kamala come to singapore for wat?

(24-08-2021, 06:45 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202108/1232162.shtml

Harris lands in Singapore after Biden / US Afghan fiasco, wooing will be 'ineffective'.....

Washington's Kabul fiasco has drawn many comparisons to its withdrawal from Saigon (now called Ho Chi Minh City) in 1975 in Vietnam.


[Image: 79164600.cms]



There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

[Image: 16624139.jpg]

ar wag the Dog.
Singapore is between China and America
The weather is extreme India is needed in the Singapore-Taiwan-India
China is pinned down at 3 gorges dam.
Sensitive infor at Telegram of cirstenw
Listening difficult be patient.
goto 30:30 to wet ur appetite...
Singapore is the first country to perform an auptosy ...
after it was found covid-19 does not has a virus....
and China got the message

NB cirstenw birth place Singapore

after alamak, will they send waleneh next?

In this saga do understand Singapore relevance is extremed like the climate change narratives and great wealth is on the table. Can she escapes being use off? WHO has postponed the Booster killer shots for the next 2 months.
No need to wait too long efficacy for vaccines drop practically to zero within 6 mths or 16% within period. How all these with a non-existence virus in the first place is another.

India connection:
Dr Soumya Swaminathan was appointed WHO's first Chief Scientist in March 2019.
She was served Indian Bar court papers. Interviewd by CNA.

(24-08-2021, 08:45 PM)Galilo_l Wrote:  Bye


Departure delayed for unknown reason indefinitely.
JUST IN - Kamala Harris’s departure from #Singapore indefinitely delayed for unknown reason. Unclear how long she will remain in the country. Reporters traveling with the VP were abruptly sent back to the Shangri-La Hotel

(25-08-2021, 12:17 AM)singlon Wrote:  Departure delayed for unknown reason indefinitely.
JUST IN - Kamala Harris’s departure from #Singapore indefinitely delayed for unknown reason. Unclear how long she will remain in the country. Reporters traveling with the VP were abruptly sent back to the Shangri-La Hotel


There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

birth place Singapore locasi Shangrila area

Kamala suffered an attack. A bout of Havana syndrome


She has landd safely in vietnam.


(23-08-2021, 03:54 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Not collect protection $$$ by selling us their military toys so that we can wayang during NDP?

To be fair we shd buy some weapons from China.

No. The fact that we have F15, 16, F35 will be confirmed we will be protected by USA. These items cannot be in the hands of their enemies.

[Image: 16624139.jpg]

(25-08-2021, 10:58 AM)dynamite Wrote:  No. The fact that we have F15, 16, F35 will be confirmed we will be protected by USA. These items cannot be in the hands of their enemies.

Be realistic. Facing advanced weapons of big powers like China, Sg is unprotectable!


China now weak just a tap on 3gorges dam mati.


The triparty POWER is now Singapore-India-Taiwan

(23-08-2021, 01:44 PM)Symmetry Wrote:  Sell us more Boeing planes??

Or sell us fighter jets?

Both, and it costs billions of dollars.

heard singapore open up, rush to sell boeing?

Climate change arr. in Singapore.

World supply chains


She came to try our thosai. Plain and simple.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

[Image: B0-FAAA26-2-C2-D-4327-B0-F1-697-C7848-A420.jpg]

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

In this saga InDIA is stronger than chiNi.
Just a tap at the 3 gorges dam chiNi mati.
There re cracks and she is discharging water. Water watch the water. Don't just watch yangtse water.
Vietnamese water already many many ducks pigs chaisim drown.
At the bottom of the dam are many holes.
As IAM not briefed, I cannot fully understand wat dat mean although IAM well trained in technical matters and energy. Watch the water she says not just in chiNi.
The collapse brings the whole house of card down. Cryptos minings nuclear reactors etc.
The Eye is Being fed with bunker fuels Watch the water

(26-08-2021, 06:37 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  She came to try our thosai.  Plain and simple.

She came to visit one of the many offices for the US IRS

Singapore contains the Largest IRS office out of the USA >its going down>the Finance system is going down!! Cory booker and his $9M and McCain Institute $19M ...930am today

<script async src="https://telegram.org/js/telegram-widget.js?15" data-telegram-post="cirstenw/433" data-width="100%"></script>

arr we now got some infor abt the ht of water and small holes at the base of the dam.

Three gorges dam turned out to cause earthquake in China

Also need to show face ma,.. else policy cannot match.

(26-08-2021, 02:30 PM)FangFang Wrote:  Also need to show face ma,.. else policy cannot match.

Singapore has done well so far. Even staged the Havana syndrom
Watch the Water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala Harris Wish For Conflict With China

The Us VP Kamala Harris is touring South East Asia to meet with leaders and rally allies to stick to their side after the US abandoned Afghans, she then went and challenge China and accused Beijing of intimidation in the South China sea. Could this be the US's new move to start conflict with China?

(24-08-2021, 09:40 PM)singlon Wrote:  ar wag the Dog.
Singapore is between China and America
The weather is extreme India is needed in the Singapore-Taiwan-India
China is pinned down at 3 gorges dam.
Sensitive infor at Telegram of cirstenw
Listening difficult be patient.
goto 30:30 to wet ur appetite...
Singapore is the first country to perform an auptosy ...
after it was found covid-19 does not has a virus....
and China got the message

NB cirstenw birth place Singapore

this cirsterw has a lot if intel but most of them does not materialize. one of them is the US-Russia-Tw join forces to kick ccp out  Rotfl

(27-08-2021, 02:48 AM)happyharvest Wrote:  this cirsterw has a lot if intel but most of them does not materialize. one of them is the US-Russia-Tw join forces to kick ccp out  Rotfl

It is work in process. Not easy. Climatechange has arr. in Singapore. Dunearn flooded twice and manhole exploded at Bukit Batok 2 days ago.
And China water transfer collapsed

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