-01.png]


started 4th jabs liao. see if can subside

(10-01-2022, 05:35 AM)kokee Wrote:  xian situation getting worse each day, almost all news censored, norm to communist sources, only covered, twisted, fake & lies to lick balls, truth & facts of failure & lost will never report, same to all commies posts here using communist sources of video & media.
omicron now wide spread in china, lockdown in many cities, more death & dilemma due to china inhuman style lockdown.
xian & many city quarentine center are still building, the size is scary, no pandemic or cases in china today? huge lies, not worse than US? US today still build quarentine center? wear mask? no oversea flight?



超過武漢封城 西安大規模隔離逾4.5萬人

超過武漢封城 西安大規模隔離逾4.5萬人



(11-01-2022, 06:06 PM)kokee Wrote:  already said long ago, sinovac & sinpharm cannot deal with variant & mutation.

almost all commies here jab mRNA. china also panic started to copy cat or steal mRNA technology?
good luck to those.
ccp china fake, lies & BS data, only brainless believe, they are still buildng covid & quarentine hospital like crazy all over china now, the actual number of death or infected likely 100x the reported. also china till today 100% death-virus type of vaccine, well done.


(11-01-2022, 06:00 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  一山还有一山高

started 4th jabs liao. see if can subside

I think it is best to see how the 3rd booster jab is doing to those who are vaccinated, before jumping to get the 4th booster...At this rate we don't know how many more jabs are required during our lifetime......

(11-01-2022, 06:12 PM)debono Wrote:  I think it is best to see how the 3rd booster jab is doing to those who are vaccinated, before jumping to get the 4th booster...At this rate we don't know how many more jabs are required during our lifetime......

they'd already started and you still thinking?

(11-01-2022, 06:14 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  they'd already started and you still thinking?

Have our medical authorities started to roll out the 4th booster jab.....?

Thousands protest Covid-19 rules in Belgium | The Straits Times

(17-12-2021, 11:28 PM)guffaw Wrote:  China don't even have the balls to open up. Where their balls? Maybe they have zero confidence in their own vaccine.

Don't post such rubbish.  

It is a matter of finding effective way of preventing virus. It's not a competition for balls such that a country is full of sick people, hospital beds all used up and test sets all used up.  

US is begging China to supply another 500 million test sets.  

So China 's factories all set up to run 24 hours, export shot sky high, GDP went full speed up. Huat until buay rin chu.  

You are childish to compare who got ball to open up and let people die pain2.  


US 1 day new cases hit 1.35 million, undisputed world record holder and champion.   

[Image: Stats44-7.png]

(11-01-2022, 06:35 PM)webinarian Wrote:  US 1 day new cases hit 1.35 million, undisputed world record holder and champion.   

[Image: Stats44-7.png]

I wonder how many are unvaxxed and how many are vaxxed with Sinovac, Sinopharm, Pfizer or Moderna...

(11-01-2022, 06:32 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Don't post such rubbish.  

It is a matter of finding effective way of preventing virus. It's not a competition for balls such that a country is full of sick people, hospital beds all used up and test sets all used up.  

US is begging China to supply another 500 million test sets.  

So China 's factories all set up to run 24 hours, export shot sky high, GDP went full speed up. Huat until buay rin chu.  

You are childish to compare who got ball to open up and let people die pain2.  


China has no balls to open up because they have absolutely no confidence in their own vaccine. You lack logic, cannot understand one.

(11-01-2022, 06:18 PM)debono Wrote:  Have our medical authorities started to roll out the 4th booster jab.....?

that I dun know. hv to ask the medical experts. either they will or will not

Omicron variant: U.S. sets fresh records for Covid hospitalizations and cases with 1.5 million new infections

UK COVID-19 death toll exceeds 150,000 after Omicron surge - CNA

France reports daily record of 368,149 new Covid-19 infections

aiya these ppl so kl and yet so stubborn, how to help them?

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