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china gigantic debt, china banks run & crisis

(26-06-2022, 10:02 AM)kokee Wrote:  支付宝能存不能取,银行随时卷走你的钱!中国经济乱象愈演愈烈


china already lawless now regarding all the banks issue today, whether is withdraw or lost or illegal fund raising or whatever lies.
banks has no responsibility.
where is all the money now? how much bad debt exploded in property?
govt already  mis-managed or cannot managed anymore.

1. 銀行挪用存款越來越普遍;2. 資金被捲走,存款隨中小銀行倒閉消失;3, 銀行擠兌惡化,最終拖垮銀行體系;4. 人民幣體系隨中共突然垮台崩潰。



(25-06-2022, 08:14 PM)webinarian Wrote:  
Fed has been printing money since 2009 with start of QEs.     

Why you, called yourself know-all, don't talk of Fed's printing of $ ?    


china already lawless now regarding all the banks issue today, whether is withdraw or lost or illegal fund raising or whatever lies.
banks has no responsibility.
where is all the money now? how much bad debt exploded in property?
govt already  mis-managed or cannot managed anymore.




(26-06-2022, 01:27 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies

China huat arh huat arh huat arh

This is an economy cycle lah…. Rotfl
No more high speed growth for China.
Why still need 4000 banks. Small banks can close shop lah just like what happened in Sg in the 90s.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(26-06-2022, 07:10 PM)kokee Wrote:  china already lawless now regarding all the banks issue today, whether is withdraw or lost or illegal fund raising or whatever lies.
banks has no responsibility.
where is all the money now? how much bad debt exploded in property?
govt already  mis-managed or cannot managed anymore.

1. 銀行挪用存款越來越普遍;2. 資金被捲走,存款隨中小銀行倒閉消失;3, 銀行擠兌惡化,最終拖垮銀行體系;4. 人民幣體系隨中共突然垮台崩潰。


chinna all no money now, people no money to pay housing loan, banks no money to settle bad debt, property no one buying, all the bankrupt, auction, money all want to run road to oversea to avoid confiscate by communism, including HK.
still has few 10 to 100 millions of uncompleted units to rotten.



china banks really no money, not only deposit & saver money gone, cant withdraw, suddenly you will become debtors of banks, owe banks money for nothing, desperate till like that.
buy property by force, that shows how bad is china property today, not only nobody buy, excess & uncompleted units like ants all over.





china banks run, how bad will it become.



lawless, slavery wait to die.



end of china banks?
who will get their money in banks? definitely is not slavery, also definitely is lawless, china?
no truth & fact, only dictator decide what he like to do.



China crisis for how many decades already?

When will China collapse?  Rotfl

(28-06-2022, 01:02 PM)kokee Wrote:  lawless, slavery wait to die.


this is lawless china, slavery will be slavery forever.
banks open 15 minutes windows for who to run road?
this all these dogs here beloved ccp china.



(29-06-2022, 09:37 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  China crisis for how many decades already?

When will China collapse?  Rotfl

Kokee, no answer?  Thinking

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts see this sour grapes jealousy hor

China huat arh huat arh huat arh

China huat arh huat arh huat arh

more chaotic, more funny arrangement, all kind of tricks & cheat.
savers money in banks are in a pool, whose hands faster, money belong to who?




Y he cannot share what he read and give his opinion. U too can do the same.


Moronic kokee stooge’s hahaha

china property bubble is 10x or more compared to US subprime in yr 2008, much much bigger, what happen when it burst inn china? ton of china people has to go back to poverty or even bankrupt, run road, auction, domestic market generally burst totally.

6.29 【比次按大十倍!】中國地產泡沫比雷曼次按歐債大十倍,地方政府欠債過37萬億,地產泡沫過百萬億!



Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts you been sleeping hor LOL LOL

(30-06-2022, 09:09 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts you been sleeping hor LOL LOL
If u stretch it to last 40 yrs,  it will b 50 fold. What is important is last 1 or 2 yrs and the rate of growth and if the growth is sustainable


Financial crisis often starts with a negative growth in housing  it will usually ends in 1 to 2 year’s time. What last 10 or 50 years growth is not relevant


Can look and buy a small amount of Bank of China 

Still strong and growing steadily


Some said China can always print money to handle its debts as the US has done. They might not want to do it; at least, not until the Chinese Yuan can be as popular as the USD, which makes up over 60% of all known central bank foreign exchange reserves. This is because printing money always devalues the currency. Because USD is a global currency, almost all countries will devalue their currencies at the same in order to maintain the rate with USD. Also when Xi took over office, China's debt increased at a rate of about 2 Trillion per year and they have been drawing down quite a lot from its foreign reserves at the same time when they devalued their currency to maintain the rate with USD.

[Image: AVv-Xs-Ej-TY2-4x71scih-ISOk-V5yh-ZOb-Nrw...-Psni8.png]

南京银行:股价大跌, 网传相关信息为恶意造谣





(25-06-2022, 02:06 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts no worries for China hor

China have
Belt and road

Huat arh huat arh huat arh

(25-06-2022, 08:14 PM)webinarian Wrote:  
Fed has been printing money since 2009 with start of QEs.     

Why you, called yourself know-all, don't talk of Fed's printing of $ ?    


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