Lianhua Qingwen

Combine with lemon water  Big Grin

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin


(11-02-2022, 09:29 PM)theold Wrote:

this capsule never claims that it can cure/ protect covid-19.

 as at now covid 19 medicine is not found yet in this  globe.

this capsule can only help those with sore throat, dry throat and flu like symptoms.

(15-02-2022, 11:11 PM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  this capsule never claims that it can cure/ protect covid-19.

 as at now covid 19 medicine is not found yet in this  globe.

this capsule can only help those with sore throat, dry throat and flu like symptoms.

It is among the cheapest available medicine outside. In Singapore, most of the covid medicines relating to Covid(sore throat, dry throat, and flu-like symptoms) cost $25, $40, $55, $120 and more. During this time, the suppliers had mark up their prices here.

(15-02-2022, 11:11 PM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  this capsule never claims that it can cure/ protect covid-19.

 as at now covid 19 medicine is not found yet in this  globe.

this capsule can only help those with sore throat, dry throat and flu like symptoms.
Right. At least it help better than nothing.

Surprised that I saw it in Guardian while looking at the medicines relating to Covid.

(15-02-2022, 11:27 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Right. At least it help better than nothing.


One will not like to have Long Covid.

Until now, handheld infrared thermometers are sold are a very high price here. Did they put a standard price here? Don't know why? Is it because of the new import requirements on medical devices?

Those mouth thermometers spoilt every few months.

(15-02-2022, 11:11 PM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  this capsule never claims that it can cure/ protect covid-19.

 as at now covid 19 medicine is not found yet in this  globe.

this capsule can only help those with sore throat, dry throat and flu like symptoms.

i ve on 3 occasions took these capsules to help my sore throat, dry throat and flu like symptoms.
my body responded well and it did help me to get rid of the sore throat, dry throat and flu like symptoms.

but diff people  ve diff body so dont follow me.   just like diff ppl ve diff  investment risk tolerance. lol

It's not the seller who claim can cure covid lah. It's the customers who told the seller that he was cured after taking it for 2 day.

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