US 'firmly Opposed' To Ceasefire Bet. Russia,Ukraine; 'Peace Initiative Unacceptable'

Chinese make peace, American make war
[+] 2 users Like CHAOS's post

People stop fighting is unacceptable? BLM saw national guard activated and firing at commoners acceptable?

And we continue to support the tyrant? Lol

Better reset this world promptly pl. Thanks.
[+] 2 users Like Sticw's post

The Biden administration is a typical American warmonger. Selling weapons for profit is paramount for the USA peace talks be damned.

(21-03-2023, 08:22 AM)theold Wrote:

 Many news channels and analysts are sort of missing the point. The real news in this case is not that USA is opposed to a China proposed ceasefire / peace deal, every donkey knows that. The real news is that the US has to come out openly to say it as the leading advocator instead of in support of Ukraine.
By right Ukraine as the main warring party should be the one expressing indignance and outrage at such a proposal first, then the US come out in support and say NATO will always stand with them against such a ridiculous proposal yada yada.
Instead Ukraine is relatively mild in its official stance on China’s peace plan and sends out mixed signals trying to induce China to take part in reaching a resolution. This is a clear indication that Ukraine and US are not totally aligned and the US-Ukraine relationship is far from being ironclad as the Americans claim.
At the start of the war, many Americans and commentators seem to think they can just provide minimal support and watch the show from afar as Ukraine and Russia slug it out. Unfortunately for them, it looks increasingly like US is now slugging it out with Russia and Zelenskyy is getting bolder and more demanding for aid.
Like it or not, the US is now ending up getting personally entwined in yet another costly war instead of the shiit stirrer role it sought for early in the conflict. Trump was actually the more sensible one - his policy to improve relations with Russia and free up space to concentrate on tackling China makes sense from a US perspective. Instead of following through Trump's sensible policy, US is now embroiled with slugging out with a past demon while the real rival China ends up watching the show from the sidelines. 

Biden has now proven how accurate his ex-boss Obama's appraisal of him is - "never underestimate Biden's ability to fcuk things up".

Dictator Biden amdk arse lickers stooge’s daddies hor LOL LOL LOL

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

US benefits most from war. 
They care not the sufferings or deaths of the people.

(21-03-2023, 11:54 AM)Migrant Wrote:  US benefits most from war. 
They care not the sufferings or deaths of the people.

Also not suffering from the headache of problems related to refugees, millions of refugees, created by ward!

Russia should withdraw troops before cease fire implemented.

It's like Japan invade Singapore in WW2 then say ceasefire while they occupy Singapore it makes no sense. Iraq invade Kuwait then declare cease fire...??!!

If China sincerely wants to broker peace and respect sovereignty of nations, it should ask Russia to withdraw troops then followed by ceasefire.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Ask Russia to take what they want. After that withdraw troops. How about that?

(21-03-2023, 08:27 AM)Sticw Wrote:  People stop fighting is unacceptable? BLM saw national guard activated and firing at commoners acceptable?

And we continue to support the tyrant? Lol

Better reset this world promptly pl. Thanks.

If part of yr house was occupied by external parties.  to cease fighting and gardos with u,  they propose to talk peace with u,  provided u let them stay in the occupied area.  Would u agree?  Actually, this Ukraine war has nothing to do with US who is just siding and providing arms to Ukraine.  Important is whether Ukraine would agree.


(21-03-2023, 01:38 PM)Migrant Wrote:  Ask Russia to take what they want. After that withdraw troops. How about that?

Just like what USA did to many countries. Iraq after 2 decades any better??

