Countries using Angmoh vaccines are very jialat!

Omicron infection rates skyrocket in Israel | DW News


(10-01-2022, 03:27 PM)kokee Wrote:  what a joke, why omicron is just a normal flu everywhere but china need to lockdown 50-100 millions of people all over china? china lockdown is really no joke, worse than in prison?
sinovac or sinopharm? very good or good luck.
all the moronic commies almjost never get 1 case right eventually, from all the fake &lies of communist sources of news, media & video.





already said long ago, sinovac & sinpharm cannot deal with variant & mutation.

almost all commies here jab mRNA. china also panic started to copy cat or steal mRNA technology?
good luck to those.
ccp china fake, lies & BS data, only brainless believe, they are still buildng covid & quarentine hospital like crazy all over china now, the actual number of death or infected likely 100x the reported. also china till today 100% death-virus type of vaccine, well done.
omicron spread seriously to many china cities now, from xian to tianjin to dalian to henan to shenzhen & all over china now.


[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post


(13-01-2022, 10:44 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  大鸡院还是很关心中国

Otherwise can't get money from CIA mah!  Laughing


(13-01-2022, 10:44 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  大鸡院还是很关心中国

Who is "Dajiyuan"...?

(13-01-2022, 09:32 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  [Image: B229-D3-D8-8484-46-D6-B118-DC3549367-E84.png]

(13-01-2022, 09:27 PM)debono Wrote:  Who is "Dajiyuan"...?

Big chicken hut!  nudie


(13-01-2022, 10:37 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Big chicken hut!  nudie

??????????????????????????????????????????? Thinking Thinking

[Image: Screenshot-20220115-092331.jpg]

Shooting through the roof!

[Image: Screenshot-20220115-092707.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20220115-093151.jpg]

Biden administration 'actively exploring' boosting supply of higher-quality N95, KN95 masks

U.S. health officials on Friday encouraged more Americans to wear the kind of N95 or KN95 masks used by health care workers to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Those kinds of masks are considered better at filtering the air. But they were in short supply previously, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials had previously said they should be prioritized for health care workers.

In updated guidance posted late Friday afternoon, CDC officials removed concerns related to supply shortages and more clearly said that properly fitted N95 and KN95 masks offer the most protection.


Israel covid numbers also tells us something.

xian lockdown almost 1 month now yet keep building quarentine hospital non stop, not enough, died, run away, now spread to beijing, shanghai, tianjin, shenzhen, almost whole china. the actual cases & died in china, no one know as it all cover up & no transparent.
hotest news in china pandemic today is the top pandemic chief company swab test kit are injecting virus to make more money, china? norm for money?
many more to come if ccp want to be in control.

國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕

國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕

北京上海广东破防 奥密克戎主导中国疫情走向

北京上海广东破防 奥密克戎主导中国疫情走向

(16-01-2022, 10:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  xian lockdown almost 1 month now yet keep building quarentine hospital non stop, not enough, died, run away, now spread to beijing, shanghai, tianjin, shenzhen, almost whole china. the actual cases & died in china, no one know as it all cover up & no transparent.
hotest news in china pandemic today is the top pandemic chief company swab test kit are injecting virus to make more money, china? norm for money?
many more to come if ccp want to be in control.

國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕

國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕

北京上海广东破防 奥密克戎主导中国疫情走向

北京上海广东破防 奥密克戎主导中国疫情走向

Their vaccines very saki, the infected must be birds cats and dog, not human.

(16-01-2022, 10:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  xian lockdown almost 1 month now yet keep building quarentine hospital non stop, not enough, died, run away, now spread to beijing, shanghai, tianjin, shenzhen, almost whole china. the actual cases & died in china, no one know as it all cover up & no transparent.
hotest news in china pandemic today is the top pandemic chief company swab test kit are injecting virus to make more money, china? norm for money?
many more to come if ccp want to be in control.

國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕

國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕

北京上海广东破防 奥密克戎主导中国疫情走向

北京上海广东破防 奥密克戎主导中国疫情走向

Your FAKE  videos deleted by YouTube?  Rotfl

Chinese Masks Save Lives, US CDC Recommends Americans To Use Them.

(15-01-2022, 11:09 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  


they all hv to wear masks with the words made in xinjiang, china  Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

Xinjiang wan shui Thumbsup

(13-01-2022, 10:36 AM)kokee Wrote:  already said long ago, sinovac & sinpharm cannot deal with variant & mutation.

almost all commies here jab mRNA. china also panic started to copy cat or steal mRNA technology?
good luck to those.
ccp china fake, lies & BS data, only brainless believe, they are still buildng covid & quarentine hospital like crazy all over china now, the actual number of death or infected likely 100x the reported. also china till today 100% death-virus type of vaccine, well done.
omicron spread seriously to many china cities now, from xian to tianjin to dalian to henan to shenzhen & all over china now.

Why must other follow flgs idea?

(16-01-2022, 07:57 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

Chinese Masks Save Lives, US CDC Recommends Americans To Use Them.
US CDC only recommends the use of face masks, but here in Singapore it is mandatory to wear the face mask when in the public places, or be summon of $300...

aiya, china wants to fake, angmoh want to die. let them be lah

(16-01-2022, 10:57 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Their vaccines very saki, the infected must be birds cats and dog, not human.

Let American uncle tell you the truth :

Oops! Fauci also gave up liao???

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Mr Kock Kee only believes in FLG fake stories.


[Image: 20220117-105855.jpg]


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