Putin Miscalculated is not only a Self-inflicted, it also to kill Ukraine

(07-08-2023, 09:04 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Ukrainian Air Force explains why targeting Ukrainian airfields is ineffective
The only basic "foundation for negotiations" is President #Zelenskyy's #PeaceFormula. There can be no compromise positions such as "immediate ceasefires" and "negotiations here and now" that give #Russia time to stay in the occupied territories. Only the withdrawal of Russian troops to the 1991 border. One should have no illusions: any "Minsk-3" will only prolong the war in the future. It is precisely the "abandonment of illusions" that is happening today in many countries that yesterday misjudged Russia and its intention to "kill" international law...

Russia wants to occupy new Ukrainian territories, apart from the four oblasts. "No. We just want to control all the land we have now written into our constitution as ours," replied Peskov

The only basic "foundation for negotiations" is no #PeaceFormula...as Ukraine Deploys it 10th Corps. Kyiv is telling Putin as he is still re·cal·cu·lat·ing and recalculate again and Mis-calculated". Sick

Counteroffensive is 'challenging,' says Zelensky as Western pressure mounts.

(09-08-2023, 02:28 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Russia wants to occupy new Ukrainian territories, apart from the four oblasts. "No. We just want to control all the land we have now written into our constitution as ours," replied Peskov
Russia wants to occupy new Ukrainian territories, apart from the four oblasts. "No. We just want to control all the land.  Sick

(12-08-2023, 10:56 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Russia wants to occupy new Ukrainian territories, apart from the four oblasts. "No. We just want to control all the land.  Sick
No foundation for negotiations No to #PeaceFormula. 
EU say delivers more, oni 220,000 shells to Ukraine.

Footage released by the Ukrainian defence ministry shows US-supplied cluster munitions, which spray “bomblets” across a wide area, hitting Russian forces amid Kyiv’s recapturing of Urozhaine in the Donetsk region. Ukrainian troops have liberated Urozhaine village, Donetsk region!

Russian battlalion Commander capture leaked a key weak spot. Wink

Ukraine may receive Soviet-made Mi-24V/35 helicopter gunships from Czechia's stocks as the Czech military is decommissioning them in favor of newer U.S. models, the Czech News Agency reported on Aug. 17.

(12-08-2023, 11:11 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  ANKARA, Turkey — Russia was sending a clear message to Turkey when it bombed Ukrainian business Motor Sich, which makes engines for Turkish aircraft, analysts have told Defense News.
Putin not afraid of Ukraine (can bully) but not Turkey.
When only 30 US Troops Fought 500 Wagner Mercenaries in Syria. What Faced off against the Elite US Special Forces is hundred of fighters and their tanks is all dead. ... Undecided Wilted_rose

(12-08-2023, 11:11 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  ANKARA, Turkey — Russia was sending a clear message to Turkey when it bombed Ukrainian business Motor Sich, which makes engines for Turkish aircraft, analysts have told Defense News.
Putin not afraid of Ukraine (can bully) but not Turkey.
Like some angmo. Putin is Ass-ing more, shui (water Sick🤢🤮) shiting on Ukraine....but not on China and the Turkish folks. Putin is bully Ukraine.

(21-08-2023, 12:00 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Putin’s shrinking horizons. Angnu News on CNN. Tongue  
Putin is into big Shitng

(21-08-2023, 12:25 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Like some angmo. Putin is Ass-ing more, shui (water Sick🤢🤮) shiting on Ukraine....but not on China and the Turkish folks. Putin is bully Ukraine.
Ukraine’s Newly Acquired F-16s Compared to Russia’s Su-35 ‘Flanker’ Fighter Jet. A former US Military official has said the F-16 is 'more durable' than Russia's counterpart.

Su-35 is equipped “with very effective radar and long-distance rockets.” while NATO F-16 inventory, including standard AIM-120 missile and the long-range Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile.