(21-03-2023, 11:09 AM)maxsanic Wrote:   Many news channels and analysts are sort of missing the point. The real news in this case is not that USA is opposed to a China proposed ceasefire / peace deal, every donkey knows that. The real news is that the US has to come out openly to say it as the leading advocator instead of in support of Ukraine.
By right Ukraine as the main warring party should be the one expressing indignance and outrage at such a proposal first, then the US come out in support and say NATO will always stand with them against such a ridiculous proposal yada yada.
Instead Ukraine is relatively mild in its official stance on China’s peace plan and sends out mixed signals trying to induce China to take part in reaching a resolution. This is a clear indication that Ukraine and US are not totally aligned and the US-Ukraine relationship is far from being ironclad as the Americans claim.
At the start of the war, many Americans and commentators seem to think they can just provide minimal support and watch the show from afar as Ukraine and Russia slug it out. Unfortunately for them, it looks increasingly like US is now slugging it out with Russia and Zelenskyy is getting bolder and more demanding for aid.
Like it or not, the US is now ending up getting personally entwined in yet another costly war instead of the shiit stirrer role it sought for early in the conflict. Trump was actually the more sensible one - his policy to improve relations with Russia and free up space to concentrate on tackling China makes sense from a US perspective. Instead of following through Trump's sensible policy, US is now embroiled with slugging out with a past demon while the real rival China ends up watching the show from the sidelines. 

Biden has now proven how accurate his ex-boss Obama's appraisal of him is - "never underestimate Biden's ability to fcuk things up".

 Biden bets on the war to win the next election, ceasefire will end all the effort he put in.

Ukraine does not belong to US let the country decide on its own.
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(21-03-2023, 11:51 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Fxxk that EVIL ASSMERICA!

Very evil but still got fan boys as supportors.
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

Ukraine will be like North and South Korea. If they wish to come together, they will have to get approval from their bosses.

(21-03-2023, 02:34 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:   Biden bets on the war to win the next election, ceasefire will end all the effort he put in.

I'm sure elections are part of the consideration as in every war that has taken place in the past, but elections are at the end of the day just a side show in the grand scheme of things.

Biden is unique in the sense he has managed to severely jeopardize US national interest right at this juncture of what a lot of Americans think is critical to America's continued hegemony. This is like Eisenhower choosing to slug out with the British Empire or Nixon engaging in a conflict with China instead of trying to pull the Brits and the Chinese together to deal with USSR.

All this damage to US interest just to eke out maybe a few percentage points of advantage in the next election that is not even due in another 2 years!? If Biden is just incompetent then I suppose the Americans deserve what they voted for, otherwise Biden's actions can only be described as through and through treachery.

(21-03-2023, 01:51 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  If part of yr house was occupied by external parties.  to cease fighting and gardos with u,  they propose to talk peace with u,  provided u let them stay in the occupied area.  Would u agree?  Actually, this Ukraine war has nothing to do with US who is just siding and providing arms to Ukraine.  Important is whether Ukraine would agree.
If your grandfather had a big piece of land and sub divided a portion you call your own. Later on you went your ways and started to have prostitutes staying in your land that may well spread into your grandfather's land too. Your grandfather ask you not to allow in the prostitutes but you listen to the prostitutes instead.

Your grandfather had no choice but to step into your land and try to make sure the prostitutes do not venture or cannot venture further. Naturally you will be unhappy. So will the prostitutes association. 

Then came your granduncle who is also closer related to you since you guys all drink from the same water source. Your granduncle wants to see how to work out a peace deal for you guys. You are also tired of the fighting. But the prostitution association is dead serious about spread STDs, HIV and AIDS and after all they have been selling you used condoms since your conflict with grandfather has taken place.

Is the prostitute more important or your own peace more important? To begin with, there wasn't a prostitution association in your land before time... And did the prostitutes do anything to help ease the conflict or they just dump lots of condoms in the name of peace?

They have been dumping condoms everywhere especially for oil... You can read up on their invasions since WWII ended..
[+] 1 user Likes Sticw's post

(21-03-2023, 01:51 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  If part of yr house was occupied by external parties.  to cease fighting and gardos with u,  they propose to talk peace with u,  provided u let them stay in the occupied area.  Would u agree?  Actually, this Ukraine war has nothing to do with US who is just siding and providing arms to Ukraine.  Important is whether Ukraine would agree.

Strange that the Wumaos don’t apply the same logic to Taiwan.

One set of rules for Ukraine war, another set of rules for Taiwan.

Wumao logic……..

Assmericans are so sexcited?  Rotfl

面對中國勸和促談 美國又坐不住了:呼籲俄烏停火?這不可接受!

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