Singapore offers medical team as Gaza aid

Singapore offers medical team as Gaza aid
[+] 3 users Like Bigiron's post

Good good. We must seem to be doing something while keeping our boys out of harms way Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Safe or not har? I supposed medical team as Gaza aid means we help people from Gaza i.e. Palestinians tio bo? This crazy Jews if they know we send medical team to help Palestinians but hide in Egypt, I am afraid they might locate our position and bomb it by air or send some missiles over to destroy them.      Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Got people dare to go? These IDF have gone crazy. They will kill anything that move. Many UN workers had already died from the bombing.

We are definitely pro Israel.

In order not to ruffle feathers too much due to our mooselim neighbours in the region, need to support and provide humanitarian aid Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Why go and help the wounded terrorists disguised as patients?


8Umbrella Umbrella

During Gulf war we also sent team and said take care both ?

(13-11-2023, 07:50 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  Singapore offers medical team as Gaza aid

does it mean that we are not shortage of doctors and nurses anymore ?

can our a&e cut short our waiting time by 50% ?
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(13-11-2023, 09:30 AM)forum456 Wrote:  does it mean that we are not shortage of doctors and nurses anymore ?

can our a&e cut short our waiting time by 50% ?

No, many of our doctors and nurses are on leave and holidaying overseas with their families.

So there is still a shortage of doctors and nurses this holiday season.


8Umbrella Umbrella
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See which unit medic and Mo tio...
Some might be regular might be NSmen or NSF.

Regular shiok think the pay is in US dollars ( overseas allowance)daily if I am not wrong. 

Come back might got career advancement for those regular

How about NSF ? Got early release boh...
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(13-11-2023, 08:21 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  Safe or not har? I supposed medical team as Gaza aid means we help people from Gaza i.e. Palestinians tio bo? This crazy Jews if they know we send medical team to help Palestinians but hide in Egypt, I am afraid they might locate our position and bomb it by air or send some missiles over to destroy them.      Big Grin

Over 100 UN personal and employee have been killed in Gaza since the start of Israeli bombings.

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(13-11-2023, 11:07 AM)ysh02 Wrote:  How about NSF ? Got early release boh...

Sure got "early release" - on any of the following conditions:
a. you lost 1 or more limps, 
b. you lost your mind, or
c.  KIA.

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(13-11-2023, 11:15 AM)Manthink Wrote:  Sure got "early release" - on any of the following conditions:
a. you lost  1 or more limps, 
b. you lost your mind, or
c.  KIA.


(13-11-2023, 08:29 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  We are definitely pro Israel. 

In order not to ruffle feathers too much due to our mooselim neighbours in the region, need to support and provide humanitarian aid Big Grin

Izzit ???

I surprised coz our FM Vivian keep saying SG policy is "pro-Singapore" leh. Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(13-11-2023, 11:26 AM)Manthink Wrote:  Izzit ???

I surprised coz our FM Vivian keep saying SG policy is "pro-Singapore" leh. Big Grin

We are pro Singapore and against all kinds of terrorists Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
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(13-11-2023, 11:33 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  We are pro Singapore and against all kinds of terrorists Big Grin

Of course lah - on paper will you openly support Gangsters and Thugs ?
But if these same group of pple serve you some interest ?

I give a simple FACT - Hamas was indirectly create and supported by Israeli gov under Netanyahoo  ?  Big Grin 

[Image: hamas-204015906-16x9_0.png?VersionId=8VT...oQBl6YRRve]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

"...Netanyahoo (political) strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking.."

Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel's Shin Bet security service, told the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth in 2013 that "if we look at it over the years, one of the main people contributing to Hamas's strengthening has been Bibi Netanyahu, since his first term as prime minister." In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah."

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(13-11-2023, 11:07 AM)ysh02 Wrote:  How about NSF ? Got early release boh...

I think NSF can refuse to go if they think it is dangerous and not defending Singapore as their conscript is for defending Singapore and not Gaza.   .      Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
[+] 1 user Likes Huliwang's post

Let's get this fact out of the way: Under International Laws, Israel's killings of children, women and elderly in the tens of thousands classify its Zionist govt as War Criminals, and hence are Terrorists.

Under UN Laws, any Occupied has the legal right to resist militarily against its Occupier. Hence the 7 Oct Hamas attack is a legal right of resistance, hence no UN resolution has been sought against Hamas, which is the ruling party of Palestine Gaza.

So Israel is the terrorist and the world over with their protests and demonstrations have stood on the side of Palestine against Israel

Sinkiepoor PAP better wise up

Stop condemning Hamas but be on the right side of history and start condemning Israel instead, because its Zionist govt is the real terrorists, as proven to be true, bombing hospitals, schools and churches and mosques, and stopping water, electricity, food and fuel supplies . These are all acts of terrorism.

Hamas just want a hostage exchange and a 2 state solution, the Israeli occupation of Palestine must stop

(13-11-2023, 01:22 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  I think NSF can refuse to go if they think it is dangerous and not defending Singapore as their conscript is for defending Singapore and not Gaza.   .      Big Grin

Zhun boh??? Usually they those tio want are those unit that going  stand down wan

Combat medic will be a plus
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(13-11-2023, 01:29 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Zhun boh??? Usually they those tio want are those unit that going  stand down wan

That is how I  feel. I think their parents can get legal advise on this.    Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
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(13-11-2023, 01:22 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  I think NSF can refuse to go if they think it is dangerous and not defending Singapore as their conscript is for defending Singapore and not Gaza.   .      Big Grin

You "think" ?  LOL! Obviously you never serve NS.  Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

We should stay out. Missiles have no eyes  Missiles can misfired.  Missiles cannot distinguish Hamas from civilian. The worst is yet to come.

(13-11-2023, 01:31 PM)Rubitin Wrote:  Even smart boobs have no eyes. Bombs are blind.

This can mean 4 things:

a. Israeli military isn't as advance (or smart) as many perceived
b. The Israeli military doesn't care for innocent life
c. The Israeli military has become incompetent
d. All of the above.

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

(13-11-2023, 01:32 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  That is how I  feel. I think their parents can get legal advise on this.    Big Grin

Medic are always the want tio this type of operation de...
If the MO go with you are also going to ord will be Sian...

Just like 
Indonesian riot
Taiwan 925 earthquake

And etc...

Luckily, LKY never copied the whole model from Israel. 
We took Plan B instead. Big Grin


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
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