China! China! China!............


Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(04-06-2023, 02:46 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  Rotfl 

1450 huat ah!  Rotfl

FLG Huat ah!  Rotfl



A light reading.

*Professor Dennis Etler*
*American political analyst who holds a doctorate in anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley*

*As I See It:*

*Why is it that the West is so preoccupied with China? The usual answer is that China's economic growth is challenging Western global hegemony which has held sway for at least 250 years. The Chinese military has also reached parity with that of the West, so it is no longer subject to Western intimidation and bullying. All that is true and reason for the West to want to savage China and portray it as the root of all evil.*

*But there is one other consideration that must be taken into account. It's not only China's economic prowess and military might that frightens the West, it is also China's success as a nation versus the West's failure.*

*Moreover, China has forged a society in which there is harmony between its different ethnicities in contrast to the systemic racism that characterizes Western society.*

*Western ruling elites and their media mouthpieces do not want to acknowledge the fact that China has eliminated extreme poverty while more and more of their own people descend into poverty. They do not want to admit that China has constructed a 21st century infrastructure while they lag far behind. They do not want to confront the fact that the Chinese people ⁹overwhelmingly support their government while people in the West have lost confidence in their own, they do not want to accept that China beat COVIDC-19 while they haven't, and finally they are loathe to accept the fact that a non-white nation has out performed them and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future.*

*In order to deflect attention away from these truths the West has concocted a series of lies and slanders that allow them to deny reality. Instead of poverty alleviation the West imagines "genocide." Instead of the advances in HSR, EVs, alt-energy and e-commerce they focus on "IP theft," instead of a socioeconomic system that serves the people, they accuse China of forced labor and forced sterilizations. Instead of seeing China as defending its national sovereignty in the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it's called an aggressor.*

*All the China-bashing serves multiple purposes but ONE of the main reasons is to make sure that people in the West do not get to hear nor see what the real China is all about because if they did they may get ideas that the Western elites don't want then to have, such as socialism works for the betterment of the 99% while capitalism works primarily to enrich the 1%.*

This is the best one, do send this to your overseas friends because it is from the eyes of an American.

What is your take that Blinken asserted China must communicate with the US? Do you think it is prudent for China to insist that the US must behave & fulfil its promises before any contact can be initiated? Why is US so desperate to meet China?

The U.S. never know how good they had till they lost it. Americans should rightly be very very very grateful to everyone on planet earth for making them very prosperous without actually doing much.

You see the world was designed and manipulated to give the US everything they worked hard through sweat and toil in returned for worthless paper currencies that is printed without any basis for almost nothing!

What does the U.S. do? It used that privileged and the wealth that resulted to carpet bombed nations, to destroy nations, to do regime change, to fabricate lies and spread half truths on nations it does not like. And it used the privileges to steal, rob and plunder nations at will. China included!

It printed and created money freely to hand it to its companies to buy their own stocks to prop up their own shares. That is what the U.S. did with that privilege!

Day by day nations upon nations turned against the U.S. China included. Except that China is the most humongous among them. China is the most influential of them all. China card ship loads of products in exchange for paper, it made American lives better. Chinese helped Americans have a comfortable standard of living and inflation free for the longest time.

But instead of thanking China it picked a fight with China. Their media fabricate lies about any and everything about China to demonise them to no end. So China says ok. Let’s stop the hypocrisy and nonsense, we will give you the longest and strongest rope to hang yourself.

Blinken is simply a person who believed fully in the U.S. 74 years long lies, he like many Americans thinks that it’s dollar is forever the global currency and the U.S. can sanction anyone that is alive, that it can bomb any nation into smitten any day any time, it can send in CIA and NED to destroy any society.

Except that everything that goes up can go down. Anything the world props up, the world can let it collapse. This is precisely what the world except from 15 or so nations who has no choice. These fellow native slaughters such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada need to suck up to the U.S., then there are U.S. slave vassal states that has no choice. They are Japan, South Korea and Germany. There are also the despicable fellow colonial masters. UK, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands. and lastly there are the tiny former USSR states that hide under the U.S. skirt and poke Russia’s eyes such as Lithuania and Poland.

These 15 or so nations will sink with the U.S. China is in no mood to talk to Blinken unless he graduated from his kindergarten. Blinken thinks that China should roll out the red carpet for him to come to China so that he can lecture China to continue enriching the U.S. so that the US can contain China and talk shit on China! China say. Wait patiently at your kindergarten till you grow up with some brains, then we can talk. Now GO and learn some Nursery rymes first.




Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(11-06-2023, 06:25 AM)AngTehKor Wrote:  China are the best country with many kind-hearted people.

Singapore is the BEST of the best lah! Big Grin

(11-06-2023, 03:27 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  Falun Gong media

法轮大法,法力无边,天下无敌,宇宙第一! Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(14-06-2023, 12:06 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  关键时刻


在美国每5分钟就有一个人死于药物过量!美国阿片类药物滥用 却甩锅给中国?揭穿美国毒品泛滥真相 |《破局芬太尼》CCTV中文国际

(14-06-2023, 10:38 AM)AngTehKor Wrote:  I love China girls.
A lot of jobless China girls will become prostitutes .. Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


Hahaha amdk arse lickers stooge’s worry for China youth cheo kau peng

Argentine Ambassador to China sends message of gratitude to Chinese fans ahead of anticipated Argentina Team appearance at Workers' Stadium - Global Times

China youth very rich hor

(15-06-2023, 08:50 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  A lot of jobless China girls 

法轮大法,法力无边,天下无敌,宇宙第一! Rotfl









Unlike China, the US so far has not scheduled the whole class of fentanyl-related substances. Does the US really think it can solve domestic problems by blaming China? Is discrediting China's efforts helpful to the US getting its own house in order?

[+] 2 users Like cityhantam's post

(26-06-2023, 08:32 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  華春瑩譴責美方:尋找代罪羔羊不能解決美國自身毒品問題




Unlike China, the US so far has not scheduled the whole class of fentanyl-related substances. Does the US really think it can solve domestic problems by blaming China? Is discrediting China's efforts helpful to the US getting its own house in order?


中国 🇨🇳 最厉害了啦!haha Big Grin

Waleneh, 看到羊鬼吸毒吸到东歪西倒,几好笑的喔!
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink!'s post

The US first imposed illegal sanctions on Chinese counter-narcotics institutions, then on Chinese firms. Now ensnared Chinese nationals through “sting operation” in a third country. Typical arbitrary detention and unilateral sanction.

Scapegoating will not solve the US drug problem. The US should immediately lift all sanctions on Chinese counter-narcotics law enforcement institutions, stop ensnaring and arbitrary detentions, and release the Chinese nationals under illegal arrest.

(30-06-2023, 09:12 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Waleneh, 看到羊鬼吸毒吸到东歪西倒,几好笑的喔!

东邪西毒啊!haha Big Grin

(30-06-2023, 08:19 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  中国 🇨🇳 最厉害了啦!haha Big Grin

[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

(06-07-2023, 04:55 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  是好事还是坏事?

不管好事还是坏事,可以做的就是事啦!haha Big Grin


(06-07-2023, 05:36 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  不管好事还是坏事,可以做的就是事啦!haha Big Grin

交配是好事还是坏事呢? Thinking

(04-06-2023, 02:46 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  Rotfl 

拜登:中国是坏人,会做坏事,但我不想伤害中国   Rotfl


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