Russia’s Sukhoi Su-35 is 21.9 meter long and has a wingspan of 15.3 meter and height of 5.9 meter. The twin-engine fighter jet is capable of carrying a maximum load of 8,000 KG and it can be operated by one individual.  The jet fighter is manufactured by KNAPPO, the largest aircraft-manufacturing company in Russia

F-16 vs Sukhoi Su-35 multi-role fighter. A twin-engine, single-seat aircraft, it described as Russia's signature heavy fighter bomber by RAND Corporation. While F-16 can reach Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound, Russian Su-35 maximum speed of Mach 2.25

(12-08-2023, 11:04 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  No foundation for negotiations & No Peace Formula.  As EU say delivers more, 220,000 shells
Ukraine will receive modernised F-16AM/BM Block 20 MLU fighters with the ability to launch air-to-air missiles and improved radar with a range of more than 110 km. The F-16 Block 20 MLU is equipped with a new AN/APG-66(V)2A radar. The radar has a seven-fold increase in speed over previous version. The system can detect air threats at a range of more than 110 kilometres.

The MLU upgrade brought a new electronic warfare system and updated avionics. The F-16 Block 20 MLU can launch AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles with a range of more than 100 kilometres.

Ukrainian army’s 47th Brigade hoisted a flag atop a building in Robotyne’s town center. It’s another 50 miles to Melitopol  Next major strongpoint after Robotyne is Tokmak; after that, it’s a straight shot to Melitopol and to the Black Sea coast.

If Ukrainian troops are going to reach the coast and sever the overland supply lines into Russian-occupied Crimea, they might do so here, along the fields and narrow treelines on the road to Melitopol.

2-brigades are leading the way:, 47th and 82nd.


(12-08-2023, 11:11 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  ANKARA, Turkey — Russia was sending a clear message to Turkey when it bombed Ukrainian business Motor Sich, which makes engines for Turkish aircraft, analysts have told Defense News.
Putin not afraid of Ukraine (can bully) but not Turkey.
Putin is re·cal·cu·lat·ing and recalculate again. He Miscalculated"...all again. Too many time. Undecided

Putin Miscalculated"all again. Too many. TongueUkraine’s Su-27 Interceptors Are Dropping High-Tech Glide Bombs. Sukhoi Su-27 Flankers with American-made Joint Direct Attack Munition-Extended Range glide-bombs. Lt. Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk—the air force commander said Su-27-and-JDAM-ER can haul tons of bombs out to a radius of 700 miles or more—and defend itself while en route.

It took some effort to transform the interceptors into fighter-bombers. Ukraine’s fleet of Su-27s includes a mix of Su-27Ss and Su-27Ps can carry a 500-pound JDAM-ER hanging on a custom-made pylon under wing of one of the air arm’s 80s-vintage Su-27s.

(21-08-2023, 09:51 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  F-16 vs Sukhoi Su-35 multi-role fighter. A twin-engine, single-seat aircraft, it described as Russia's signature heavy fighter bomber by RAND Corporation. While F-16 can reach Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound, Russian Su-35 maximum speed of Mach 2.25
BulgarianMilitary.com recalls comparison between Su-27 and F-16 was made some time ago by the Ukrainian pilot Lieutenant Colonel Fischer Dmitry Vilhelmovich. Who admits flew in the early days no F-16 and was satisfied with the American Falcon. However, he confirms words of Russian experts, saying that F-16 has inferior characteristics to those of “its Su-27”. The Ukrainian pilot discussed comparing Su-27 and F-16 in terms of maneuverability and close combat. His opinion is that, first of all, no one beats Russian fighters terms of maneuverability, and as for close combat, Su-27 superior to US F-16. It is the maneuverability that even distinguishes Su-27 from all Soviet/Russian fighters. Many local [Russian] experts perceive Su-27 as the most maneuverable fighter in the air.

Comparison between Su-27 and F-16 is as logical as it is illogical. According to many military air experts, Su-27 should not be compared with F-16, but with another US flagship – the F-15. But the fact that the closest to the MiG-29 – the competitor of the F-16 in the same class, is Su-27, that’s why this comparison is currently being made. Big Grin Thinking

(25-08-2023, 04:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Ukraine celebrated its Independence Day, Ukrainian forces landed in Russian-occupied Crimea and raised the Ukrainian flag near the coast, on Aug. 24.
Ukraine's special watercraft landed on the Crimean coast at near Maiak, on northwestern tip of Crimea, and engaged in combat. Maiak is located less than five k/m from Olenivka, where Ukraine destroyed a Russian air defense system the day before.
Intelligence spokesman Andriy Yusov said Ukrainian forces had already returned from Crimea without suffering any losses.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty news outlet about Crimea, reported explosions near Maiak at 5 a.m. Russian radar base and radio engineering troops are located in the area.
Russia Ally Calls Prigozhin Crash ‘Too Crude’ to Involve Putin. Belarus President Lukashenko said
Wagner fighters will remain in Belarus.

A portrait of Yevgeny Prigozhin at a makeshift memorial in Rostov-on-Don on August 24.
A portrait of Yevgeny Prigozhin at a makeshift memorial in Rostov-on-Don on August 24. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said the plane crash that killed Yevgeny Prigozhin was too unsophisticated to have been an assassination plot by Vladimir Putin, even as he said he warned the Wagner leader his life was in danger.

“I can’t imagine that Putin did it, that Putin is to blame,” Lukashenko said Friday during a visit to a university in the capital, Minsk. “It’s too crude, unprofessional work.

Robotyne has been liberated," Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar was quoted as saying by the military. The settlement is 10 km (six miles) south of the frontline town of Orikhiv in the Zaporizhzhia region on an important road towards Tokmak.

Russia likely cancels major military drills due to lack of troops, equipment, British defense ministry says.
It took Ukrainian forces six days of heavy fighting to reclaim the village after Ukraine's 47th Mechanized Brigade broke through multi-echelon Russian defensive lines near Robotyne.

Ukraine was"scale up experience in the field of UAVs to other areas of military innovation" and launch an "army of robots.""Our team is ready to cooperate with anyone who can help us in strengthening our front in terms of technology," Fedorov added.

Same as Russia has also developed robots that it has said will be used in Ukraine.

(30-08-2023, 02:47 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Ukraine was"scale up experience in the field of UAVs to other areas of military innovation" and launch an "army of robots.""Our team is ready to cooperate with anyone who can help us in strengthening our front in terms of technology," Fedorov added. Same as Russia has also developed robots that it has said will be used in Ukraine.

Putin Miscalculated not only a self-inflicted. Most successful strike in Russia airbase with drones.

Destroying war planes by Ukrainian drones have hit at least six regions deep inside Russia in one of the largest strikes. Russian officials confirmed attacks on targets in the Pskov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Orlov, Ryazan and Moscow regions, with the assault on the military airfield in Pskov that damaged aircraft as the most significant. more than 600km (400 miles) from Ukraine, it was where a number of elite paratroopers are stationed. The state-run Tass news agency reported at least four giant Il-76 transport planes were damaged, two of which had “burst into flames.

I saw a video of the Nazi or Fascist Ukrainian troops that torture and behead a Russia POW in an underground bunker. It was found out after it was taken by Russian. They show the pass of that Ukrainian soldier think he is hot target now.

Then I saw another comedy video a Ukraine soldier that get separated from his main troops and is lost in the forest unwittingly walk into a Russia outpost. He is glad Russian did not fire but just cuff him after he walk in hands held high. He look quite old and should count his lucky stars he get lost.

Then another video of the Russian arty bombardment accurate-ness. No survivors among the small 6 men detachment all dead in the trenches after the drone camera zoom in after the white smoke clear away.

Then another video interviewing a young Ukrainian soldier. He say his father and uncle choose to fight on Russian side while he fight on Ukraine side. I wonder if they came face to face will they pull the trigger and kill each other? Hmmmm

Wagner Chief Is  Buried "Putin Killed... crying

Destroying war planes by Ukrainian drones have hit at least six regions deep inside Russia.

Ukraine make weapon hits Russia target 700 k/m away. DW News.

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